Flower Moon

Chapter 282 The Immortal Master Changes His Ownership

Among the five tribes, three tribes supported Hua Ling, and his succession was already certain. The other two tribes were making trouble, but it couldn't make a difference, so they naturally stopped making trouble.

But he is not in a hurry to succeed. He even hopes to live with Lianhua for a long time as a servant boy.

But soon, Hua Ling discovered that he could not stay with her for a long time. Because Lotus began to grow white hair.

White hair is the first sign of the five declines of heaven and man. Generally, it can take seven to eight hundred years from the time when white hair grows to the time when you grow old. However, from the time when Lotus has white hair, it ends with a head full of white hair. Full of wrinkles, it only took three months.

In three months, Hua Ling settled the disputes between the five clans and confirmed for himself the unshakable position of the next immortal master. But when he finished all these tasks and saw Lianhua again, she was already old and her hair was white. Hair, face covered with wrinkles.

It's not that she deliberately used any tricks, but that she really has no interest in this world.

"Hua Ling, from now on you will be the master of this world, the only immortal master in Penglai. From now on, you must fulfill your duties and work hard to maintain the peace of the three realms. As for me... I can no longer accompany you, don't be sad, because we are meant to We were born in different eras. You and I have grown old, and we are destined not to be equal, so put away all your thoughts."

The last time Lian Hua saw Hua Ling, she wrote a farewell letter. Hua Ling was unwilling to believe this, and she did not believe that the omnipotent immortal master who had grown up with her could grow old or die.

"But this is reality. Everyone will grow old and die, and I am no exception."

Lianhua herself has accepted this reality.

But it was her acceptance that made her lose her vitality and caused her to age faster. Soon, she couldn't stand up.

"I don't want to be manipulated after death." Lianhua lay on the bed, saw Hua Ling's handsome appearance as a young man, and thought of the scenes he had imagined in his mind. Lianhua suddenly felt that she should give it a try in this life.

But why is it him?

He was killed by her...

He didn't know anything, so he was deceived by her, played by her, and in the end he wanted to be with her wholeheartedly, even if she was old or dead, he still wanted to be with her.

She really couldn't accept it.

"I want to come cleanly and leave cleanly. No one can trap me. If possible, I hope none of this has ever happened..."

After Lianhua said the last sentence, she seceded in the Palace of Purity, and she was not a warrior for the sake of the common people. She could not have opened a portal according to her memory, and someone from the Hengchang family had teleported herself to the prehistoric times. . It would be better to be torn to death by wild beasts there than to be tied up by a flower spirit in the Purity Hall after death, leaving him to look at his corpse day and night, indescribable.

Lian Hua died and Hua Ling went crazy.

He tried every means to inherit the position of Immortal Lord just to be with Lianhua, but he didn't want to end up with such an ending. He refused to admit that it was his fault, so he blamed everything on others.

The five tribes were defeated by him one after another and disappeared from Penglai.

Immortal Lord Linghua abolished the regulations on the servant boys and took all the power back into his own hands. After gathering everyone's power, only a few loyal confidants were left, and everyone else was driven out of the world. Penglai became a dead city with snow all year round. There are no more flowers, no more laughter here, just coldness and lifelessness day after day.

However, Immortal Master Linghua restrained Penglai more powerfully than any other Immortal Master in the past, so that under the rule of Immortal Master Linghua, there was never any big trouble in the world. During his reign, it was the happiest and most prosperous years in the world. His voice was louder than the other Immortal Masters combined.

But when he went to the primitive world, he was not going to kill the monsters of the primitive world, but to find the lotus.

He had been looking for her for hundreds of years, and finally found some trace of her in the wilderness, a remnant soul that had been eaten away long ago.

Now, without the Immortal Master's mark, she can no longer hear what Hua Ling is thinking, and she can't even remember who Hua Ling is. But even with such a trace of remnant, she still murmured to herself, saying: "It would be nice to go back to the past... At that time, everyone was fine. It would be nice to go back..."

Hua Ling thought that what she wanted to go back to was when the five servant boys were all there. At that time, the seven of them had a really happy time in the Purity Hall. Even he, who was always bullied, felt that at that time, Lianhua had the biggest smile on his face.

The flower spirit continued to search, and finally found the soul of Lianhua after traveling all over the world. But these souls lack the will to actively survive, so they all have their own thoughts and cannot unite together.

He decided to re-cultivate Lianhua's physical body, so he put away all her aura and memories and placed them in a crystal ball. Only the little soul who was most curious and fond of the world was left behind and fell into the world. From then on, he transformed into a flower girl and grew up with her. He was also determined to return everything that originally belonged to Lianhua to her.

And the things he had been causing trouble in the ancient world for hundreds of years had gradually broken the seal of the ancient world. The price he paid in order to bring the lotus out was that monsters and beasts appeared frequently in the wild, and the world was no longer normal.

But what does that have to do with him?

The only thing he cared about from beginning to end was Lianhua.

And these are what Tao Yue'er heard about Hua Ling after she got back all her memories, regained her position as Immortal Lord, and became the most supreme being in the world.

On the throne, Tao Yue'er opened her eyes and looked at Hua Ling.

This time, in her eyes, there was anger that could not be calmed down for a long time, but there was also a calmness that tolerated everything in the world. Two completely different temperaments appear on the face of the same person, which is both contradictory and harmonious. It was as if she was born with such a compassionate expression. Even if she was bullied, she would still not fight back or talk back. She will just watch you make mistakes quietly, and then give you a fatal blow when you are most helpless.

No, she would not do it herself at all, she would watch his death with cold eyes. After death, he will still say: "You are so pitiful."

She looks distressed on the surface, but doesn't care at all on the inside. This is the real her.

The self in Hua Ling's memory was just his imagination.

Now the mark belonging to the Immortal Lord between Hua Ling's eyebrows has disappeared, revealing the mark of twin lotuses. And on Tao Yue'er's forehead, the eyebrow jade belonging to the Immortal Lord grew.

At this moment, their identities were completely reversed, and Tao Yue'er was no longer the one looking up to him.

She looked down at him as she had for thousands of years.

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