shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 109 Who Said To Be Hypocritical!

Chapter 109 Who Said To Be Hypocritical!
Before seeing Na Chen, Yu Lingchu felt that she had to figure out what happened first, so that after seeing Na Chen, she could put on an attitude that satisfied the other party as much as possible, soothe the other party's emotions, and then negotiate a mutually acceptable solution. Compensation conditions.


Li Rui answered Yu Lingchu's words sullenly, and began to narrate: "After the gentleman called you in the morning, he asked me to accompany him to go around. Let's go to the most famous nearby Yunli Lake first. After standing by the lake and looking at the scenery for a while, the gentleman felt bored and said that he was going to taste the delicious food in Yuncheng, so I accompanied him to find out about the food in Yuncheng.

As a result, over there, the gentleman accidentally found a pickpocket stealing, he rushed to stop it, the pickpocket saw that someone had spoiled his good deed, and gave the gentleman a stern look, and was about to leave.

That gentleman didn't want to let him go, so he ordered me to go over and get him under control, and he called the police.

I found out that the thief had an accomplice. For the safety of that gentleman, I didn't dare to leave him alone to chase, so I just let the thief run away.

I was worried that the thieves would form a group to come back for revenge, so I persuaded the gentleman to leave.He also listened to the persuasion and took me away from the food street.

I followed him and went shopping elsewhere for a while, and finally we went to the famous Yunjin Park to enjoy flowers.

There is a small forest in Yunjin Garden, there are no flowers there, so it is relatively quiet.

I followed that gentleman and walked over there without knowing it.

As soon as we got there, a dozen or so young men rushed out of the woods, and they couldn't help but say that they were going to beat us.

I recognized one of them, it was the thief who was stopped by Mr. Na in the food street.

We were surrounded by those ten people, and they had a clear goal, which was to target Mr.

I tried my best to protect that gentleman..."

Speaking of this, Li Rui sighed: "Although it took a lot of effort, I could still give that gentleman a chance to escape by stopping those people. But that gentleman insisted on showing loyalty to me, even if I promised that there was a way to escape, he would Still have to advance and retreat with me.

I told him to go and call the police first, but while I was concentrating on dealing with the gang of thieves, he yelled and rushed out to fight with the other party, but... he was beaten by the other party.

I wanted to save him, but there were so many people on the other side, I was entangled and couldn't move for a while...

Fortunately, a passerby saw it and rushed over and shouted that they had called the police, which scared away the group of people.If not, then Mister will definitely be beaten even worse. "

"Okay, I see. How are you? Are you injured?" Yu Lingchu asked with concern while driving.

Li Rui replied, "I'm fine. Although those people are difficult to deal with, it's not so easy to hurt me. "

"Li Rui." Yu Lingchu said again: "Since the thief intends to take revenge, after you and Nachen left the food street, did you notice that you were being followed?"

Li Rui was a little ashamed: "I'm sorry, Miss Chu, I didn't notice anyone following us along the way."

If he is aware of it, he will definitely prevent it from happening.Either persuade Nachen to go back to the hotel, or ask Yu Lingchu to send someone to help.

The mission failed, Li Rui must be feeling uncomfortable at this time, Yu Lingchu couldn't bear to blame him at this time, and said: "It's okay, we are new here, and they have been entrenched in Yuncheng for a long time, so naturally they are more familiar with this place than us, so I want to quietly It is not impossible to grasp our whereabouts silently, have you called the police?"

"Reported." Li Rui sighed: "But no one has been caught yet."

Yu Lingchu frowned: "This is a bit troublesome."

If the gang of thieves just wanted to beat Na Chen once to vent their anger, that would be fine, but if they still wanted to take revenge, given the current relationship between Na Chen and the crew, it might affect the crew.

They are in the dark, and the crew is in the light, so we still need to make precautionary arrangements early.

When Yu Lingchu arrived at the hospital, the wound on Nachen's body had already been bandaged by the doctor.

Simply put, his body was fine, but he had some skin wounds from the beating.

But seeing Yu Lingchu coming over, he hummed "Ouch" that morning.

"It hurts~"

"My waist~"

"My arm~"

"Oh~ my legs hurt too, my whole body hurts~"

Standing beside him, Li Rui quietly rolled his eyes.

Manly man, how can a little skin trauma be called this kind of virtue?

Seeing Na Chen's behavior, he couldn't help but suspect that this kid refused to leave him alone before, not because of loyalty to him, but because he wanted to get hurt on purpose, so that he could act contemptuously in front of their first sister~

If so...

Oh Te!

What a scheming dog man!

"That sir."

Yu Lingchu stood in front of Nachen and smiled: "I heard that you went to see justice and bravery?"

"Yeah." Na Chen smiled at Yu Lingchu: "Do you think I'm great?"

Yu Lingchu nodded: "The gentleman's conduct is admirable, are you healthy?"

That morning said pitifully: "At the beginning of my life, I hurt~ My whole body hurts~"

Yuling looked at Li Rui at first, and said coldly: "Didn't you hear that Mr. said that he was in pain all over? Why don't you hurry up and call the doctor over, and then give him a good examination! If there is any problem with Mr.'s body, I will forgive you." I can't miss you!"

Li Rui said aggrievedly: "Miss Chu, the doctor has already checked carefully, and all the mister's injuries are skin trauma."

"Bastard!" Yu Lingchu sneered coldly: "Do you mean that Mr. is hypocritical?"

Li Rui shrank his neck and lowered his head, put on a cowardly and aggrieved look, and explained in a panic: "Sister Chu, I didn't mean that, I'll call the doctor right away, and give the gentleman a re-examination."

"Call the best doctor, it doesn't matter how much it costs!" Yu Lingchu urged.

"Good! Good! Good!" Li Rui nodded and was about to leave.


Na Chen called out to stop him, then looked at Yu Lingchu and said, "I... just hurt at the place where I was beaten, so I don't need to mobilize people so much. I don't want to trouble you, Lingchu."

"Then sir." Yu Lingchu said solemnly, "The person you hurt me has an unshirkable responsibility, asking a doctor to treat you well is what we should do, you are welcome.

We will take full responsibility for your medical expenses, as long as you rest in peace of mind. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu looked at Li Rui: "Hurry up and call the doctor!"

Li Rui got the order and made a gesture to leave.

Just now, after taking an X-ray or something, the doctor has already said that it was only a superficial injury that morning, and did not hurt the inner part.

If Nachen is willing, it is not impossible to find a doctor to check him from head to toe.

"Wait a moment!"

Li Rui had just stepped out with one foot when Na Chen called out to stop him.

Li Rui turned to look at Na Chen, with guilt and concern in his eyes: "Does that Mr. feel uncomfortable? What about internal medicine, surgery and psychiatry. Let me call some more doctors for you!
Don't worry, my protection is not good enough to hurt you, and I will be responsible for you to the end!If the doctor dares not to come, even if I carry them, I will bring them to you one by one, and treat you first! "

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(End of this chapter)

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