Flower Moon

Chapter 274 The prehistoric boy

The Hengchang family and the Liuye family had not offended Lianhua, and for framing Qiongqi, she was the one who felt sorry for the Hengchang family and allowed his family to take the blame for her. So Lianhua mainly tried to appease the two clans.

The Liuye family liked gold and silver, so she gave them a new gold mountain. Moreover, some of the descendants of Gong Yu's family who inherited Gong Lingcen's talents were sent to their family, which could be regarded as making up for and improving their family's shortcomings in immortal magic.

People in the Hengchang family like to make magic weapons. In order to prevent their family from becoming weak, Lianhua specially stipulates that only people from the Hengchang family can refine the instruments, completely cutting off the possibility of other families competing with them. From then on, the five major families each have their own specialties, check and balance each other, defend each other, and complement each other.

Lianhua has completely secured her position as Immortal Lord, and can sit back and relax in front of the five major Penglai families. But in my spare time, I still feel a little guilty and uneasy. The lotus flower on her forehead always hurts.

Lianhua looked through the ancient books and knew that this was because the person who made the seal contract with her was suffering. What she could feel was only one ten-millionth of the pain the other party suffered.

Qiong Qi is not dead yet, but he is probably worse off than alive.

Lianhua didn't know what he went through in the prehistoric times. She only knew that he would never come out. Don't ever bother her again.

Three years later, the lotus on Lianhua's forehead finally stopped burning, and the one belonging to Qiongqi disappeared.

Lianhua knew that this person was dead.

Lianhua breathed a sigh of relief. She was happy that she could finally have a good sleep. But she didn't seem to be able to sleep this night. As soon as you close your eyes, you will see Qiong Qi's eyes that look exactly like his father's, looking at him lovingly.

"I know you want me to die. If I die, you can sit back and relax from now on?"

Qiong Qi said this to Lianhua in his dream, but there was no resentment at all in his words, and he still looked affectionate. Jiao Lianhua's back felt cold and shuddering.

For three months, Lianhua could not sleep peacefully. Whenever she closed her eyes, she would dream about him.

Lianhua could no longer pretend that nothing happened, so she finally thought of a way, summoned people from the Hengchang family, and opened a teleportation array.

"Recently, floods have occurred frequently in the wilderness, which has caused the people of Jizhou to live in dire straits. I want to go to the wilderness to see what happened."

This statement is half true and half false, because there are indeed many prehistoric monsters in Jizhou, which means that the seal of the prehistoric world has been loosened. Although she wasn't going to see the seal, the fundamental reason was that she wanted to confirm whether Qiong Qi was dead or not. If he was not dead, she would kill him with her own hands. If he died, she would want him to die more thoroughly and never be reincarnated.

Otherwise, she would never sleep well.

Lianhua came to the primitive world for the first time, wearing only a cloak.

This cloak is completely red, which is completely different from her who always likes white and does not smear any other colors. But just such a strong and bright red, in the prehistoric era, is particularly unobtrusive. Because in the ancient wilderness, there was dripping blood, and everything you could see was scarlet. Walking in the wilderness with such a strong and bright red can be as unobtrusive as possible.

Lianhua came prepared and encountered no danger along the way.

The prehistoric world was extremely large, with only scarlet and mist as far as the eye could see, but Lianhua was able to find Qiongqi's aura in the directionless world. It was as if there was a pull between the two of them, guiding her path. Soon, she found him in a big mountain.

Rather than saying that he is Qiong Qi, it is better to say that he is a ray of Qiong Qi's soul.

The young man in front of him was only a thin and transparent shadow, his eyes were lifeless, but after feeling the breath of the lotus flower, he swooped towards her like a bee that smelled honey.

Lianhua stood still and allowed him to come closer to her, but his body passed through Lianhua's without any accident.

At this moment, he is just a soul without a body.

No, it's not even a complete soul, it's just some obsessions wandering around the world.

Lianhua knew early on that Qiongqi was an extremely paranoid young man. From the environment in which he grew up, he knew that in order to survive, he endured and suffered, but still did not give up. And after he realized that he had no way out in the future, he was able to kill Lianhua quickly, cruelly, and accurately, which is enough to show that no one can stop what he wants to do.

Therefore, even though his body was bitten, killed, and devoured by ancient monsters, there was still such a trace of obsession that remained here and would not be assimilated by any monster.

He can't speak now and can't see with his eyes, but he can find the direction of the lotus through his breath and rush towards her. It passed through her body again and again, but left no trace.

Lianhua looked at him silently, watching him fail again and again, and come to her again and again.

Blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, but he didn't know why. He only knew that he had a very important thing. He had been looking for it for many years, and now this thing finally stood in front of him, but he couldn't see her or touch her.

Lianhua stretched out her palm and exerted force on it, easily making the last ray of soul in front of her disappear into ashes.

Lianhua breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that she had finally solved her major problem and could return to Penglai with peace of mind and sit on her supreme Penglai Immortal Master. No one in the world can bully her anymore.

But just as she was about to leave, she didn't expect that the soul that had been destroyed in her hands would condense back together, and this time, he was not just a ray of soul.

Perhaps his obsession was too strong, and the force that broke him apart became his boost, making his originally transparent body become tangible.

Lianhua was shocked and used her strength again to scatter him. But he didn't expect that even his anger towards her could be used for his own purposes. This time, he grew full flesh and returned to the world.

Lotus felt a dull pain in her forehead and heart, and the twin lotus grew again on her forehead. Lianhua no longer dared to fight him off, and could only let him stand in front of her, saying to her with a very familiar face: "Who are you? I seem...to have seen you before. Strange, why am I To say that once... I seem to have lost a very important memory, you... who are you? "

The young man stood in front of Lianhua. Although he felt that she was extremely familiar, he had completely forgotten everything in the past.

Lianhua felt that she could not kill him by herself, so she had to find another way.

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