In the class where Qilang and Huo Qian were at the bottom, there was another classmate who was exceptionally outstanding and always came last in exams.Who?
Huo Yidong in Wuhou Mansion is the third son of Huo Jiang's original wife, Mrs. Xue.Among the three sons, he was the most miserable. He lost his mother when he was young. Mrs. Xue was gone when he was very young.

Huo Yibei and Huo Yinan both remembered their mother, Mrs. Xue, but their youngest son, Huo Yidong, had no memory at all.She was raised as a daughter since she was a child.

He was brought up by Mrs. Hou, but when he had memories, Xue Liniang came in.So many times he thought Xue Liniang was her mother.Among the three children, only he and Xue Liniang have the best relationship.

Xue Liniang has a special status and background. She has been trained in a brothel since she was a child. When Huo Yidong is brought to her to raise, can anything good happen?

Huo Yidong is extremely feminine and wears flashy clothes. Sometimes he walks awkwardly, but it doesn't have any impact on his heart. After all, he often spends time with his two brothers who practice martial arts.

He also practices martial arts, but he is not as skilled as his two brothers. He has no problem dealing with ordinary people.Besides, if anyone in Shenlong Academy dares to bully him, he doesn't need to find his eldest brother, he can directly find his second brother Huo Yibei.

Huo Yibei never asked the reason, and he didn't bother to know the reason. The only thing was that his brother was bullied and had to fight back.

So few people mess with Huo Yidong.Even when he went too far, many people pretended not to see it.He has a nickname called "Shenlong Academy Flower".

Although Huo Qian has the same father as him, he definitely doesn't recognize him.But this does not prevent Huo Yidong from getting to know him.

There are two new students in the class, they look timid and a little shy.Especially Huo Qian, who looks very much like his female classmates.

Qilang is a country person. Although he has been with Jiuli for so long, he still comes from a small place. At first glance, he looks like he came from a ravine. He is covered in dirt.

The two of them sat at the very back, extremely eye-catching.

A male classmate seemed to be joking and said, "Huo Yidong, from now on, the nickname 'Yizhihua' no longer belongs to you. It will not be worthy of the name anymore."

Although the name "Yizhihua" is used to describe girls, it is not a good word to call a boy like this, but he was taken away by someone?

If you don't like it, it can only be because he doesn't want it, and it can't be taken away.

He hated Huo Qian at that time and vowed to expel him from Shenlong Academy, so he smiled lightly and said, "It will be soon."

The student said mysteriously in his ear, "It is said that he came in because of the old man from the Imperial College offering wine. It is said that he came from a far away country."

Huo Yidong snorted coldly and said, "No wonder I feel like a country bumpkin. It turns out I came from a far away country."

When he said this, he deliberately raised his voice loudly so that Huo Qian could hear it.

Huo Qian has been a little marquis since he was a child, and he is loved by thousands of people. Although his body is not good, his mental quality is very strong, and he will not take him seriously at all.

Even if he says a few other words, he still won't respond.

It was his indifference and alienation, and his attitude of not taking Huo Yidong into his heart that angered Huo Yidong.

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