Flower Moon

Chapter 213

The meaning of Chang Pei Diji's words is very simple. The world in the 'door' is not peaceful, but if you can't stand the prelude, then it's no wonder Penglai.The only thing to blame is their low endurance.

The baby and the light on the door can indicate the life and death of the people inside the door, so the lights on the door have not changed for the few people who entered before.In other words, the world in the door has little to do with the mystical arts, otherwise those mortals would not be able to sustain it for so long.She also said that her "psychological endurance is low," which means that the world inside the door is more about psychological warfare.

Ji Qingwan's death is not in vain, at least it lets the remaining Xuanqing Sect disciples know that the world in the 'sect' is dominated by the state of mind.Then Ji Hanyu can also be more prepared in this regard.

After Ji Qingwan was born and died without a body, the atmosphere in the Xuanqing Sect became even more depressed.

"Where can I retrieve the body of Junior Sister Qingwan?" Ji Hanyu asked Chief Pei Diji.

Chang Pei Di Ji shook her head calmly and said: "There is no way to take it back."

"When you die, you disappear forever?" Ji Hanyu asked again.


Chang Pei Diji's cold words made everyone present hesitate.Originally, the nine countries were competing for the ladder selection, but at the last moment, many people gave up.

Ji Hanyu would naturally not retreat, but when he thought that he might die in the door, he felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Tao Yue'er, can I say a few words to you?" Ji Hanyu suddenly walked up to Tao Yue'er and asked her.

Tao Yue'er glanced at Hua Ling, who didn't object and stepped aside voluntarily.Obviously, he probably guessed that Ji Hanyu came to say goodbye, and did not embarrass him too much.

After Hua Ling left, Ji Hanyu's posture became obviously more relaxed.Several people looked at them, seeming to be curious about the relationship between Ji Hanyu and Tao Yuer'er.Even Chang Pei Diji couldn't help but look at them.However, since she was at a high place, Ji Hanyu and Tao Yue'er didn't know that she was looking at them.

"Have you decided which door to enter?" Ji Hanyu asked.

"I've thought about it." Tao Yue'er answered truthfully.

"Can I stay with you?" Ji Hanyu asked again.

Tao Yue'er was puzzled: "Why are you by my side?"

"I don't know what's inside the door. Maybe I can't get out, maybe you can't get out, or maybe none of us can get out. If you die near your friends, maybe you won't be so lonely."

Tao Yue'er smiled and said, "Can't we come out together?"

"Of course this is the best. But, who knows what will happen?" Ji Hanyu changed his previous arrogant and indifferent appearance. In the face of life and death, he seemed to have forgotten the past of their breakup.He just looked at her face and wanted to talk to her one last time.

Ji Hanyu's inner thoughts were reflected in Tao Yuer's heart without reservation.

On his calm face, she could not see the slightest trace of his reluctance.But his heart had long been torn into several petals, one of which belonged to her.

"I really wish that the time could go back to three years ago, and the Immortal Master had never issued an order for the selection of Heavenly Masters. And I had never been placed in high hopes. In this way, we would still be friends, and we wouldn't have difficulty talking to each other now. appearance."

Under Ji Hanyu's smiling expression, the helplessness in his heart was overwhelming.Tao Yue'er suddenly discovered that Ji Hanyu's heart towards her had never changed, but he was burdened with too many worldly burdens, forcing him to take a different path from her own.But fortunately, in the face of life and death, he was still willing to look back and talk to her again.

"Okay." Tao Yue'er said with a smile, "Let's go in together."

Although the two had conflicts, Tao Yue'er also knew that the separation between them might be forever.So no matter how murderous and reckless Ji Hanyu became, at least in front of this door and in front of her, he was still the innocent boy he was before.

After Ji Qingwan's incident, many people who wanted to come in were dissuaded.Especially the middle and high-level disciples of Xuanqing Sect, those who have broad piety, choose the latter between adventure and safety.On the contrary, it is the people at the bottom who are willing to take risks and make all-or-nothing efforts.

In the end, the fifty doors were not filled.In front of Tao Yue'er, there were three doors, one of which was the shabbiest wooden fence she chose for herself.Like the door of the Salesian Office.The slightly better door on the right is made of a single piece of wood and looks quite decent. Ji Hanyu picked it for himself.

Before entering the door, Tao Yue'er released the soul belonging to Chen Qiubi from the bracelet. When everyone in the palace saw Chen Qiubi, they all picked up the sword.

"Where did the monster come from?!" Ji Hanyu was the first to ask her.

Tao Yue'er quickly explained: "It's not a monster, it's my friend. She died, but her soul has always been supported by me. It's not a demon."

"Dead people lingering on the world will turn into monsters sooner or later." Ji Hanyu's concept is deeply rooted and cannot be explained. Tao Yue'er ignored him and only raised his head to ask Chang Pei Di Ji: "Dare I ask Di Ji, can the soul participate in the trial? ?”

As soon as Tao Yue'er said this, more people became excited.

Soon, Chang Peidiji gave an affirmative answer: "Yes."

"Okay, Qiubi, you will participate in the trial with me." After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, his soul, which looked like only a ray of light to others, entered the door on Tao Yue'er's left.

Of the fifty doors, only Tao Yue'er and Ji Hanyu's were left.

"Why don't you go?" Ji Hanyu asked Hua Ling strangely.

He always thought that Tao Yue'er had reserved a room for Hua Ling, but he didn't expect that Hua Ling had no intention of participating in the trial.

Hua Ling smiled slightly and said, "I'll wait outside the door for Tao Yue'er to come back."

At midnight, the white tower is still as bright as day, and it seems that the passage of time cannot be felt here.Only the countdown water leak on the fifty doors can barely sense the passage of time.

Tao Yue'er delayed until the last moment. After watching Ji Hanyu enter the door, she took Hua Ling's hand and said, "I'm leaving."

Tao Yue'er was so reluctant to go in because she didn't know what the scene would be like inside, and she didn't know if she could still come out to see Hua Ling.So I treated my goodbye as a farewell and didn't want to go in.

Hua Ling urged her: "Enter earlier, finish earlier, and we can meet again sooner."

Hua Ling was full of confidence and gave Tao Yue'er some encouragement. She nodded and prepared to go in, but at the last moment she turned around, took out a short blade from her sleeve, cut off a lock of her hair, and stuffed it into In the hands of Hua Ling.

She said: "If I can't come back, I will use this lock of hair to accompany you instead of me." After she finished speaking, she knew that Hua Ling would scold her for doing something unnecessary, so she turned around and entered the door without waiting for his answer.All the noise behind him was blocked out.

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