Chapter 114 Fairy Sister
Li Rui did not show any dissatisfaction with that morning's indifferent attitude.

He just smiled and said, "Then sir, when will you leave, I..."

Before Li Rui finished speaking, he was interrupted by Na Chen with a sneer: "Why, you came here to supervise because you were afraid that I would stay on the set?"

"Then Mr. misunderstood." Li Rui quickly explained: "I'm afraid that the group of thieves from before will retaliate against you again, so I want to tell you, let me know when you leave, and I will escort you for a ride."

That morning looked at Li Rui: "Did Lingchu send you here?"

Li Rui smiled and said, "No, I admire that Mr.'s bravery and justice, and I want to escort that Mr. for a ride."

That morning smiled noncommittally, and was not polite to Li Rui: "I've already packed my luggage, now you take me to the station."


Li Rui nodded, went into the room to help Na Chen with his luggage, and drove him out of the hotel.

Li Rui didn't turn around and return to the hotel until he watched that morning safely walk into the high-speed rail ticket gate, and returned to Yu Lingchu.

"Sister Chu, she has been sent away safely."

"Yeah." Yu Lingchu responded lightly: "Then you can go to work too."

Li Rui stood still: "He asked me to come back and bring you a sentence."

Yu Ling first looked at Li Rui.

Li Ruidao: "He said, looking forward to meeting you next time."

Yu Lingchu sneered: "Looking forward to his uncle!"

If it wasn't for Na Chen's brave actions, she wouldn't have been so idle and asked Li Rui to escort him.

She stared at Li Rui: "You didn't say I let you go, did you?"

Being stared at by Yu Lingchu, Li Rui quickly shook his head: "Don't worry, Miss Chu, I never said anything!"

"That's fine."

Yu Lingchu waved to Li Rui: "Then go do your work."

Without the disturbance of that morning, she only felt that her work became a lot easier.

Time flies by.

After the opening ceremony, the filming officially started.

As the lead actor, Han Zexin was also visibly busy.

When Yu Lingchu was free to visit her, she was doing makeup.

The one who sculpted her was a girl in her 20s with a gentle and demure temperament.

That girl is very beautiful, not that kind of stunning beauty, but a kind of quiet and peaceful, moistening and silent beauty. When you look at her, you will feel the love of time, gentle and quiet.

Yu Lingchu pulled out a chair and sat down not far from Han Zexin, resting her chin on one hand, admiring the gentle beauty who was concentrating on her work.

The beauty noticed her gaze, and glanced at her between work, her eyes were watery, and she smiled sweetly.

Sensing that the beauty was looking at him, Yu Lingchu quickly sat down, showing a cute smile.

The beauty smiled, and while putting makeup on Han Zexin, she said to Yu Lingchu: "Little beauty, are you waiting for the styling? I have to wait for a while. If you are in a hurry, I can call someone else to come over first." Get it for you."

Yu Lingchu smiled and explained: "Sister Fairy, I'm not an actor on the set, so I don't need to do styling."

The beauty glanced at her and smiled again.

Yu Lingchu only felt her heart beating wildly.

Oops~ The beautiful sister looks so good when she smiles, who can resist it?
"I'm not called Sister Fairy, I'm called Mu Si, Mu who is like a spring breeze, and Si who misses you."

The beauty smiled and said her name.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly introduced himself: "My name is Yulingchu, the jade of Yushi, the spirit of aura, and the Chu of Chuxin. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Yu Lingchu." Mu Si repeated Yu Lingchu's name, and praised with a smile: "It's a beautiful name, like yours, full of aura."

Yu Lingchu's eyes lit up, and she frantically shared her joy with the system.

"System! System! Did you hear that? The beautiful sister praised me!"


"Host, please put away this lewd look~ It makes you look worthless~"

Yu Lingchu←_←

"Everyone has the love of beauty, I advise you to meddle in your own business."

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu ignored the system and only focused on watching Mu Si apply makeup to Han Zexin.

The way the beauty concentrates on work is even more charming~

Han Zexin took the time to look at her: "Yu Lingchu, if you stare at us again, you will be charged~"

Yu Lingchu gave Han Zexin a glance: "I see the beautiful woman Mu Si, what kind of fee do you charge, senior sister? If you want me to see you, it's okay, you have to pay me~"

Han Zexin gave her a funny and angry look.

Mu Si applied nearly nude lipstick on Han Zexin's lips, looked at her face for a while, and said, "Okay, take a look."

Han Zexin took a careful look in the mirror, and praised: "Musi, your makeup skills are really good!"

Being praised, Mu Si smiled softly.

When Yu Ling first saw her finish work, she hurried over and said, "Little Fairy Mu Si, please add a WeChat account. I am in charge of the security work of the crew. If you need any help in the future, you can find me.

I can carry it on my shoulders, lift it with my hands, scold hooligans with literature, and fight robbers with martial arts. "

Mu Si pursed her lips and smiled, took out her mobile phone and added Yu Lingchu's friends.

Seeing this, Han Zexin also quickly picked up her mobile phone: "Mu Si, please add me as a friend too. I really like your makeup. If I participate in any event in the future, I still want to ask you to do styling."

"Okay." Mu Si agreed, holding her phone and adding Han Zexin's contact information.

After adding contact information to each other, Han Zexin left the dressing room and went to a studio not far away to take makeup photos.

Mu Si lowered her head to clean up the cosmetics on the table, while Yu Lingchu stood aside, helping her a little from time to time, the two chatted while working, and they quickly became acquainted.

Until a noise came from the dressing room next door, breaking the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Yu Ling frowned immediately when she heard the noise, said "I'll go and see" to Mu Si, and walked towards the door of the dressing room.

"I'll go take a look with you." Mu Si was worried, so she caught up with Yu Lingchu and walked out of the dressing room with her.

The two came out of Han Zexin's dressing room,
The door to another powder room next door opened.

A girl was pushed out of the dressing room crying.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly stepped forward to help the girl who was about to fall.

The girl stood firm and thanked Yu Lingchu with tears in her eyes.

Mu Si stepped forward at this moment, frowning and glanced at the dressing room where the girl was pushed out.

On the floor of that dressing room, there are many cosmetics and makeup tools scattered.

Mu Si looked at the girl supported by Yu Lingchu: "Lin Na, what's going on?"

Lin Na sniffed, and said aggrievedly: "Miss Liu Yi said our cosmetics are brand-name, and she was allergic to it, so... threw it all on the floor."

Mu Si frowned, turned around and was about to go to Liu Yi's dressing room, but the people in the dressing room came out first.

(End of this chapter)

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