Chapter 107 entanglement
"When will you pay me back!" Maodou raised the horn and shouted at the backs of the two of them.

The Tian family's mother and daughter didn't look back.

"That's my hard-earned money~"

Maodou was sad and indignant: "Cheat people's hard-earned money, beware of lightning strikes!"

The mother and daughter of the Tian family walked away in embarrassment, Maodou put down the loudspeaker, shook his head and lamented to the onlookers: "It's difficult to pay bills these days ~ so what if people are blocked? They will play tricks on you and pretend to be sick, hey~"

The crowd of onlookers at the school gate gradually dispersed.

Ling Xuan returned to his car with his mobile phone

Maodou followed and knocked on Ling Xuan's car window.

Ling Xuan lowered the car window and turned to look at Maodou.

Maodou scratched his head: "Brother Xuan, I really didn't use my power to bully others to do bad things just now. Sister Chu knows this best, and Brother Fang also knows about it."

"Yeah." Ling Xuan nodded, and turned his phone screen to Maodou: "I'm having a video with my senior sister."

On the screen, Yu Lingchu gave Maodou a thumbs up and said something.

Because Ling Xuan was wearing a Bluetooth headset, Maodou couldn't hear Yu Lingchu's words.

Ling Xuan had no choice but to relay: "Senior sister said you did a good job."

Maodou smiled embarrassedly: "I'm very happy to be able to help you. Brother Xuan, sister Chu, you talk, I'll leave first."

"Yeah." Ling Xuan nodded, went up the car window and looked at Yu Lingchu on the other side of the screen: "Senior Sister, I've finished watching the fun, let me tell you what's going on~"

Han Zexin, who was sitting next to Yu Lingchu, also turned her head to look at Yu Lingchu, and echoed Ling Xuan's words: "It's Lingchu, what's going on? Why did those two girls provoke you? Otherwise, with your temperament , won’t make people trouble them like this.”

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "Those two are the adoptive mother and younger sister of Fang Yu's girlfriend Tian Tian."

Ling Xuan ⊙⊙!

Han Zexin ⊙⊙!

The surprised gazes of the two fell on Yu Lingchu in unison.

Ling Xuan couldn't believe it: "No! Senior sister Lingchu, how could you attack the family of the other senior brother's girlfriend?"

Han Zexin also stared at Yu Lingchu in disbelief: "Lingchu, you don't like Fang Yu, do you?"

Otherwise, why bother with Fang Yu's girlfriend's family? !

Yu Lingchu immediately retorted: "Senior sister, you can't slander me like that! I did this to help Fang Yu and Tian Tian. You are not at the company. Ling Xuan was on a business trip a few days ago, so you don't know..."

Yu Lingchu briefly told the two about Tian Tian and Tian's family.

Both Han Zexin and Ling Xuan were so angry when they heard this.

In the end, Han Zexin sighed: "I didn't expect such a good girl Tian Tian to have such a hard life before. I really don't know how she survived."

"The Tian family is really nothing!" Ling Xuan followed up and scolded: "Even if Tian Tian's sister-in-law is not their own, but since they have raised her, why can't they treat her better!
Unfortunately, I thought it was too much for Maodou to run on two women so much. After listening to what you said, senior sister, I can't wait to give the Tian family a kick!At noon today, I will invite Maodou to have a meal, to reward him, and let him continue to work hard in the future! "

Yu Lingchu smiled and said: "The Tian family is not nice to Tian Tian, ​​and we will be nice to Tian Tian in the future."



Han Zexin and Ling Xuan nodded at the same time.

The three of them were chatting when a phone call was made to Yu Lingchu's cell phone that morning.

Yu Lingchu calmly clicked to decline, and continued to video with Ling Xuan.

hotel restaurant.

That morning, after breakfast was over, Yu Lingchu didn't wait for Yu Lingchu's figure to appear. She called, but the other party directly refused to answer.

Putting down his phone, he turned to look at Li Rui who was standing behind him.

"Is Lingchu busy?"

Li Rui smiled: "Sister Chu is in charge of leading the entire security team, so she is naturally busy."

"You're so busy that you don't even have time for breakfast?"

The smile on Li Rui's face remained unchanged: "Ms. Chu is busy, and she eats all three meals at the last minute. For example, for breakfast, she may have already bought a piece of bread to fill her belly."

Na Chen smiled: "People are iron, rice is steel, so how can we do it? I'll ask the kitchen to prepare a separate breakfast, and you will accompany me to deliver it to her."

Li Rui rolled his eyes at the back of Na Chen's head.

Our first sister didn't come to breakfast because she was bothering you, don't you know? !
He smiled and said, "Sir, our first sister may have already eaten."

Na Chen looked at him with dissatisfaction in her eyes: "What if she didn't eat?"

Li Rui smiled and suggested: "Then why don't the gentleman call and ask, so as not to have to send it over so directly, in case the first sister has already eaten, wouldn't it be a waste of your thought?"

Na Chen smiled lightly: "You first sister, I'm afraid you are too busy to answer my call!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Lingchu called.

Surprise flashed in Na Chen's eyes.

He thought Yu Lingchu was deliberately refusing to answer his call just now, but he didn't expect to come back on his own initiative.

First she refused to answer, and then she took the initiative to call back. What is that woman doing?Play hard to get with him?
Na Chen smiled and picked up the phone on the table, swiping the screen to answer it.

Yu Lingchu's official voice without any personal feelings came: "Then sir, I'm sorry, I was busy just now. You call me, what's the matter?"

"You promised to come and have breakfast with me, why didn't you come?"

Na Chen opened her mouth with grievances in her arrogance.

Yu Lingchu on the other side of the phone was taken aback.

Is this person sick?Delusional disorder?
She wondered: "Then sir, when did I promise to have breakfast with you?"

That morning wronged: "I'll call you in the morning and tell you that I'm waiting for you to have breakfast together."

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes: "Sir, I told you too, I'm busy and wish you a happy meal.

If you feel a little lonely eating breakfast alone, you can ask Producer Li or your bodyguard to accompany you to eat. If there is nothing else, then I will go to work. Goodbye, sir! "

"Wait a minute!" Na Chen hurriedly prevented Yu Lingchu from hanging up.

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes again: "Then what's the matter, Mister?"

"Have you had breakfast?" Na Chen asked concerned.

Yu Lingchu: "..."

This morning, it revolves around breakfast with her, right? !

Her voice was cold and calm: "I have eaten, thank you for your concern, sir, is there anything else?"

"Do you have time at noon? I invite you to dinner, thank you for sending such a good bodyguard to my side, I am very satisfied."

Li Rui, who was listening, silently rolled his eyes again.

Don't you feel guilty at all for telling this lie?
"It's my duty, Mr. That is too polite, as long as you are satisfied, there is nothing else, I will hang up first, goodbye."

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she didn't give Na Chen a chance to speak again, and hung up the phone directly.

so funny!
If you don't hang up quickly, I'm afraid you will continue to listen to him asking some boring questions about whether we can have dinner together!
(End of this chapter)

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