That night Huo Shiyu sent a hundred elite soldiers to embed themselves in Prince Hua's house, but Sankui killed them all, leaving no one alive. He always killed them with one move.

After that, he walked back and forth several times before transporting the soldiers to the gate of Wuhou Mansion.

As for where the soldiers were, there were numbers on the clothes inside.If Sankui wanted to know whose soldiers it was, wouldn't it be easy?
I don’t know if anyone knew what happened during the night, but no one mentioned it after getting up the next morning.But Xiao Yuanzi looked at the traces of blood in the yard and shouted loudly, "Why is there still a bunch of blood here?"

Does Sankui need to show blood when he kills someone?
But there are always some clues.

I just don’t know if everyone didn’t pay attention at all, or if they really don’t know.Xiaoqi just got a bucket of water and cleaned it up, and no one mentioned anything after that.

It's like this didn't happen.

A hundred elite soldiers sneaked into a house and were all killed without leaving any trace. This is a bit shocking if told.

So when Mr. Huo knew that there were soldiers piled up in front of his house, he did not dare to say anything, quickly ordered people to move away, and properly dealt with the aftermath.

This kind of thing can only happen if a mute eats Coptis chinensis, and any pain will be swallowed first.So much so that when many people in the capital discussed this matter, they thought it was a legend and thought it was impossible.

At the end of October, Sankui and the others went to the Imperial College on time and school started on time.

Jiuli also found schools for Huo Qian and Qilang during those days. Xiao Yuanzi was placed in the prodigy class of the Imperial College because of her young age.The Imperial College only has a child prodigy class, which recruits students from all over the country.

Can Qilang and Huo Qian go in?Wouldn't that be like being turned into ashes instantly?

It wouldn't work if they started studying with Xiao Yuanzi in kindergarten, right?So I was assigned to the school opposite, Shenlong Academy.

Although this was not part of the Imperial College, it was not a school that ordinary people could afford to attend. Only children from official families and hairpin families could enter.

Huo Qian and Qilang asked Mr. Weng Ji for help, but Huo Qian didn't care. He was the young Marquis. If he went to this place to study, there would be nothing wrong with him, but he was in poor health.The academy doesn't really want to accept him.

Weng Ji had already arrived in the capital. He and San Kui came to the capital one after another. He was the old priest of the Imperial Academy, and he had a colleague relationship with Mr. Fan of the Fan family, as well as a superior-subordinate relationship.

When Mr. Weng Ji was away, Mr. Fan was in charge of important affairs. Since Mr. Weng Ji, Mr. Fan has resigned because of his poor health.But the old Jijiu Wengji still did not enter the Imperial College.

He only appeared in Shenlong Academy once while he was busy with Qilang and Huo Qian's studies. After that, he seemed to have disappeared from the world, never to be seen again.

Qilang and Huo Qian were still in the bottom class in Shenlong Academy, and they were placed at the back.Qilang didn't point out what he could do well in reading. Anyway, as long as he came to study, Sister Jiuli would be very happy, so he came to school happily every day carrying his schoolbag.

Huo Qian thought the same way.

The two of them had been at the bottom from Yuelu Academy, all the way to the capital, without any progress.Finally, we are not lonely on the way to the bottom. The two of us have always been at the bottom. (End of chapter)

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