Huo Qian stood in front of his sister's row of houses and asked, "Whose house does this belong to?"

"Brother Shichiro's."

"Whose room does this belong to?"

"Brother Yuanzi's."

Huo Qian looked embarrassed, lowered his head, and said with tears in his eyes, "Do you have a real brother?"

Jiuli pointed to the room next to Qilang, in the middle of the west side, and said, "This room belongs to my younger brother."

Jiu Li obviously looked at Huo Qian's tear-stained face, a ray of joy flashed across her face, then touched the tears, burst out laughing instantly, then pushed open the door, and rushed in.

The bedding in this room is complete, but Madoka comes to live here occasionally, maybe because of the cold weather recently, he always clings to Shichiro to sleep.

When Jiuli came back a few days ago, Sankui's spirit fox would always nest by his bedside.Xiaoyuanzi then clings to Sankui again, insisting to sleep with his brother-in-law.Just to see that spirit fox.

His room is on the east side, the one next to the sun room.

Huo Qian could also live in this room, after all, it would be warmer by the sun, but Huo Qian refused.He has to live with his sister.

Qian'er must be exhausted after this tossing, and he must have not had a good lunch, so Jiuli went to the kitchen to cook some porridge.

Steamed pigeon eggs with safflower and Panax notoginseng, the herbs are from home, and the pigeon eggs were sent by the women who came here to cook some time ago.There are still a few, Jiuli will use it, it is the medicinal food to protect his heart.

Huo Qian didn't know whether he was sleeping in the room or crying with excitement.

Jiuli stood at his door with a bowl and chopsticks and knocked a few times, but he didn't open the door.

Jiuli thought of something, turned around and went back to Sankui's room. When she came out, her waist was bulging, as if something had been placed there.

She stood at the door of Huo Qian's house again, knocked on the door softly and said, "Qian'er, is there something fun for my sister? If you don't want it, can my sister give it to someone else?"

Huo Qian didn't know whether he heard something funny or smelled the smell of rice at the door.Slowly opened the door.

Jiuli froze for a moment when he saw him, he thought he would cry, his face was full of tears.Unexpectedly, his face was full of joy, he turned a little circle on the ground, and said, "Sister, this exquisite house is exactly what I like. I just touched it side by side."

I don't know why, when Jiu Li heard this sentence, he was a little touched.No matter the ends of the world, she will definitely cure his illness.

"Here, do you want to drink the porridge made by sister?" Jiuli put the bowls and chopsticks in his hand on the chair in front of him, and asked, "If you like to drink it, you can show it to sister."

Jiu Li hadn't finished speaking, when she turned around to look again, Huo Qian had already drank a bowl of porridge into his stomach, if it wasn't for the residue of medicinal food on the corners of his lips, Jiu Li almost thought he was lying down. It fell.

"Did you finish?" Jiu Li asked suspiciously.

"En." Huo Qian nodded like a child, staring at Jiuli expectantly, like a child who is full and waiting for a reward.He is 15 years old, but his eyes are still pure and clear, just like a child.Once upon a time, she also had such pure eyes, such expectant eyes.

At that moment, Jiuli's heart felt warm, she reached into her sleeve, and then slowly took out the pair of golden eggs.

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