Flower Moon

Chapter 241 Room

The overwhelming white snow fell one after another. The already empty Qingjing Hall was made even more desolate under the reflection of the snowy scenery outside.

"It's so cold..." Standing in the Purity Hall, I didn't actually feel cold, but once the door was opened, even if there was no cold wind blowing in, I still felt bitingly cold when I saw the white snow.

"She really turned me on..." Chang Pei Diji said in disbelief.

"After all, they are the people chosen by the Lord. They should choose five out of thousands of people. They should have their own advantages." General Tunan said to Chang Peidiji.

"I don't deny that they may be outstanding among mortals, but this is Penglai, why should mortals be allowed to take over Penglai? Is your family not strong enough, or am I not good enough?" Chang Peidiji gritted her teeth, feeling very unhappy.

General Tunan sighed and said: "We will listen to whatever the Immortal Master does. We cannot disobey the old man's wishes, so we can only obey. Otherwise, there will be no good fruits in going against the Immortal Master, what do you think?"

Chang Pei Diji didn't answer, snorted coldly, turned around and left the hall.

Her walking voice was extremely loud, even louder than Tao Yue'er's. This was the first time she was so rude in the Purity Hall, and she didn't care whether the Immortal Master could hear or see. This was the only way she could vent her anger.

After Chang Pei Diji left, General Tunan also left. Tao Yue'er and the others were left standing in front of Feng Xue, wondering whether they should step over.

In the wind and snow, you can vaguely see the clusters of buildings. Like the Purity Tower, they are made of obsidian-like texture. Although they are pitch black, they can still reflect clear and dazzling light. After the roof is covered with snow, it adds to the tranquility and simplicity.

"What should we do?" Chen Qiubi asked Tao Yuer.

Behind them, there was only an empty and dark hall. The lights in the palace were originally dim, but after Chang Pei Di Ji and General Tunan left, they gradually lost their light. There was darkness in front of them and darkness behind them.

"They said this is a dormitory, so just think of it as a dormitory." After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, she was the first to take steps and walked into the wind and snow.

But strangely enough, the moment Tao Yue'er stepped into the snow, the snow stopped. The wind stopped and the snow stopped, the dark clouds dispersed in the sky, and a patch of warm sunshine fell. The sun shines through the clouds, as if it has been coated with a layer of gold. The sunlight falling on the snow-covered roof is brilliant and beautiful.

"I suddenly felt that this was indeed Penglai." Chen Qiubi said, "Walking in the Purity Hall, I thought I had gone to the prehistoric era."

"Oh, you are talking as if you have been to the ancient times. How do you know that the ancient times were completely dark?"

"It's written like this in picture books, and it's what those storytellers said too!" Black is always synonymous with places like hell and prehistoric times. In stereotypes, black is always unflattering. It is even more impossible to associate a place like Penglai Fairy Mountain with black.

Now that the clouds are clearing and the sun is visible, it is all white, and there is a sense of Penglai's fairy spirit lingering there.

After the blizzard stopped, the original appearance of the house was revealed. There are a total of five houses, all of which are independent two-story buildings. Although they are all black, you can still see that they are different from each other.

The one closest to the Purity Hall is the most luxurious. Although the appearance is cold and cold, it can be seen that it is fundamentally different from other houses. If this difference is placed in the home of a mortal emperor, it will definitely represent the emperor. The prince's residence. The next four rooms are more scrawled than the last. Looking back through the black brick wall of the last room, you can even see that it is a wooden house made of black wood, with ventilation on all sides. "I want this room." Chang Yu walked directly to the first and most luxurious house without saying a word.

The others did not move and just watched Chang Yu push the door open.

I thought something big would happen, but nothing happened. Chang Yu walked in, closed the courtyard door, walked into the house, and disappeared from everyone's sight. There were no other strange sounds. It was obvious that her house should be extremely comfortable.

"Then I'm not welcome." Bai Xiangjing said, saying hello to the others, and walked into the courtyard opposite Chang Yu to check in.

Still nothing terrible happened. Even after he opened the window of his room, the remaining three people standing in the snow could see the splendid furnishings in his room.

"You guys choose first." Ji Hanyu said to Tao Yue'er and Chen Qiubi.

Chen Qiubi was shivering from the cold and wanted to leave very early, but Tao Yue'er made no move.

Tao Yue'er stood in the snow, looked at Ji Hanyu and said, "Why don't you choose a better room of your own like them? You know we won't compete with you."

"I can live anywhere, but as you are women, I should let you choose first."

After Ji Hanyu finished speaking, Chen Qiubi was extremely moved and wanted to choose her own room, but Tao Yueer held her back and said to Ji Hanyu: "It is true that our genders are different, but we don't need to be separated by gender. Differentiation requires you to make sacrifices. You are cultivated and self-restrained, and there is nothing wrong with putting others first in everything. But this is Penglai, and you no longer need to be proud of your hero and consider others in everything."

Ji Hanyu was a little confused when he heard this.

Tao Yuer'er added: "We are equal. After passing through the volcanic wasteland, I believe that the truest relationship between us has been exposed. We are all just passers-by in your life. In other words, everyone is just a passer-by in the other person's life. , you don’t need to pretend to be generous in order to consider other people’s opinions, we don’t want to accept your kindness, and you don’t need to defend everything.”

Tao Yue'er looked down at Ji Hanyu's feet and found that he was not wearing shoes.

In fact, the wasteland they experienced was not just an illusion, they had truly stepped into that place, and Ji Hanyu had truly lost all his pride. He was walking in the snow without any shoes.

"Go in." Tao Yue'er said to him, "This room belongs to you." She took the initiative to give way and gave up the third room to Ji Hanyu. Chen Qiubi watched her walk in, and then turned her attention to the last room.

Needless to say, if divided according to strength, the last room with air leakage from all sides belongs to Chen Qiubi.

Chen Qiubi walked over consciously, but was held back by Tao Yue'er.

"You live in the fourth room, and I live in the last room." After Tao Yue'er said that, regardless of whether Chen Qiubi agreed or not, she walked straight to the room with air leakage from all sides, opened the door, and walked in.

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