Flower Moon

Chapter 191

In the three years he has known Hua Ling, he has read very few poems.

He seems to be a young son from a wealthy family, with a scholarly air, but he has never had those kind words or beautiful poems to show off his identity and status.On the contrary, he usually speaks concisely and concisely, always using the fewest words to achieve the greatest indifference, almost making others afraid to talk to him.

Today, he not only said a poem, but also such a romantic poem.It really surprised Tao Yue'er.

After taking a closer look, I found that it actually meant something like that.

In just such a moment of confusion, their heads were already covered with snow.Isn't it just like what the poem says, "we grow old together"?
"We will not only grow old together because of 'snow'." Tao Yue'er smiled slightly, brushed the snow off Hua Ling's head, and said, "I will accompany you until our hair is gray and white. Never leave.”

Hua Ling had no doubts about what Tao Yue'er said because he could clearly hear her thoughts.This was the voice in her heart, louder than anything she had ever heard.

She really wanted to live like this with Hua Ling, put aside everything in the outside world, and live an isolated but plain and quiet life in the flower house with just the two of them.Two people in one house, three meals and four seasons, extremely happy.

Hua Ling didn't answer, she just smiled and brushed the snow off Tao Yue'er's head and said, "It's cold outside, go back inside."

"Okay." Tao Yue'er nodded and led Hua Ling into the house.

The interior of the house is also different from the usual furnishings.The wintersweet blooms in the yard are extremely beautiful, and I also cut a few in the house and put them against the wall.Paired with the moire-carved tables and chairs, it serves as the finishing touch.On the main table in the middle, there are two pots of holly, one on the left and one on the right. They are bright red.On the wall on the table, there is a huge word "福", which is naturally red to suit the occasion.

On the ground in front of the main table, Hua Ling dragged out the tea room tables and chairs, placed a small stove, and heated a hot pot in the stove.Vegetables and meat slices were spread all over the table, leaving only room for two people to sit in front of the table, facing the direction with the word "Fu".

In front of those two positions, dishes and chopsticks have naturally been placed.

"I said I would make the New Year's Eve dinner, why have you already prepared it?" Tao Yuer'er looked very surprised after entering the house.He quickly asked: "When did you prepare it?"

"Just now. I prepared it when I was changing clothes." Hua Ling's face turned a little red. She didn't know whether it was because the charcoal fire in the house was too hot or because she was praised by Tao Yue'er.

Tao Yue'er sat down at the table unceremoniously, followed closely by Hua Ling, who took a seat next to her.So in front of the two of them were various dishes, and above their heads were two pots of bright red holly. On the wall above them, a bright red word "福" was pasted.Every decoration is related to the Chinese New Year, but the placement of every item makes people think wildly.

"Do you think our posture... is a bit strange?" Tao Yue'er couldn't help but ask.

"What's weird?"

"Look at the word 'Fu'. If it were replaced by the word 'Double Happiness', the two pots of holly could be replaced by dragon and phoenix candles, and the clothes you and I..." It is originally bright red, so it goes without saying.And they were sitting side by side eating hot pot...

"So? Is there any problem?" Hua Ling looked indifferent, as if she hadn't discovered anything or thought of anything.

This calm look made Tao Yue'er think that it would be too embarrassing to say what was on his mind at this time.
"Between you and me, just say whatever you want. You can't hide it from me anyway," Hua Ling reminded.

Tao Yue'er thought it made sense, smiled and said: "This scene, if we are not eating hot pot, but just kneeling here side by side, it would be like worshiping heaven and earth."

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, she carefully observed Hua Ling's expression.She didn't mind worshiping with Hua Ling, but she didn't know if what she said would make Hua Ling feel offended and make her unhappy?

Hua Ling was not unhappy.

He just smiled slightly, poured Tao Yue'er a glass of wine, then took a glass himself and drank it all in one gulp.Soon, his face became even more rosy. "Eat well and don't think too much," he said.

Tao Yue'er felt relieved when she saw that he wasn't angry.So I started to eat New Year’s Eve dinner calmly.She turned on the stove and the soup was already boiling.Tao Yue'er couldn't wait to put some vegetables and meat in, and then waited for the vegetables to be cooked.However, the dish was not cooked properly.

Tao Yue'er was a little hungry. While waiting for the dishes to be cooked, she could only drink two more glasses of wine with Hua Ling.

The wine was not the usual strong wine, but a warm wine similar to rice wine. It was moist and sweet when it entered the throat. It did not hurt the stomach. On the contrary, it felt warm after drinking it.

After three glasses of wine, the dishes were finally cooked.Tao Yue'er took a bite. The beef was very delicious and the mutton was also extremely tender. He quickly gave Hua Ling a few chopsticks.But Hua Ling didn't seem hungry. She didn't move her chopsticks, she just held the wine glass and looked at her with a smile.

Tao Yue'er was a little embarrassed by his stare, but she couldn't avoid it. She could only face his intoxicating gaze, find a topic, and said: "How did you think of having hot pot today?"

"In the records of pure drinking and eating, hot pot is eaten during the Chinese New Year," Hua Ling said.

There is indeed such a thing.

Tao Yue'er saw the record of hot pot, but she didn't see that she had to wait until New Year's Eve to eat hot pot.

"Then it's not written in the book?" Tao Yuer'er was sure.She read that book over and over again, but it was not mentioned anywhere.

Hua Ling said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if it's not written in the book. I'll just remember it here." Hua Ling said, pointing to her forehead with her index finger.

Hua Ling rarely did these little things on weekdays. She didn't know whether it was because of drinking or because she was too happy today. Her whole person showed a sense of frivolity that was not in line with normal.The look in Tao Yue'er's eyes became more and more drunk.

"You're drunk." Tao Yue'er reminded him.

He shook his head: "No. I'm just...a little happy."

Tao Yue'er was confused: "Why are you happy?"

Hua Ling didn't speak, just looked at Tao Yue'er.He looked at her from top to bottom, first at the top of her head, then at her clothes, and then turned to look at the big red word "Fu" and holly on the high hall.

He smiled and then said: "Today is New Year's Eve. After today, this year will be over. On the next New Year's Eve, I am afraid you will have already sat on the table in Penglai. Aren't you happy?"

"Today, we will treat it as an early celebration for you topping the ladder list and becoming the Penglai Immortal."

After Hua Ling finished speaking, Tao Yue'er was completely shocked.

Hua Ling usually had too high expectations for her, but today it was simply audacious to celebrate her becoming an immortal.

If she remembers correctly, there has only been one Penglai Immortal Lord since ancient times!

Does he want her to usurp the throne? !

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