Qilang was left in the cafeteria to repair the table, and Huo Qian wandered out alone.They were all in the academy, with walls outside. When Huo Qian was rarely alone, he walked around the academy.

At this time, a student in the class named Xiao Lin was also sitting in the back row and had almost zero communication with Huo Qian.Seeing Huo Qian at this time, he said hello for the first time.

Huo Qian is a warm-hearted boy who has never experienced any big storms. He is a very simple person.He also raised his hand to say hello.

He ran over panting, as if he was looking for him around the academy, and said, "Shichiro has just left the academy, and he seems to have had a fight with someone somewhere."

The person Huo Qian cares about most in the entire Shenlong Academy is Qilang, and the person he is willing to do things for is also Qilang.When he heard that Qilang was beaten outside the academy, he immediately became angry and said, "Where?"

Xiao Lin led him out of the academy in a hurry and walked towards the side path.

Huo Qian has several secret guards, all given to him by Mr. Huo.Since he has been living in Xianxia Village since then and is protected by Jiuli and Sankui, does he still need secret guards?

Huo Qian drove them back and asked them to guard Mrs. Hou.If you protect Mrs. Hou, you have protected him.

None of the four secret guards remained, all beside Madam Hou.

At this time, Huo Qian hurriedly followed his classmates out of the academy. Even though he walked around a quiet path for a while, he didn't see a single person, and he didn't raise any suspicion at all.

This is his classmate. The two of them usually have no grudges and no grudges. Can he harm him?

Although Huo Qian is the young prince of Wuhou Mansion, he grew up in Qingqian Villa most of the time. He came to the capital several times for treatment, and he was very young at that time.

It's just that he is actually not familiar with the capital.

Anyone else living near the capital would have been suspicious when they saw this winding and quiet path, but Huo Qian did not and continued to walk forward with his classmate.

Why is this trail so secluded?
This path leads to the former Gongsun Mansion.Gongsun Mansion covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, and hundreds of people were killed at that time. The corpses were placed in a secluded courtyard.

Later, no one dared to walk through that courtyard for so many years, saying it was haunted.Some bold people say that at night, you can hear the shrill cries coming from the dilapidated courtyard.

Others said that when walking there in broad daylight, they would hear crying coming from inside.

As time passed, no one dared to go there, not even the beggars.

Although Gongsun You lives in the Gongsun Mansion, he is quite far away from the courtyard.Even he himself did not dare to live in that courtyard.

Huo Qian was led towards the courtyard at this time.It was October and the weather was a bit cold.The trail was dark, damp, and a little eerie.Occasionally a bird flew overhead.

Make an 'ah' sound.This path added a bit of weirdness.

Because Huo Qian was anxious and kept thinking about Qilang. He didn't know what was ahead, so he was very magnanimous.But this classmate Xiao Lin is different.

He had fallen down twice on this path, and Huo Qian helped him up each time.Seeing his trembling and extremely frightened look, Huo Qian felt that Qilang was being hurt at this time, and he was even more tormented in his heart.He wouldn't mind Xiao Lin's little moves.

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