Flower Moon

Chapter 240 Immortal Lord Candidate

The long corridor was silent and empty. Although it was pitch black, it could still reflect the appearance of people. The candles on both sides lit up instantly due to their arrival, but the light was instantly absorbed by the dark hall. In the end, there was still a long and dim corridor, which was only ten steps in front of you.

"Is Master Penglai's eyesight bad?" Chen Qiubi asked in a low voice next to Tao Yue'er.

Tao Yue'er frowned: "Why do you think so?"

"He probably felt that the light was too dazzling, so he dimmed the candlelight so much."

Tao Yueer: "..."

It is well founded and cannot be refuted. Otherwise, Tao Yue'er really couldn't understand why a dignified Immortal Master of Penglai, No. 1 in the Three Realms, would hide everything about himself in darkness?
The footsteps of a group of people echoed in the main hall, but Tao Yue'er discovered that the people in Penglai walked very lightly, and their footsteps could hardly be heard. Even though they were wearing military armor, they still didn't make a sound.

"The Immortal Lord likes to be quiet and doesn't like to hear other people's voices, so you should pay more attention later." said the general of the Pegasus Cavalry.

After hearing this, Chen Qiubi immediately stopped her steps, moving as lightly and slowly as possible, but still making a sound.

"General, how did you do it?" Chen Qiubi asked him.

He smiled, took out a soft cushion from the sole of his foot, and said with a smile: "I can't be as respectful as Chang Pei. I can't learn the skills after practicing for hundreds of years, so I can only cheat."

When Chen Qiubi saw it, she nodded repeatedly: "It's a good idea."

She couldn't find a mat for a while, so she simply took out her handkerchief, tore it in two and tied it to her feet. Now, she could be said to be walking lightly.

Others followed suit and carefully wrapped their shoes in order not to make any noise in the empty hall and make Immortal Master Penglai unhappy. Only Tao Yue'er didn't do this.

The sound of Tao Yue'er's walking was not loud, but it was still there. Among the group of people, only her walking voice was clearly audible.

"You're not afraid." Chang Peidiji couldn't help but frown again.

Tao Yue'er pretended not to hear and walked straight forward.

"Yue'er, do you want to be more careful?" Chen Qiubi asked.

Tao Yue'er shook her head: "It's not a big deal." She smiled and continued: "If the Immortal Master doesn't like me, the worst he can do is cut off my legs. Or drag me out to fight. But I think, He should not do this. Otherwise, rumors about him killing innocent people have long been spread in the Three Realms, and he will not be able to sit in this position. Since he has not heard of anyone being executed for walking loudly, then I don’t need to do anything about it. After all, I don’t live for his happiness.”

So far, Tao Yue'er and the others have not gotten any benefits from Immortal Master Penglai. They have even been tempted and played with over and over again. She no longer wants to please someone she has never met before.

After all, pleasing cannot be exchanged for cherishing. Even if he is an immortal master, he should be treated as an equal.

The Qingjing Hall was extremely empty and large. The group of people walked for a long time before finally reaching the center of the hall.

Above the main hall, like the White Tower, there is a square high platform. On the high platform, there is a throne made of black gold. There was no one on the throne. The top of the throne's head reaches straight into the sky, and thousands of stars are shining, but there is no brilliance belonging to the sun and the moon.

"It seems that the Immortal Lord really doesn't like light." Chen Qiubi whispered.

"That's right." The general who led them in said, "The Immortal Lord doesn't like light or human voices, so we don't dare to make any sound when walking, for fear that one day the Immortal Lord will be disturbed by us when he is sitting here."

"Where is the Immortal Master?" Tao Yue'er asked him. "have no idea."

"I don't know?" Tao Yue'er frowned: "Then why did you bring us here?"

"The palace you live in is behind the Purity Hall. Everyone must pass through the Purity Hall and be baptized before entering. The Immortal Lord will receive you three days from now." After the general finished speaking, Chang Pei Diji said again: " Now I let you come here, just to tell you some rules. After three days, you must wear black clothes, use muffler pads, walk slowly, and don't make loud noises."

Tao Yue'er understood, this was another disguised form of 'disgrace'. When they arrive in Penglai, they must learn the rules of Penglai before they can meet the Immortal Lord.

"I'm tired and want to rest. Where is the palace?" Tao Yue'er asked.

The general frowned, feeling that Tao Yue'er seemed to be particularly unafraid of things. Chang Pei Diji already knew Tao Yue'er's temper, and was too lazy to talk to her. She stretched out her hand and said, "Go around the throne and there is a door. , when you enter, you will find your respective rooms."

Tao Yue'er didn't think twice and walked over, and soon came to a huge black iron door. She was about to push the door open, but stopped.

Tao Yue'er turned around and asked Chang Pei Diji: "Why don't you come?"

"I would like to." Chang Peidiji sneered: "But I am not qualified to enter."

"This is where the Immortal Lord lives. Only the Immortal Lord and the next Immortal Lord can live there." After the leading general finished speaking, the other people's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Can we all live in it?" Chang Yu asked in disbelief.

"Yes." The general said slowly: "You are the servant boys of this generation, and one of you will also become the next Immortal Master, so you are naturally qualified to live there. But..."

"Just what?" Chang Yu quickly asked again.

"It's just that whether you can win the eyes of the Immortal Lord depends on your own performance."


Chang Yu got the answer he wanted, and the dissatisfaction and bad luck on his face disappeared.

Regardless of whether they can take over as Immortal Master of Penglai in the future, at least they have a chance!
Chang Yu pushed the door open first, but couldn't. Next came Bai Xiangjing, Ji Hanyu, and Chen Qiubi. They all joined in pushing the door open.

Tao Yue'er was the last one to reach out. It wasn't that she was afraid of a conspiracy, but she always felt that the scene in front of her looked a little familiar.

It seems that once upon a time, she also saw a group of children pushing the door, but they couldn't push it open.

On the door, there is a mark in the shape of a sun, as dark as ink. Tao Yue'er always felt that the sun-shaped mark should not be black, but should be golden. Moreover, this sun should also be able to move.

Tao Yue'er stretched out her hand to touch the sun mark, and rotated it from top to bottom in the direction of her right hand. There was no reaction at first, but in the next second, the sun mark automatically turned in a circle, "Click." "With a sound, the door was naturally unlocked and opened outward.

A vast and prosperous snow scene comes into view.

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