Chapter 108

Na Chen put the phone away from her ear, was silent for a moment, smiled, and turned to look at Li Rui.

"I came to Yuncheng for the first time. I heard that there are countless beautiful scenery here. You can go out with me."

"Okay, sir."

Li Rui readily agreed, and walked out of the restaurant as soon as he got up.

In order to avoid staying in the hotel and having to deal with him that morning, Yu Lingchu personally took people to the location where the film crew held the opening ceremony, and arranged for tomorrow's security work.

The God of Wealth of the crew, she can't offend and can only hide.

Don't say she is busy, even if she is not busy, in order not to be entangled by that morning, she has to act as if she is very busy, the busier the better!

"The system, do you think I have been unlucky recently? Or is it really like what the senior sister said, I have recently committed a crime?" Sitting in the car leaving the hotel, Yu Lingchu closed her eyes and communicated with the system.

The system was called by her, and asked back: "Host, I understand that you said that you are a murderer, but where does the bad luck come from? I haven't seen you lately?"

Yu Lingchu: "Bah! Bah! Bah! You are unlucky!"


"Oh! Woman, didn't you say you were unlucky?"

Yu Lingchu sighed: "What I mean is, I just avoided Nalan Shaojin, I haven't been clean for two days, how come I met such a person as Nachen?

Just~ really won't let me stop? "

"Host, let me remind you that you can't stop until you meet that morning. Although Nalan Shaojin is no longer in front of you, his 3000 million chat fee is in your card. If my analysis is correct, that man is trying to get along with you. You make a connection."


Yu Lingchu lamented: "Stop talking about the system, these two are so difficult to deal with, I am not a murderer, I am a murderer! System, can you tell fortunes? If you can, tell me a fortune, and see Can you help me break the peach blossom evil in my life?"


"Host, you don't want to talk about peach blossom evil, you have to believe in science."

"System, can you give me a scientific calculation?"


"No! Host, please clarify for me, I am the system, not a fortune-telling stall under the flyover, hey!"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"But I think other people's systems are omnipotent."

"Who? Where did you read it?" ⊙⊙?
"In previous novels."


"Fairy tales are all lies, and novels are all made up."

"But art comes from life, and life is higher than art. So..."

The system interrupted her: "Host, do you believe that there are Ultraman in this world?"

Yu Lingchu: "I believe there is light in this world."

Near noon, the warm sun hangs high, and the sunlight shines into the room from the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Nalan Shaojin sat with the backlight, and the sun fell on his back, casting a layer of dazzling light on him.

He lowered his eyes and carefully processed the documents on the table.

The door of the office was knocked three times, Yan Yue hurried in from the outside, and stood still in front of Nalan Shaojin: "Master Jin, there is a message from Yuncheng that Nalan Shaochen is on the set."

Nalan Shaojin's gaze moved away from the document and landed on Yan Yue, deep and stern.

"He and Lingchu have already started contact?"


Yan Yue nodded: "Nalan Shaojin joined the film crew as a film investor, and when he first arrived in Yuncheng, the bodyguard arranged for him by the film crew was Miss Lingchu, who was also the one who picked him up at the airport. .”

Nalan Shaojin clenched his hand on the table into a fist.

What a Nalan Shaochen!
Do you feel that life is too comfortable?

How many lives, how dare he miss his sweetheart.

snort!Really think that Nalan Shaochen is easy to talk and dare not touch him, right?
He didn't let Lingchu take over, so why did Nalan Shaochen order Lingchu!
Yan Yue took a careful look at Nalan Shaojin's face, and hurriedly said: "But after arriving at the hotel, Nalan Shaochen's bodyguard was replaced by another employee of Deze Security Company, named Li Rui.

I heard that this morning Nalan Shaochen wanted to wait for Miss Lingchu to have breakfast together, but Miss Lingchu let him go. If someone like him came, Miss Lingchu didn't think much of him. "

After all, Miss Lingchu is a woman who dares not even look down on Master Jin.

Just like Nalan Shaochen, they are not worthy of carrying shoes for Master Jin, and naturally they are even more unworthy of Miss Lingchu's eyes.

Hearing that Nalan Shaochen was released by Yu Lingchu, Nalan Shaojin's complexion softened a lot visibly with the naked eye.

He asked Yan Yue: "How much did Nalan Shaochen invest in that crew?"

Yan Yue bowed his head: "I'm sorry, Master Jin, this is still unclear.

However, according to the investigation, he has not remitted all the investment funds to the crew account, and only a small part has been given so far.

I guess his purpose of doing this should be to use this to manipulate the crew, and then force the crew to help him get close to Miss Lingchu. "

Nalan Shaojin lowered his eyes and smiled: "Yan Yue, you should immediately contact the producer of that crew.

You tell him that the Nalan Group will provide sufficient financial and resource support for the film crew.

But there are two conditions.

First, the film crew returned Nalan Shaochen's investment money, and if liquidated damages were incurred, Nalan Group would be responsible.

Second, no one in the crew can be unreasonable to Yu Lingchu, and can't force Yu Lingchu to do what she doesn't want to do. "

Yan Yue nodded: "Yes, I'll do it now."

"Wait a minute!" Nalan Shaojin called him to stop, and warned: "Also, tell the high-level staff on the other side of the production team that the conditions I proposed are kept secret and must not reach Lingchu's ears.

Let them declare to the outside world that they contacted the Nalan Group to attract investment, not me.

As for Nalan Shaochen, find something for him to do, lest he always have delusions that he shouldn't have! "

"Yes, then I will arrange it now?"

Yan Yue asked respectfully.

Nalan Shaojin waved his hand, Yan Yue nodded, turned around and strode away.

The afternoon sun is warm and pleasant.

After Yu Lingchu had been busy for a while, she had just sat in the car to rest for a while, when her cell phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, she quickly answered the call.

"Hello, Li Rui."

"Sister Chu." Li Rui replied in a low voice.

Yu Lingchu was alert immediately, and blurted out, "Is something wrong?"

Li Rui's tone was frustrated and he blamed himself: "Sister Chu, I'm in the No. 1 civilian hospital in Yuncheng, and the gentleman was injured."

Yu Lingchu became nervous: "Did you get hurt that morning? Is it serious?"

Li Rui was a little uncertain: "It shouldn't be too serious, the doctor is still checking and bandaging him."

Hearing that the injury was not life-threatening, Yu Lingchu heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm driving there now, what happened, tell me everything."

If the protected mission target is injured, the security personnel are responsible for dereliction of duty.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will have a great negative impact on the reputation of the entire security company.

(End of this chapter)

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