Chapter 120 Bah!Scumbag!

Feeling preoccupied, Liu Yi said coquettishly and aggrievedly: "My dear~ I can't reach you, I'm almost bullied to death by Producer Li~"

"Huh?" Mr. Hu deliberately lowered his voice: "What's the matter? Producer Li, he is so daring to eat a bear's heart, he dares to bully my little baby, see if I don't deal with him! Don't be angry, baby~"

Liu Yijiao said: "But he has been wronged, how do you want to make it up~"

President Hu smiled contentedly: "I'll go to Yuncheng to visit the class in two days, baby, wait for me~"

Liu Yi snorted softly: "I have been wronged, and you still want to take advantage of me, hum! You are so bad~ I will ignore you."

Mr. Hu chuckled: "I'll take the two bags you liked before, and I'll go find you together."

Liu Yi's eyes lit up: "I knew my dear loved me the most~ Wait for you, mua~"

The two bags she had taken a fancy to before added up to more than 20 yuan. With these material compensations, her previous grievances were not in vain.


After Liu Yi was happy, she deliberately sighed again.

"Why are you still sighing?" Mr. Hu asked casually.

Liu Yi said unconvinced: "I smashed a few miscellaneous brand cosmetics today, and Producer Li asked me to pay more than 2 yuan.

He simply doesn't pay attention to you dear!You invest so much money in the film crew, and if I break something, he would be ashamed to ask me to pay for it. It's really annoying! "

"After listening to her annoyed complaint, Mr. Hu smiled indifferently: "Isn't it only 2 yuan, I will transfer it to you.Be good~ Don't be angry. "

Liu Yijiao smiled: "It's still my dear Dafang~"


Twilight came quietly amidst the busyness.

The crew finished work, and all the staff packed up and gathered, ready to drive back to the hotel together.

When Yuling first counted the number of people, she found that Mu Si hadn't come yet, so she thought she hadn't packed her things yet, so she went to the dressing room to look for her.

Halfway there, she heard Mu Si's voice coming from behind a tree.

"So, you want to break my promise for her again?"


"Why does she have to ask you to accompany her when she is depressed?"


"She is pitiful. What does she have to do with you? Why should you be responsible for her!"


"I don't have sympathy? Oh! My boyfriend has repeatedly let me down for a woman who has no relatives and no reason. Is it okay for me to feel uncomfortable?"


"Zheng Huaizhou, I am your girlfriend, and I should be your first choice."


"I'm unreasonable? Okay! Zheng Huaizhou, since you care so much about that Jun Ning, you'll always put her ahead of me. Then I'll help you, let's break up!"


"I didn't make trouble. I solemnly inform you that we are over."

As the phone was hung up, suppressed sobs sounded.

The evening breeze is blowing, and the branches and leaves are dancing.

Yu Lingchu watched the Liuxia in the sky gradually dim, until the whimpering behind the bushes gradually stopped, then sighed softly, and walked to the person hiding behind the bushes.

Sensing that someone was coming, Mu Si wiped her tears with the back of her hand in a panic.

A clean white tissue was handed to her.

Mu Si raised her eyes.

In the dark twilight, Yu Lingchu's complexion was soft, and her bright eyes were clean and pure, and the beauty seemed to make people forget their troubles for a while.

She stared at Yu Lingchu, and the tissue in Yu Lingchu's hand gently brushed her face, wiping away her sad tears.

"A little fairy is a little fairy, and she looks so pretty when she cries."

Yu Lingchu smiled and spoke, trying to ease Mu Si's bad mood.

Mu Si pursed her lips and looked at Yu Lingchu with teary eyes.

Yu Lingchu wiped away the tears dripping from the corners of her eyes, and asked sincerely: "I still prefer a smiling little fairy. So what can I do for the little fairy now to make her happy?"

Feeling her kindness, Mu Si tried her best to smile and said hoarsely, "Lingchu, I'm very sad."

Yu Lingchu hugged her: "Do you want to cry for a while?"

Mu Si closed her eyes, tears dripping down: "I...I want to drink..."

Yu Lingchu patted her on the back: "Okay. With me here, you can drink at ease."

Mu Si nodded, and the phone in her hand vibrated.

She glanced down.

Her ex-boyfriend who was far away in the imperial capital sent her a message at this time.

No apology, no redemption, but an accusation.

"Musi, don't mess around!"

Mu Si took a deep breath, lowered her eyes and typed back: "Zheng Huaizhou, I will give you one last chance. Before the night after tomorrow, I will see you in Yuncheng, otherwise we will be completely over."

After finishing speaking, she decisively blocked all contact information of Zheng Huaizhou.

She had already sent the location of the hotel to Zheng Huaizhou.

As long as Zheng Huaizhou came over, he would definitely see her.

After finishing all this, Mu Si looked at Yu Lingchu: "Let's go."


The night is hazy, with few stars and a pale moon in the sky.

Mu Si and Yu Lingchu sat at the table opposite each other, after only one glass of wine, a blush appeared on her face, obviously she couldn't handle the alcohol.

Putting down the cup in her hand, she looked at Yu Lingchu: "I'm very sad."

Yu Lingchu quietly helped her refill a glass of wine, and then said softly: "If you want to talk, I can be a quiet listener and go out of this room. I will forget what you said."

Mu Si stared at her: "We just met today, why are you so nice to me?"

Yu Lingchu thought about it seriously, and replied: "Because you are good-looking and fit my eyes very well. Because I think that all good things, no matter people or things, deserve to be cared for."

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she smiled calmly.

Mu Si only felt that her smile was full of sincerity, but she couldn't help but smile along with her.

"So in your eyes, I'm beautiful?" she asked.

Yu Lingchu nodded: "You have to believe, you are fine!"

"Am I really fine?"

Mu Si pursed her lips, and then gave a bitter smile: "But he said I was cold-blooded, scolded me for being selfish, and asked me why I had no sympathy..."

"Who... are you talking about?"

Yu Lingchu, who accidentally overheard Mu Si calling someone on the evening, had roughly guessed who the man Mu Si was talking about, but still pretended not to know and asked.

Judging from what she heard in the evening, combined with Mu Si's words at this time, Mu Si's him is a scum!
A drop of tears dripped from Mu Si's eyes, she picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip, disappointed and sad: "My boyfriend."

When Yu Lingchu heard the expected answer, she asked softly, "What he serious enough, what did you do?"

Mu Si sniffed and looked at Yu Lingchu with teary eyes: "My boyfriend is actually a very kind person."

Yu Lingchu: ⊙⊙?
Little Fairy Mu Si, do you want to listen to what you are saying?
Your boyfriend scolds you for being cold-blooded, selfish, and unsympathetic, and seems to let you go for another woman, yet you still praise him for being kind? !
Mu Si, if you want a girl with a family background, a good looks, a good figure, and a temperament, you won't have a love brain, right?
That's too bad, girl!

Haven’t you heard of digging wild vegetables with your brain in love? Hey!
(End of this chapter)

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