Flower Moon

Chapter 214 Goodbye Boy

The world inside the door is completely white.There was heavy fog in front of me, and the 'door' behind me had also disappeared.It makes people unable to distinguish between front and back and things for a while.

Tao Yue'er found a direction and moved forward.In the gray world, everything is unknown.

Gradually, I don’t know how long I have been walking, but suddenly there are roars in my ears.Like wild beasts, like ghosts, they come from all directions, making people's hair stand on end, as if they are being attacked from both sides.

Tao Yue'er increased her vigilance and carefully avoided their sounds. Gradually, the thick fog dissipated, and countless huge corpses appeared around her, standing in front of her eyes.

Tao Yue'er's sense of danger became heightened. Although the huge skeleton in front of her was scary, she didn't feel any danger.She passed through their chests, but could not see the end.Some of these skeletons resemble humans and some resemble animals.A deathly haze shrouded the surroundings, adding to the sense of lifelessness.Death seems to be the only color here.

Tao Yue'er suddenly found that she was very familiar with this place.

Huge corpses, bones all over the place, and a thick fog that never dissipates. Isn't this the same ancient wilderness that Hua Ling once took her to? !
So...the so-called Ladder Trial actually transports them to the prehistoric era?In other words, a prehistoric illusion was created, and the first five people to find the exit and return to the world will be the ones who reach the sky? !

Tao Yue'er is very familiar with Honghuang.Familiar with the operating rules here, it seemed to her that she was cheating.She didn't know how others could leave the wilderness, but Tao Yue'er thought that as long as she found the boy who trapped her in the wilderness and killed him, it would not be difficult to leave here.

The world seemed to sense Tao Yue'er's inner thoughts. Soon, the fog dissipated, and a big mountain appeared in front of her eyes.On the dark side of the mountain was a stream, similar to the one the boy had taken her to.

There is also a big tree on the mountainside.Looking from a distance, the mountain is abrupt and majestic with bones scattered all over it - that is where the boy lives.

In the wilderness, a young man's home was built on the hillside of a mountain.The core of a large tree trunk that blocked out the sky and sun was hollowed out, so there was a shelter above the head, and some beast skins were spread inside.

Seeing this scene, Tao Yue'er had already concluded that Honghuang and his party were the special training given to him by Hua Ling.Train her to pass the trial faster.Although she didn’t know how Hua Ling knew the content of the Heaven-Bearing Trial, the pleasure of taking shortcuts occupied her heart.

Suddenly she no longer had any worries.

Tao Yue'er walked quickly towards the top of the mountain, because the boy she wanted to kill was either under the tree or in the goddess temple on the top of the mountain.Now that the boy was not seen in the tree hole, the person she was looking for was at the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there are clouds and mist like those that Tao Yue'er has been to. He passes through the clouds all the way to the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain, the field of vision is wide. Looking around, there is still only a vague cloud. The white clouds are floating below the mountain, covering the entire continent. shrouded in it.Tao Yue'er ignored the scenery and relied on her memory to quickly find the location of the cave.

Outside the cave, there are still flowers blooming.Cluster after cluster, bright red and extremely magnificent.Tao Yue'er was still shocked when she saw this scene again.If you hadn't touched it with your own hands, you would never have imagined that these clusters of flowers would be carved from dead bones.

The "flowers" blooming on the dead bones are probably a reflection of the young man's heart - he can still bloom in the dust.

As for why it blooms, maybe it’s because of the goddess in the cave.

Tao Yue'er heard a clanking sound coming from the cave, as if someone was chipping away at the wall with an ax or other instrument. It was probably a young man who was carving a statue of the goddess, asking her to keep improving.

Tao Yue'er walked into the cave and felt the familiar smell of death in the air.It's like the death air that permeates this ancient continent, but with space to store it, the density of the death air increases, making the cave feel more dull than the outside world.Walking further inside, there is a huge arched rotunda hall. In the hall, a lifelike stone sculpture.She wears a pure white gauze gown, has long, smooth, straight black hair, and has a red lip on her fair and translucent porcelain skin.His hands were naturally and slightly curved toward the front, as if he were holding a child's hand, and the slightly upturned corners of his lips seemed to crush the tenderness of the whole world.People who are too beautiful to be in this world.Like a ray of light, it lit up the entire palace.It is the statue of the goddess.The young man, holding a carving knife, carved carefully on the skirt of the goddess.

The current goddess statue is not the eyeless goddess that Tao Yue'er saw for the first time, but a goddess statue that was modified by a later teenager and had eyes carved out, which is [-]-[-]% similar to Tao Yue'er.

The moment Tao Yue'er saw her, she felt a little dazed.

She looks like herself, but not like herself.

Tao Yue'er couldn't tell who she was, but if she wasn't herself, then who could she be? !
"Who's there?" Suddenly, a male voice came.It is not as crisp and translucent as that of a young man, but has a hint of calmness in it.He was slightly different from the boy Tao Yue'er met for the first time.

Tao Yue'er felt a little strange.

Why does this voice sound less like the ragged young man from the prehistoric times, and more like a pampered courtesan who burns incense and drinks tea day and night?

Just when Tao Yue'er was confused, the young man in front of the statue of the goddess stood up.As if to investigate.

Tao Yue'er didn't care to think about the identity of the goddess, she took out a sharp dagger from the makeup box and hid it in her sleeve.At the same time, he slowly walked out of the shadows and came to the young man.

"Who are you?" The young man turned around and asked her.

Only then did Tao Yue'er realize that this young man was different from what she remembered.

She has a cool and tall face, a straight and pointed nose, thin and transparent lips, and a clean face without any blemishes. It is completely different from the young man who lived in the filthy mire all year round that he saw in the prehistoric times.There are no blood scabs or scars on his body. Although he still wears the skin of a wild beast, his noble temperament cannot be concealed.

This facial features and temperament are more like a Hua Ling.

Tao Yue'er's hand holding the dagger suddenly tightened.

Although he had already made some mental preparations, he killed the boy as soon as he saw him, so as to seize the opportunity and be the first to become one of the five heaven-reaching ones to get out of the trial.But when she saw his face, she couldn't do it for no reason.

Originally, the young man looked exactly like a hualing, so she couldn't help but watch the young man die in front of her eyes.Now this young man seems to have grown up overnight and has grown into the appearance of a flower girl.She was even more reluctant to take action.

Tao Yue'er remained silent and just looked at the young man with extremely sympathetic eyes.The young man felt offended and glared at me, saying, "Tell me! Who are you? What is your purpose here?"

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