Flower Moon

Chapter 275 Black Lotus

"You smell so good, it's different from others." The young man followed Lianhua and kept rubbing against her.

This world is filled with the smell of blood, and you can see someone gnawing on other people's corpses if you take only two steps. If you eat too much, you'll start to mutate. One or two of them no longer had human form and turned into monsters one after another. The huge thing covers the sky and the sun.

Lian Hua is one of the few people in the world who has fragrance on her body that he has never seen before.

He had never seen her eat anything either.

"Why don't you eat?" Qiong Qi asked Lianhua.

He always dug up the corpses of many people or beasts from other places, and placed them in front of Lianhua, dripping with blood and steaming, to please her.

But Lianhua is not a prehistoric monster, so naturally he has no interest in these. So Qiongqi changed his approach. He was very smart. When he saw the flower totem on Lotus, he would try his best to carve flowers out of stone and send them to her.

When Lian Hua sees flowers, her eyes will be a little gentle or two. Most people can't see it, but Qiong Qi cares about Lianhua too much. I could catch every change in her, so I carved the flowers more diligently.

"The flowers here are dead and have no vitality. I like fresh flowers." One day, Lianhua finally spoke and started talking to Qiongqi.

She also captured for the first time that she could hear Qiong Qi's inner voice.

Even though he suppressed his love for himself on the surface, his heartbeat was as loud as a bell or a drum.

Even if he died once, subconsciously, he still loved himself. Without any impurities.

Lianhua suddenly hated him even more.

How could he transform so quickly? She had the courage to die with herself, and then she was able to make the decision to make a contract with herself and give her his soul. No one in Penglai would do this kind of thing for a long time.

Looking at the entire Penglai, there is really no second fool who gives his all to one person without any reservation. Even Lianhua, who had fallen in love with Gong Lingcen, couldn't do it.

Otherwise, she would have no regrets about all of Gong Lingcen's choices and would not resent him after her death.

After all, she still failed to love another person the way Qiong Qi loved herself.

Lianhua made up his mind to get rid of him. Otherwise, if she stays with him any longer, he will become her weakness.

As the Immortal Master of Penglai, she must not have any weaknesses.

In the ancient wilderness, there was a high mountain. On the high mountain, the bloody atmosphere was the strongest and it was the most dangerous place in Penglai. All monsters and monsters will walk around that high mountain, and even Lianhua will not go there if it is not necessary.

Because although she is the Immortal Master and possesses supreme immortal power, she will not ask for trouble if there are no necessary casualties. Prehistoric and Penglai are originally two sides of the same body, and they have existed since ancient times. Although every Immortal Master wanted to eliminate the Great Desolation, no Immortal Master could do it. Naturally, Lianhua never thought that she would accomplish this feat during her term of office.

Doing this can indeed make you famous forever, but what’s the use of being famous forever? Is it more important than her living comfortably every day?


Lianhua doesn't love this world, she knows this better than anyone else. The so-called God loves the world is just a slogan she needs to use to lead the world.

Lianhua took Qiongqi up the mountain. The people on the mountain had only one aura, which meant that there was only one magical beast occupying the entire mountain range. In ancient times, territory was everything. It is the well-deserved lord of prehistoric times. Lianhua is here not to destroy it, but to let it kill Qiongqi.

She couldn't kill him because of the mark, so she could only use other people's hands to completely erase him from this world.

However, what Lianhua didn't expect was that she would see another version of herself on the mountain.

She has a green face and fangs, and her fingers are sharp and sharp, like the claws of an animal. Her eyes were also pitch black, without the whites of her eyes. At first glance, she looked like a devil, but her facial features were the same as her own.

Lianhua instantly realized what the two sides of Honghuang and Penglai were. Every monster here is an immortal from Penglai. The projection of the dark side of their hearts formed the prehistoric world.

There is no god who loves the world at all. The tens of thousands of people in the world are just pets raised by gods. They use their lives and blood to nourish the ancient monsters, so that they will not cross the four seas, go to Penglai and disturb their beautiful life.

And in today's ancient world, the most powerful, insidious, and evil beast is the demon condensed from the dark side of his heart.

When she saw him, she was not afraid. She smiled coldly and said, "Is Penglai beautiful?"

Nature is beautiful.

"But Honghuang, it's so cold. It's cold and wet. I don't like it here at all. I like Penglai. Please take me to Penglai."

'She' opened her bloody mouth, spitting out countless fishy smells, and came towards the lotus with her teeth and claws. Just because the moment she saw Lianhua, she understood that she could give it a try.

She had no interest in eating all the monsters of the ancient world, but the moment she saw the lotus, she knew that by eating the lotus and replacing the lotus, she could become the lotus. Live a life of comfort, stars, and supreme glory.

'She' didn't even look at the boy Lianhua brought, she only focused on Lianhua. Lianhua was not afraid at first, but after the two sides fought, she found that she could not beat her! This made her fearful.

If you have fear, you will be timid and even more invincible.

Lianhua thought she would die from this, but she didn't expect that the young man would block it for her at the critical moment.

Not only did he not know where he got his power, but the dark lotus was no match for him at all. Just like the lotus hurt him, he can absorb all the power of the dark lotus to create a new self.

The power becomes stronger and stronger.

Lianhua in the darkness soon became no match for him. Just when he was about to kill her, he stopped.

"Why are you still standing there! Kill her quickly!" Lianhua shouted.

But the young man was still confused. He held the throat of the Dark Lotus in his hand, but he was still unable to remove the final killer. The look in her eyes suddenly became gentle.

"Are you... my beloved?" Qiong Qi asked 'her'.

He was not familiar with Black Lotus's aura, but he still recognized her facial features. Hearing this, Hei Lianhua seemed to suddenly know some terrible secret, and smiled: "Yes! Of course I am your beloved, are you willing to kill me?"

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