Flower Moon

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Hua Ling heard Tao Yue'er's inner surprise and felt that she had made a mistake.But he didn't act too great. He smiled and said, "Set your goals higher. Small goals in the near future will be easier to achieve. If your goal is Penglai Immortal Lord, then climbing the ladder will be a good idea for you." Do you feel a lot more relaxed?"

"Not at all." Tao Yue'er pouted and said: "The selection for the ladder is to compete with others, and Penglai Immortal Lord is someone who can kill me with just a finger. How can I dare to covet him?"

Tao Yue'er completely thought that he had drunk too much, and hurriedly poured him tea and said, "Stop drinking, wake up."

"There are no outsiders here, and I'm not afraid of anyone hearing me." Hua Ling was already drinking and ignored Tao Yue'er's advice.

Tao Yue'er said: "It's not completely absent." Over the years, she has had a lot of borrowed powers from others in her bracelet. Although she no longer needs to rely on the power of others, the soul in her bracelet is None of them disappeared.Even Chen Qiubi... was bound by her bracelet, not because of her power.

Chen Qiubi's strength is very small, and what is left now is only a little bit of reluctance and love for her children.But she kept her because she hoped that one day, she could find a way to bring Chen Qiubi back to the world.Not a ray of resentment or a lonely soul, but a new human being.

Although she knew it might be small, she was still willing to give it a try.

"Is it worth it?" Hua Ling asked her: "Chen Qiubi married your childhood sweetheart. Although she was deceived into the marriage, she brought it upon herself. What does it have to do with you? Do you need to worry about her?"

"It's worth it." Tao Yue'er nodded without hesitation and said: "Chen Qiubi is the same as me, at the bottom, and has never hurt anyone. She treats me very well. If I have the ability, I will naturally help her. . I don’t know if she wants to live again now, but I think that in her last life, she had no way to choose her own life and death, and her life was killed by the person next to her. If she does it again, I hope she can choose her own life and go there. The life I want to live.”

"After all, I have no other friends. Apart from you, the only one I care about and cares about me is her." Although she has only a trace of ghost left, she will try as long as there is still some possibility.

"These are all small problems, as long as you are happy." Hua Ling smiled and said: "But if you really want to change the rules of this world, it is not enough to become a ladder climber. Instead of following the guidance of Penglai Immortal Lord, it is better to Replace it. By then, the whole world will have to listen to you."

"Then I can't do it." Tao Yue'er scratched her head and said, "I know exactly how many pounds I have. At most, I can take care of your three meals a day and the food and clothing of my three friends around me. Other things, I really haven’t thought about that much…”

"Here we go again." Hua Ling sighed and said, "Where did the ambition to set fire to the Luoshui River a few days ago go? Did you forget it so quickly?"

"I haven't forgotten." Tao Yue'er said: "But step by step, just become the five heaven-reaching ones first."

"Yes." Hua Ling drank her wine, nodded with interest, and said no more.

That night, Hua Ling didn't speak again.He just drank one cup after another, with a smile on his lips, and looked at everything red in the living room.He didn't let her leave, just sat next to him and stayed with him.

So Tao Yue'er finally understood why he was eating hot pot.Because only hot pot can be eaten all night long without getting cold.

And Hua Ling's calm and lonely look made Tao Yue'er unsure whether he was happy or unhappy?

After watching the New Year's Eve, they both went to sleep.Tao Yue'er had a nightmare all night.

In the dream, she and Hua Ling were executed in public by the Penglai Immortal Lord on the faint Penglai Immortal Mountain, watched by many Xuanmen disciples.The reason is naturally because of her 'disloyalty'.

In her dream, she firmly believed that once Hua Ling planted this seed in her heart, she would explain everything when she saw the Immortal Master Penglai.After all, even she can hear the voices in the hearts of others, so how could Immortal Penglai not hear the voices in her heart?
She dreamed that she and Hua Ling were burned by fire, just like what she saw in the murals, and she was in agony... Then she woke up with a start.Having such a dream on the first day of the Lunar New Year is really unlucky.

Tao Yue'er got up anxiously and went downstairs to find Hua Ling already sitting in the incense room.

"Are you having a nightmare?" Hua Ling asked when she saw her coming down.

Tao Yue'er nodded: "Yes. Did you hear it?"

"I heard it." Hua Ling said, "You shouted very loudly."

"Sorry... I disturbed you." Tao Yue'er looked at him shiveringly, and then prepared to cook. But halfway through, she felt that she still couldn't vomit, so she turned back and said, "But Hua Ling, although we A little stronger than the average person, but I still insist that we can't rush forward. The assassination of the Immortal Lord needs to be considered in the long term."

"Assassinate the Immortal Master?" Hua Ling was very confused when she heard this, and looked at her as if she were seeing a ghost: "When did I say I wanted to assassinate the Immortal Master?"

"Didn't you say to replace Immortal Lord Penglai?" Tao Yue'er blinked and asked.

Hua Ling looked at her in silence for a while and said, "You have to have dreams. What if they come true? But the method doesn't need to be so extreme." Hua Ling seemed to have a headache. After speaking, she stroked her forehead again. Said: "Is this why you have nightmares?"

Tao Yue'er nodded: "Yes."

Hearing this, Hua Ling became even more speechless. She forced a smile and said, "Just forget it. It was just a joke after drinking too much last night. Don't take it seriously."

"Really?" Tao Yuer asked in surprise.


Hearing this, Tao Yue'er suddenly felt that a big stone weighing on her heart was lifted.These days, she has always regarded Hua Ling's words as an imperial edict.

Hua Ling never tricked her, nor did she have any unrealistic expectations for her.He said that if he wanted her to participate in the selection of the Penglai Ladder, she would have the power to match it.This made her take Hua Ling's joke about replacing the Penglai Immortal Lord seriously.

She was so frightened that she had nightmares all night.

Now that she heard that he was just joking unintentionally because he had drunk too much, she breathed a sigh of relief.

If possible, she really just wants to live a simple and ordinary life with Hua Ling.

After the New Year, Jingguo Jingcheng began to become lively.The streets are crowded with people and there is a constant flow of cars and horses.Even the inns outside the city were full of people.It has been laid out along the national highway, just like this, a tent was set up to sleep on the roadside, and there was an endless line of mysterious practitioners.Children as young as seven or eight years old, as old as hundreds of years old.Everything is available.

(End of this chapter)

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