Flower Moon

Chapter 281 Eliminate Dissenters

But Qiubi has been trained as a successor by the Bishui Tribe and Lianhua since she was a child. She has tasks that she must complete, so she has never been able to make up her mind to leave the Pure Palace. Although men have been urging her, she has been pushing away until , she is pregnant.

Finally I could no longer hide this matter.

"Qiubi, why is there another person's heartbeat in your body?" Lianhua was the first to discover this matter.

Lianhua thought she had practiced some incredible magic, but when she saw her face stiffened, her expression was panicked, and her nervous voice sounded like a bell, Lianhua realized that she had already been married to a wife. His mind was no longer on his duties as a servant.

Lianhua was heartbroken and had not yet thought of how to punish her. After much thought, she wanted to let her go free, but she didn't want the man she was sleeping with to be the first to abandon her because he couldn't stand the pressure. At this time, Qiubi couldn't survive at all.

The news of Qiubi's pregnancy spread throughout Penglai. She found a high ground and jumped directly. Without any protective spells on her body, she fell directly from Penglai in the ninth heaven to the earth.

Naturally, there are no bones left. Even the bones were smashed into dregs and ceased to exist.

Lianhua let out a long sigh, and there were only four servant boys left.

Among the four, although Han Yu is talented and intelligent, he does not seek advancement and is too proud. Although Liu Jing has the support of the Liuye family, he has no ambition and cannot be reused. And the two would always fight over some trivial matters. Finally, under Hua Ling's instigation, the two had a life-and-death duel, and both ended up dead.

Only the Shentu family and Chang Yu family were left with the servant boy. Neither Shentu nor Chang Yu were good people. There were three people blocking them in front of them, so they didn't reveal too much of their true nature, and they didn't have any extravagant thoughts about the position of Immortal Lord. But after the death of the three people in front of them, they knew that they The opportunity came, so he took advantage of the opportunity and wanted to kill the other party. No matter how Lianhua tried to persuade him, it had no effect. In the end, Shentu was eliminated. He died under Chang Yu's magic weapon. Just like Qiongqi was inexplicably teleported to the ancient world in his previous life, he was thrown into the ancient world by her, leaving no trace of his body.

Lianhua could hear people's thoughts and naturally knew that it was Chang Yu who killed Shentu. But she had no choice. She was the only one left. No matter how she chose, she would be the next fairy master.

At this moment, the Hengchang family launched an attack, asking the five clans to join them and force Lianhua to confirm his successor. Because the five clans have jointly sworn that no matter whose family inherits the position of Immortal Lord, as long as she passes the selection of the spirit servant boy, they must support her unconditionally.

Lianhua was unable to get off the tiger, so she could only put the matter aside for the time being on the grounds that she was still in her prime.

It was at this time that Hua Ling walked from behind to in front of others. Lianhua experienced countless assassinations. Later, she was attacked from both sides. Many times, she even wanted to give up resistance and just hand over the position of Immortal Lord to others. Better than this endless noise.

But Hua Ling naturally refused.

When Lianhua didn't want to resist, he jumped out, causing countless assassinations to fail. In the end, Chang Yu had no choice but to risk his own life and take the risk himself.

Chang Yu's assassination also failed because of Hua Ling.

At that time, Hua Ling was staying with Lianhua. When Hua Ling saw Chang Yu coming in with poisonous food, what he was thinking in his heart was that Chang Yu was finally looking for death. When Chang Yu died, he could Justifiably possess the lotus flower. There was no decoration at all on the main hall of the Purity Hall, but what he imagined in his mind were all beautiful pictures.

For example, he wanted to tie her to the throne under Lian Hua and do some indescribable things.

When Lianhua heard Hua Ling's thoughts, her hands shook with fear and she didn't dare to drink the water. How could she be in the mood to eat the food Chang Yu gave her?

But upon hearing this, Chang Yu thought that as long as she ate the lotus flower, she would definitely die and she could inherit the position of Immortal Lord. Lianhua suddenly felt that it would not be bad to die like this. It would be better to die than to be tied to the throne by the flower spirit, day and night, which is indescribable? So Lianhua pretended that neither of them heard what they were thinking, and they should eat and drink. But when taking the first bite of food, Hua Ling knocked over Chang Yu's bowl. Naturally, the bowl was filled with poison that could corrode even the throne. Colorless and odorless but highly toxic.

Chang Yu and his men got all the stolen goods and were captured on the spot and taken away.

"Lotus, do you want me to kill her?" Since Hua Ling grew up, she has never called her 'immortal master', 'lord', 'Lotus fairy master' or other titles. Instead, she just Nickname for her: Lotus.

Lianhua knew that he was just subconsciously trying to be different, but what he didn't know was that her real name was Lianhua. It's just that she used someone else's identity to walk among various tribes, and she almost forgot her original name. When she heard this name again, she felt a little confused.

In a trance, I returned to the time when I was still a lotus plant, so innocent and brilliant, full of imagination for the future.

Now she doesn't know what else to fantasize about.

She has experienced it all.

She had no expectations for the future, and even felt that it would be better to die.

"They are all dead, are you satisfied?" Lianhua came back to her senses and asked Hua Ling.

Hua Ling looked confused and didn't understand what Lianhua meant.

But Lianhua could hear his inner voice. Although none of the five of them actually died in his hands, the death of each of them was inseparable from him.

He can accurately detect what everyone wants most and their weakest point, then attack and exploit it, and finally let them walk into the trap of their own destruction, but he can still escape cleanly and unscathed. Like a white lotus that has done nothing wrong.

She looks exactly like her back then.

"You succeed, you are the Immortal Lord. Then from now on, I wish you to sit happily on the Immortal Lord's throne for a long time, forever and ever, and enjoy eternal glory and boundless brilliance."

After Lianhua finished speaking, she dragged her exhausted body and left the Purity Palace. Then, regardless of whether Hua Ling wanted to or not, she unilaterally announced that Hua Ling would succeed the boy who served the spirit, and the five Xiaoyu clans would inherit their immortal master. position.

As soon as this edict was promulgated, the five clans exploded. The people who assassinated Lianhua changed their minds to assassinating Hua Ling. However, Hua Ling was not afraid of anyone who came and failed every time. And gradually, the people who opposed him became more and more popular. Come less and less.

He used his background in Yandang Mountain to convince the Bishui Tribe to give up their rejection of him. He will become a member of the Blue Water Tribe. Since then, Bishui has withdrawn from the dispute.

Then, he didn't know what method he used. Others said that he looked like Gong Lingcen, so he actually created a false identity, got involved with Gong Lingcen, and became one of his fifth-generation grandchildren. A grand ceremony for recognizing ancestors and returning to the clan was also held. So he gained the support of the Yu Clan.

As for the Hengchang family, due to what Chang Yu caused, their family made a deal with Hua Ling in order to save Chang Yu's life. As long as Hua Ling can save her and promise not to kill her after he succeeds to the throne, they will support his ascension to the throne.

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