Chapter 731 My Brother Is Back
When Huo Qian stared at the pair of golden eggs, he was a little dazed.He took both hands in his hands and squeezed vigorously.

Looking up at Jiu Lidao again, "Sister, is this true?"

Jiuli nodded and said, "Of course."

Huo Qian suddenly thought of when he was young, once his grandfather carried him to the palace, like in an imperial study, the emperor even hugged him, there was a pair of golden eggs like this on the table at that time, he touched it for a long time, and he couldn't put it down .

As soon as the emperor was happy, he immediately said, "Give this pair of golden eggs to Qian'er."

Old Hou Ye stepped forward to thank him, and when Huo Qian was about to leave with the two golden eggs in his arms, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ran in at this time.He is also a child, he tightly hugged the two golden eggs in Huo Qian's hand, even if he snatched them, he would never give them back.

Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince crying, it would be too unreasonable for the old Hou Ye to stop expressing himself at this time.So he hurriedly said in front of the emperor, "Your Majesty, let this pair of golden eggs be given to His Royal Highness to play with."

But it was obvious that Huo Qian's small eyes were very wronged, the eyeballs rolled in the sockets, although they didn't flow down, it could be seen that he also loved that golden egg.

The emperor's heart seemed to have been touched, and he had no choice but to be fair to Huang Gong behind him, "I will now give Huo Qian the title of Young Lord, hereditary."

This is how Huo Qian obtained his identity as the Young Master.

After so many years, I would occasionally think of the pair of golden eggs, and always feel regretful, but I didn't expect that my sister would get them at this time, and they would be delivered to him.

The difference between this pair of golden eggs and other golden eggs is that this pair of golden eggs has two small heads, one is the head of a little rooster, and the other is the head of a little hen. The small heads are exquisite and cute.

When Huo Qian was a child, he fell in love with this pair of golden eggs because he took a fancy to these two chick heads. Now when he held them in his hands, he still couldn't put them down.

This seems to be the realization of the childhood dream little by little.

"Thank you sister, how do you know this is my favorite?" Huo Qian looked at Jiuli gratefully and said, "I've been obsessed with it since I was a child. It's been so many years."

"Is this your favorite?" Jiu Li opened her mouth wide and asked suspiciously. At that time, she took three things from Uncle Huang, one was a golden knife, and she would definitely give it to Xiao Yuanzi who was practicing martial arts; It is the golden hammer, and she will definitely give it to the younger brother who often works as a carver; the rest is the golden egg, which Huo Qian can hold in his hand when he is free, and he can also exercise his muscles and bones.

Where do you think so much.

No wonder it was his favorite.

Looking at Jiuli's confused eyes, Huo Qian's heart was hurt again, he turned his head coquettishly, entered the room, but couldn't come out.

No matter what Jiuli called, he would not open the door.Angry.

In the evening, the yard was full of laughter and laughter, and those people from the academy came back.Shichiro, Madoka, and Sankui.

An adult leads two small ones.

When they entered the yard, they saw something strange. First, they could smell the aroma of the rice at home. The aroma was overflowing, and they could smell it from a distance.

When I entered the door again, I felt that the yard was different.

A lot of quilts and clothes were dried.

And there seemed to be many figures shaking.

Xiaoyuanzi was the first to rush through the door and shouted loudly, "A newcomer is here?"

Huo Qian stopped being angry a long time ago, he came out of the room a little arrogantly, with his hands folded on his chest, his chin raised high, but with a smile in his eyes, he said, "Brother, you're back."

(End of this chapter)

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