Finally at a corner there was dense jungle and tree branches.The student pointed to the lonely house not far away and said, "Shichiro is right there."

Huo Qian didn't have time to think too much. He lifted up his gown and walked quickly towards the dilapidated courtyard.

When he opened the door and went in, where was Shichiro's shadow?
The scene in the open room was so horrific that Huo Qian screamed in fright, turned around and ran outside.There was only a 'pop' sound, and the courtyard door was locked.

Huo Qian was shouting at the top of his lungs in the yard. There was no sign of a human being anywhere, and only the birds flying overhead made a hoarse cry, which made people's hair stand on end.

Jiuli was in Meng Xianshu's room at the time. Meng Xianshu was still recovering from her injuries outside. The medicine was prepared by Jiuli alone. Her internal injuries had healed, but her face and head were covered with gauze.

Just when changing the dressing, Meng Xianshu would scream in pain.In order to distract her attention, the nanny often asked Meng Xianshu about the events of March [-], [-], for the big families in the capital.Sometimes Jiuli is here and listens to a few words.

I heard the nanny say, "In the Wuhou Mansion in the capital, there is a Marquis named Huo Jiang. His first wife, Mrs. Xue, gave birth to three sons. The eldest son Huo Yinan, the second son Huo Yibei, and the third son Huo Yidong are studying at Shenlong Academy. , these three sons are all handsome in appearance. Why didn’t the young ladies in the talent show at that time fall in love with these three young men in the Wuhou Mansion?"

Jiuli was in a daze and didn't know how much she heard.At this time, the wound was taking place, and Meng Xianshu's expression was a little ferocious.

Jiuli didn't want to give her anesthesia, which would hurt her body, so she just asked her to endure it.Fortunately, she was strong and recovered fairly quickly.

When Jiuli went to get medicine from her backpack, her hand was suddenly pricked by a needle that appeared out of nowhere, and blood flowed out.She put her fingers in her mouth and sucked.

Xiaoju looked worriedly at the blood flowing from her fingers and said, "Sister Jiuli, what's wrong?"

Jiuli suddenly covered her little heart, and her expression suddenly changed.Meng Xianshu, who was lying on the side, also felt that Jiuli's expression was abnormal, and she also stepped forward to hold Jiuli and said, "Miss Ruan, what's wrong?"

"Something happened to Huo Qian." She shouted in shock, "I'll come back another day. I have to go back now."

After Jiuli finished speaking, she jumped up and ran out of the window.She ran back directly using Qinggong. Instead of going home, she ran directly to Shenlong Academy.She jumped into Shenlong Academy.

Qilang had already finished his work in the cafeteria and saw that Huo Qian was not in the classroom and was looking for Huo Qian all over the yard.

Seeing Jiuli walking over in a hurry, he asked with some confusion, "Sister, why are you here?"

Jiuli ignored him, but looked around quickly, her words a little excited, and said, "Where is Huo Qian?"

"I'm looking for him too." After Qilang finished speaking, he added, "Is there anything else?"

Jiuli ignored Qilang and turned around to leave, but in this vast capital, where could she go to find Huo Qian?She wasn't dreaming, and she didn't see it in a dream. She could follow the address in the dream to find it.She has no clue now.

Just as she stood there, thinking about which direction she should go, she only saw a sneaky figure not far away. The moment she saw her standing there, a figure hid instantly.

Jiuli was trying to capture some information.Huo Qian was attending classes in the academy, how could he disappear for no reason?

Someone in the academy must know him.

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