Chapter 123 How can I ignore him!

"Are you sad?" Yu Lingchu asked her suddenly.

Mu Si glanced at her and nodded.

Yu Lingchu calmly said: "The person who made you sad may be comforting and patiently taking care of other women."

Mu Si pursed her lips, and slowly closed her eyes, as if she could suppress the sourness and pain surging in her heart.

"Is it really worth it to be sad for someone who doesn't care about your feelings?"

Yu Lingchu's voice reached her ears again.

Mu Si raised her hand to cover her heart and did not speak.

"There is nothing wrong with loving others, but don't wrong yourself. You have to remember to love yourself. Each of us is precious. If you don't love yourself well, why should you expect others to love you well?"

Mu Si remained silent.

Yu Lingchu secretly sighed.

This is all she can say, and she hopes that Mu Si won't fall in love with a scumbag and spend herself desperately on a scumbag.

After a while, just when Yu Lingchu thought that Mu Si would remain silent, the other party suddenly raised his head and looked at her with dazed and sad eyes.

"Lingchu, am I worthless?"

After asking, she didn't wait for Yu Lingchu to answer, and smiled bitterly: "But after so many years of love, so many years of relationship, I can't just let go, I want to give him and myself a chance.

The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, if he doesn't come to me, then I will default to him giving up on me, then I will give up too, give up on him, give up on this long-term relationship..."

"Why did he abandon you? You were the one who was hurt, so shouldn't it be you who gave up on him?" Yu Lingchu was puzzled.

Mu Si picked up the wine on the table, took a sip, and said drunkenly, "Just treat me as useless, I really can't put it down now..."

Otherwise, she wouldn't want to give herself and Zheng Huaizhou another chance after breaking up.

"Lingchu~" Mu Si lay on the table, raised a finger and said vaguely, "This is between me and him...the last chance...the last...a...chance..."

After Mu Si finished speaking, she was so drunk that she passed out.

Yuling looked at her at the beginning, then looked at the wine bottle on the table, and said to the system: "I really envy Mu Si, it's quite appropriate to use wine to relieve her sorrows, and she can drink it with just a little wine. I poured myself unconscious."

After finishing speaking, she picked up Mu Si, walked towards the bed, and said to the system: "I can't do it anymore. With this kind of alcohol, I may not be able to get drunk until I drink it."

"So? Host, what do you want to express?" the system asked.

"Wine can't soothe my sorrow, I have to love myself well. There is no man in my heart, and the sword is natural. As for the river of love, whoever loves to jump will jump, anyway, I will not jump."

Yu Lingchu put Mu Si on the bed, carefully helped her take off her shoes and cover her with the quilt, looked at her drunk sleeping face, and shook her head again: "It's such a beautiful girl, why bother to internalize yourself for a scumbag, I wish you You...turn back to the case as soon as possible."

Imperial capital, Nalan family.

Nalan Shaojin looked at the clock in the room, thinking that Yu Lingchu should be about to rest at this time, so he picked up his phone.

The sentence "good night" was edited, but he thought it was inappropriate after thinking about it.

Why did he send Yu Lingchu a message?
Naturally, it was to gain a sense of presence while being able to chat with Yu Lingchu.

Sending good night is a bit of a presence, but at most people will say good night to him, and the purpose of chatting will not be achieved at all.

Can't say goodnight!
Nalan Shaojin tapped with his fingertips, and deleted the two words that had already been edited. After thinking about it, he finally changed the deleted good night to "Are you asleep?"

Satisfied, he sent the three words he had pondered over to Yu Lingchu.

When these three words were sent, it was obvious that there was something to say and that he wanted to chat. He believed that Yu Lingchu should understand.

Yu Lingchu had settled down with Musi and was about to rest when she saw a WeChat message from Nalan Shaojin.

Are you asleep?
I'm asleep, I won't come back!
After glancing at the message, she put down her phone, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

At this moment, the system spoke weakly: "Host, are you sure to ignore your customer who recharged 3000 million chat fees in advance?"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"What can I do if I ignore him!"

System: "Uh..."

Who knows what will happen to you...

It said, did Nalan Shaojin suffer from Mu Si's scumbag boyfriend?
Otherwise, why would the host's tone be so aggressive...

The night was cold.

Nalan Shaojin in the study raised his eyes to look at the clock from time to time, and then looked at the mobile phone beside the table.

3 minutes……

5 minutes……

10 minutes……

One quarter of an hour……

Time passed slowly and quickly, and the phone on the table still did not receive a reply from Yu Lingchu.

Nalan Shaojin closed the computer a little annoyed.

Why didn't Yu Lingchu reply to the message?
Didn't see it?

Still saw it and didn't want to go back?

Should he send another message?
Nalan Shaojin glanced at the clock in the room again.

It's already very late now, what if Yu Lingchu didn't reply to the message because he was resting?

If he sends a message again, she will be upset if he disturbs her rest, right?

After a moment of silence, Nalan Shaojin turned on the computer resignedly.

This damn job needs to be done quickly.

He must not let work affect his pursuit of his fiancée!
If only there were no jobs!

How can I raise a daughter-in-law when I don’t work?
Although Yu Lingchu said that he loves money, it may not be true.

But he has money, it must be true!
Nalan Shaojin processed the documents for a while, and couldn't help but glance at the mobile phone on the table again.

Will Lingchu reply to his message tomorrow morning?


In the early morning of the next day, Mu Si was woken up by her mobile phone alarm clock.

She rubbed her aching head and sat up from the bed.

There were rustling voices at the door.

Mu Si frowned, and looked towards the door nervously.

Yu Lingchu came over from the door carrying a bowl of hangover soup.

Seeing her sitting on the bed, Yu Lingchu smiled and said hello: "Are you awake?"

Mu Si pursed her lips, nodded, and said a little embarrassedly: "I...was drunk last night, did I trouble you?"

"That's not it."

Yu Lingchu came over and handed the hangover soup to Mu Si: "You are so drunk that you are unconscious. I was afraid that you would wake up at night and need help, so I slept on the sofa for the whole night. Who knew that you were quite honest when you were drunk? , just sleeping quietly and not making any fuss at all.

It is easy to have a headache after a hangover, so I drank the hangover soup and took it easy. "

Mu Si took the hangover soup handed over by Yu Lingchu, looked at her and smiled gratefully: "Lingchu, thank you."

They met by chance, but she felt great kindness from Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "You're welcome. We've had a drink together, so we're friends. And I'm also responsible for the security work of the crew. If you need help, just call me anytime."

Mu Si nodded with a gentle smile: "Well, we will be friends from now on."

"Drink the soup while it's hot." Yu Lingchu warned, left the bed, took her coat, and said to Mu Si: "You drink the hangover soup and then go to wash up, I'll go out first. "

Mu Si nodded and watched Yu Lingchu leave.

(End of this chapter)

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