Chapter 113 What is this operation?
Yu Lingchu got the permission of Producer Li, and explained: "It's not that our people didn't protect Na Chen wholeheartedly, but that Chen didn't cooperate, which caused the injury."

She told the ins and outs of the incident, and finally looked at Producer Li and said, "Although he is about to leave the crew that morning, he has had a relationship with our crew after all. If it's not good, it will still hurt the crew.

But producer Li, don't worry, I will tell the people below to be more careful to prevent problems before they happen. I also hope that producer Li can talk to the crew and let them take precautions against strangers they don't know. "

"Okay! Ok!"

Producer Li nodded in an extremely cooperative manner: "I will definitely tell the crew to cooperate with your work well."

From now on, Yu Lingchu will do whatever he says. Behind the grandma of the God of Wealth is the Nalan Group, and he cannot afford to be offended.

Regarding Producer Li's cooperative attitude, Yuling smiled back and said, "With everyone's cooperation, I have more confidence to ensure everyone's safety."

"We believe in you!" Producer Li stated again.

"Yes, since we have chosen your security company, we trust your ability unconditionally!" Director Wang followed suit.

Yu Lingchu stood up: "Thank you for your trust. I will take all our colleagues and do my best to protect everyone's safety. Producer Li, Director Wang, you are busy, I will go first."

"Hey, good." Producer Li stood up and, together with Director Wang, sent Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin to the door.

When Yu Lingchu left, he said another word of concern: "Lingchu, we are all mortals, and it is impossible to do everything in everything and be foolproof.

It's good to work hard, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. "

Yu Lingchu nodded: "Thank you, Producer Li, for your concern, I will make a note of it."

After watching Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin leave, Producer Li went back to the room to think about it, and said to Director Wang: "What Yu Lingchu said is not unreasonable.

That morning, seeing that the heroic act was done, he patted his ass and left. If the gang of thieves wanted to take revenge, they might take their anger out on our crew. "

Director Wang pondered for a while: "Producer Li, do you not trust Yu Lingchu's abilities?"

Producer Li waved his hand: "This is not a question of whether I trust Yu Lingchu's ability or not. It's because I am worried about what to do if those thieves take revenge on our crew and Yu Lingchu, as a security guard, rushes up and gets hurt. !
Standing behind her is the Nalan Group, the Nalan Group!
Nalan Group can invest in our crew because of her. You said that if she gets injured in our crew, Nalan Group can give us good fruit to eat? "

Director Wang looked distressed: "Then what should I do? Yuling's first job is security work, and she must be there if something happens.

What if we communicate with their security company and transfer Yu Lingchu away? "

Producer Li shook his head: "If Yu Lingchu is no longer on the crew, who can guarantee that Nalan Group will continue to invest in our crew? Doesn't that mean sending Grandma the God of Fortune away?"

Director Wang showed embarrassment: "She is doing security work. We are afraid of her getting hurt, but we can't send her away. What should we do? We can't hire two bodyguards alone to protect her at any time, right?"

"Hey~" Producer Li seemed to be inspired, and looked at Director Wang: "It's not impossible~"

Director Wang frowned: "Yu Lingchu is doing security work, and we will hire two bodyguards to protect her. Are you sure she won't be angry, Producer Li? Doing so is tantamount to questioning or even denying her ability.

More seriously, she might think that we are insulting her! "

"You, you know how to film, and you're almost stupid."

Producer Li glanced at Director Wang, and continued, "Why do we have to let her know about finding a bodyguard for Yu Lingchu?"

Director Wang was speechless: "If you put two big living people beside her, she won't know unless she is deaf and blind."

Producer Li snapped his fingers: "I have a way to quietly put two bodyguards beside her~"

In the corridor of the hotel, Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin leaned shoulder to shoulder, head to head, whispering to each other while walking towards the elevator.

Yu Lingchu: "Senior Sister, Producer Li is so polite and easy to talk, does it make me feel a little flustered?"

Han Zexin: "I also feel that Producer Li has suddenly become very talkative."

Yu Lingchu frowned: "Behind the inexplicable politeness, isn't there some conspiracy hidden?"

Han Zexin also frowned: "Impossible? Maybe he was so tolerant and talkative because he was happy with the large sum of investment?"

Yu Lingchu thought for a moment: "Maybe."

Han Zexin touched her shoulder with his own, jokingly said, "Are you worried that Producer Li will bring you another morning?"

Yu Ling gave her a first look: "Senior Sister, do you hope that I will be better?"

"Hey~" Han Zexin smiled: "How do you know that I am not looking forward to you? You have reached the age of falling in love. Senior sister is looking forward to your peach blossoms blooming and finding a loving person soon~"

Yu Ling gave her a first glance: "You still hope that my career will flourish, and the money will come from all directions."

"Alright." Han Zexin nodded: "Based on the relationship between us, when you have money, I can lie flat~ At that time you will give me a big villa, jewelry, and a sports car~

Ah~ I really yearn for the days when I was taken care of by my best friend and rich woman~

Lingchu, hurry up and work hard. "

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
"Senior sister, you are really worthless, how can you think that if you don't work hard, you will lie flat and be a party member?
People, you have to work hard, you know?Only by striving can there be wireless possibilities, and only by striving can we have a bright future!

I will burn incense in front of the Buddha every day, praying for your prosperity, and you don’t have to be too moved. When you succeed, just buy me a big villa, big diamonds, and a big sports car~”

Han Zexin glanced at Yu Lingchu with a speechless face, and scolded with a smile: "Yu Lingchu, you old six! It's fine if you don't let me lie flat on you, but you still want to lie flat on me instead→_→"

Yu Lingchu mischievously smiled: "How can I be called lying flat? You are going to become a great success, and I definitely have a share of the investment and credit in it!"

Han Zexin looked at her with a smile: "What credit do you have? What did you invest in?"

"Buying incense also costs money, okay? How can this not be considered an investment? As for the credit~"

Yu Lingchu smiled slyly: "Then the bought incense, don't I have to light it for the Buddha myself and insert it into the incense burner?"

Hotel Presidential Suite.

There wasn't much luggage that morning, so he quickly packed it up.

Just as he was about to leave with his luggage, there was a knock on the door of his room.

Walking to the door that morning and opening the door, Li Rui's resolute and upright face came into view.

"What's the matter?" Na Chen looked at Li Rui who was standing at the door, and asked indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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