Huo Yidong from Shenlong Academy said to the male classmates behind him after class, "Follow him and see where he lives."

Seeing that Huo Qian and Qilang have been unknown since they entered the school, they don't like to play with other classmates, and there is no special tutor to take care of them.

It probably doesn't matter. If such a person is bullied, he will be bullied. As long as the bully is unaware, nothing will happen.

The other students also like to play pranks. They all like to hang out with Huo Yidong without studying.Huo Qian and Qilang were followed that night.

Jiuli's house is not very far from the Imperial College. They walk through the alley in front of the house and turn a corner to the Imperial College.Whenever Sankui came to class, the two of them would go home together, with Sankui following Xiao Yuanzi.It is no longer like when we were in Xianxia Village, everyone would go away together in an oxcart and then come back together.

Unless Xiao Yuanzi had a special request and asked them to wait for him after school in the evening, the two of them would go home together.

The next day, when the student told the courtyard where Huo Qian and Qilang lived, someone immediately said, "That was Prince Hua's house back then. They must have rented it. The master of Dinghou Mansion must be someone else." Will sell it to this kind of person. If it is rented, it must be rented at a very cheap price, or you can open the door and live in it yourself. After all, it is haunted, and most people will not live in it. "

They quickly understood Huo Qian's ins and outs, but he had no backer and could be bullied.

Huo Yidong knew very little about his younger brother, except that he lived in Qingqian Villa. As for his name, he really didn't know.His grandmother would occasionally mention 'Qian'er' in front of him, but he wouldn't think much about it.

Moreover, since they moved here, Huo Jiang has never stepped into the house once.How could it be connected with their Wuhou Mansion?
Huo Yidong has been looking for opportunities.

After all, Huo Qian's home is close, he left right after school, and the road is straight. It is not easy to intercept him on the road. He needs to find a suitable opportunity.

Mrs. Hou has already entered Wuhou's house, and she entered the house with Shiyu and the others.

Since entering the mansion, she and Aunt Chun have been staying in her yard and not going out for a long time.Their courtyard has the same layout as Qingqian Villa, and is also placed in an extremely secluded courtyard near the back mountain.

This is Huo Jiang's request. If everyone from Qingqian Villa comes back, even Huo Shiyu and the others will come back.There must be space for Mrs. Hou.

Mrs. Huo reluctantly built a new courtyard for her there.It's far, far away from Mrs. Dehuo.In fact, this was gratifying to Mrs. Hou. At least Mrs. Huo didn't want to see her, and they couldn't touch her.So Mrs. Hou has been back at home for a long time without making any noise.

None of Mrs. Xue's three sons went to pay her respects, but it was Xue Liniang's place, and these three children went to pay her respects every day.

They didn't like Huo Shiyu either. They didn't like Huo Shiyu before they knew he had a wrong identity, because he was born to Mrs. Hou and had a grudge against them.

After knowing that she was the wrong country girl, she looked down upon her even more and had no need to speak.So they have zero communication.The children on Mrs. Hou's side were almost indifferent.

How would they know Huo Qian and Jiuli?

In their minds, this young lady who grew up in the Hou Mansion was nothing more than that, arrogant and rude. What about the wild girl who grew up in the countryside?They won't take it seriously at all. (End of chapter)

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