shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 119 I still owe her an apology

Chapter 119 I still owe her an apology
Glancing over there, Yu Ling closed her eyes.

This change in Liu Yi's attitude is probably because Producer Li has already told Liu Yi about Mu Si's identity.

When Producer Li went to talk to Liu Yi before, Mu Si had already reported her family background in order to prevent them from worrying.

Mu Si revealed her identity, saying that she was from the Mu family in the imperial capital.

She said that based on this status, Producer Li would not dare to offend her.

She said Lingchu, you scold Liu Yi for me, I won't ignore you.

She said Lingchu and we are friends now, if Producer Li dares to make things difficult for Liu Yi, I won't agree!
Now it seems that not only Producer Li dared not offend Mu Si, but Liu Yi and the financial backer behind her probably also did not dare to offend.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Liu Yi to suppress the resentment in his heart and ask them to bow his head and apologize according to Liu Yi's crazy appearance before.


Yu Lingchu looked at Liu Yi again.

She really doesn't like this kind of people who praise the high and depress the low.

Unfortunately, the system also arranged for her a nasty task to transform this kind of person.


She had to think hard about where to start?

Producer Li noticed that Yu Lingchu was looking at Liu Yi, so he hurriedly reminded her.

Don't just say good things to Mu Si, there is someone who can't be offended sitting next to her.

Liu Yi received the signal and quickly turned to Yu Lingchu: "Sister Lingchu, you don't know as much as I do, do you?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly, and said to Liu Yi: "I haven't been bullied by you, so naturally I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Liu Yi was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard her say this, when she heard Yu Lingchu continue: "The people you should say sorry to are Mu Si and Lin Na. Especially Lin Na, you let your assistant push people around.

Now that you realize your mistake, you should apologize to others. "

"Yes, it is Lin Na who was pushed and pushed by you. You should say sorry to her." Mu Si echoed, expressing her agreement with Yu Lingchu's opinion.

The smile on Liu Yi's face became stiff, and the hand hanging by her side couldn't help but tighten, secretly showing the unhappiness and resentment in her heart.

Let her and Mu Si and Yu Lingchu, who are far stronger than her, bow their heads and admit their mistakes, but she can barely bear it.

What is this Lin Na?Why should she bow her head and admit her mistake!

Producer Li looked at Liu Yi, hinting with his eyes that she should hurry up and do what Yu Lingchu and the others said.

Anyway, I have apologized once, and it won't matter if I say sorry again.

Liu Yi bit her lip, struggled for two seconds, and forced a smile to look at Lin Na: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Lin Na was silent for two seconds, and replied calmly, "It's okay."

"Ding~ The mission progress has increased by 30.00%, and the current mission progress is [-]%."

The system prompt sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind.

She asked the system in amazement: "How did the [-]% mission progress come about?"

"The host alone helped Lin Na get back a fair reward. Both Mu Si and Lin Na were targeted by Liu Yi before, but just now Liu Yi only apologized to Mu Si, not Lin Na. The host helped Lin Na get an apology from Liu Yi, so the task progress increase by ten percent.

If Liu Yi apologized sincerely, then the task progress should be 50.00%. "

Producer Li laughed at this moment: "Okay, everyone is shaking hands and making peace. It's fate that we get together, let's be tolerant and considerate to each other."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Mu Si and said, "Liu Yi will take a makeup photo later, look..."

Mu Si looked at Lin Na.

Lin Na pursed her lips and said, "My makeup case was smashed by Miss Liu just now."

Yu Lingchu showed a surprised expression: "Ah! This guy who eats has been smashed, how can he still work?"

Lin Na quietly glanced at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu expressed what she wanted to express in a questioning tone.

The dick she was eating was smashed and she couldn't work.

It's really not that she is unwilling to forgive, she can feel that Liu Yi's apology is not sincere.

Likewise, her statement that it doesn't matter doesn't mean it.

Since everyone just shook hands and made peace perfunctorily in order to save face for Producer Li, it's better to do the rest of the business.

If she smashed the tools she used to eat and earn a living, she should be compensated.

Mu Si looked at Producer Li with a look of helplessness.

It's not that she doesn't want someone to do makeup for Liu Yi, it's that Liu Yi smashed the tools.

Producer Li understood, looked at Mu Si and Lin Na immediately, and discussed with a smile: "You can see if this is okay. Let her compensate the things Liu Yi smashed, and now use other people's cosmetics to dress Liu Yi up.

This... the studio is still waiting. "

"We're fine." Mu Si said, looking at Liu Yi: "I just don't know if Miss Liu is willing to compensate? After all, the pile of things you smashed is not cheap."

"I will pay."

Liu Yi agreed very happily.

Isn't it just a bunch of brand-name cosmetics, no matter how expensive it is, how much is it worth!

Mu Si stood up and said to Lin Na: "Since Miss Liu is willing to compensate according to the price, then you go to the dressing room next door to check what is damaged, and make a list for Miss Liu."

"Well, good sister Mu Si."

Lin Na agreed, and walked briskly outside the dressing room.

Debt collection is not active, thinking has problems.

This woman Liu Yi is not a kind master, what if she is late in counting and the other party refuses to pay? !

After Lin Na left, Mu Si looked at Han Zexin: "Sister Zexin, please borrow your dressing room."

"No problem." Han Zexin agreed very happily.

Mu Si smiled at her, pulled away the chair of the dressing table, and greeted Liu Yi indifferently: "Sit here, I will put on your makeup."

Liu Yi walked over obediently and sat down, letting Mu Si play with her.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Yuling got up and left the dressing room.

Liu Yi was afraid of Mu Si's identity and background, so she didn't dare to be a monster anymore, so she obediently put on makeup and took pictures.

When she returned to her makeup lounge, her complexion instantly turned cold.

She thought that bringing money into the crew would make her live a good life on set, but on the first day of filming, she had to swallow her anger!
Apart from being able to reincarnate, what else is so great about that Mu Si!
The phone on the desk rang.

Liu Yi looked over coldly and sneered at the lit screen.

She waited for the phone to ring almost once before picking up the phone to answer it.

As soon as she opened her mouth, her voice was delicate and sweet, but it also contained a faint grievance.

"Brother Hu~ I called you several times before, why didn't you answer~"

Mr. Hu took great advantage of her coquettishness, and explained: "I'm in a meeting, will I call you back soon after the meeting ends?"

Liu Yi rolled her eyes, what a meeting!
A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!He was clearly afraid of offending Miss Mu's family, he didn't dare to vent his anger on her and he was afraid of losing face, so he didn't answer her phone!
She knew it in her heart, but Liu Yi didn't dare to expose it.

This is the benefactor she has finally gotten close to, how can she offend so easily.

But today's grievances, she can't bear it in vain, she has to make Mr. Hu bleed and give her some material compensation.

 (*╰╯`) Thank you Chou Chou Da Da for the reward, I love you~ I am very touched by everyone's support, what else can I say?Rolling and crawling, go to code quickly, and strive to add updates to everyone as soon as possible

(End of this chapter)

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