shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 124 Are you looking for a beating?

Chapter 124 Are you looking for a beating?

The morning sun is revealed, the east is white, and the rising sun is slowly poking out from the horizon.

The black commercial vehicle drove smoothly on the streets of the imperial capital.

Nalan Shaojin was sitting in the back seat of the car, his eyes were slightly downcast, and he was stroking the phone on his lap with his fingers.

The phone's screen lights up to show the time.

Seven thirty in the morning.

Nalan Shaojin unlocked the screen and clicked on the chat page with Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu works in Yuncheng.

She should be up by this time.

Did you not see any news from him?
Yan Yue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, glanced at Nalan Shaojin through the rearview mirror.

Master Jin has been staring at the phone screen for a while, is he looking at some important news?

Seeing that Master Jin frowned slightly, maybe there is something difficult?
Nalan Shaojin stared at the phone screen for a while, and then ordered, "Yan Yue, book me a ticket to Haicheng this weekend."

"Yes." Yan Yue agreed subconsciously, pondered for a while, and couldn't help but turn around and ask, "Master Jin, is there any problem with the business in Haicheng?"

Why didn't he get the message?Shouldn't it?
Nalan Shaojin looked up at him, "I'm going to visit Yu's house."

Yan Yue blinked: "But, Miss Lingchu is not in Haicheng."

Master Jin, your fiancée is not in Haicheng, why are you visiting your father-in-law's house blindly in the future?
Could this be the legendary "capture the thief first and capture the king first"?

First take down the future father-in-law, mother-in-law and eldest brother-in-law, and then let them assist, and finally force Miss Lingchu to submit obediently and agree to fulfill the marriage contract?

Yan Yue suddenly felt that he had realized it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

Sure enough, it was Master Jin who was cunning.

Poor Miss Lingchu thinks she can escape Master Jin by running to Yuncheng, but she doesn't know that Master Jin is planning to capture her base camp...

"That... Master Jin, do you need me to prepare some gifts in advance?"

Yan Yue asked with a smile.

"No need." Nalan Shaojin said lightly.

Yan Yue frowned.

Need not?

When did Mr. Jin become so picky?
It's not surprising that there are so many people, don't you know?
Since you want to please your future father-in-law, empty-handed... is it appropriate?
"I've already prepared the gift in advance, just bring it with you when the time comes."

Nalan Shaojin explained.

Yan Yue suddenly realized.

Master Jin is not stingy, but caring.

He turned back and said with a smile: "Master Jin, you can personally prepare the gift, apart from the old man at home, I am afraid it is the Yu family." "

Nalan Shaojin rubbed the side of the phone with his fingertips, stared down at the phone screen and said, "My future wife's natal family must be treated carefully."

After speaking, he picked up the phone, thought for a while, and edited a message to send to Yu Lingchu.

As soon as Yu Lingchu followed the crew to the filming location, she received a WeChat message from Nalan Shaojin.

"Good morning."

She looked at the short greeting, sucked her teeth, and chose to ignore it.

Seeing her like this, the system couldn't help but said: "Host, you haven't responded to Nalan Shaojin's news, are you considered cold and violent?"

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "I don't like him, I hope my cold violence can cool down his brain!"

Why do you have to hold on to her?
The world is so big, and the ends of the earth are full of fragrant grasses, why bother to grab hers!
Imperial Capital, Nalan Group meeting room.

Accompanied by Yan Yue, Nalan Shaojin walked in from the outside with a smile on his face.

The people who were already waiting in the conference room saw him and quickly sat upright, not even daring to take a breath.

At this moment, the two words flashed desperately in their minds.




According to past experience, the brighter the boss smiles, the harder he will be to punish people!

One of the iron rules for a stable survival in the Nalan Group is that the brighter the boss smiles, the more he cannot relax his vigilance.

Nalan Shaojin sat down in his own seat in the conference room, and suddenly chuckled.

Those who attended the meeting hurriedly and cautiously asked Yan Yue for help with their eyes.

Master Jin, what's the matter?
What does Master Jin suddenly smile mean?What about weird people?
Who is Master Jin trying to get rid of today?Can you give me a hint?

They want to send that unlucky guy off early...

Seeing everyone's searching eyes, Yan Yue shrugged.

He didn't know what happened to Mr. Jin. When he was about to arrive at the company, it suddenly happened like this. Please wish yourselves the best of luck...

After a chuckle, Nalan Shaojin put one hand on the conference table, and tapped the table lightly with his index finger.

Anyone who knows Nalan Shaojin knows that this action means that he is thinking about something.

The sound of the fingers tapping on the table seemed to be tapping on the hearts of the participants, making their hearts tremble with the sound.

Master Jin... Is this arranging the death of some unlucky guy?

Nalan Shaojin didn't notice the nervousness of the people at the meeting, he lowered his eyes to hide the grievance and anger in his eyes.

Yu Lingchu, very good!

If the news last night could be explained by the fact that she was asleep and she didn't see it, what about this morning?
Haven't woken up yet?

Or haven't seen it yet?
Can't see one, can't you see two?

Do you go to bed so early at night and wake up so late in the morning?
The smile on Nalan Shaojin's face suddenly faded a little, and the grievance and anger in his heart also dissipated a little.

just in case……

Did you really not see both?

just in case……

Is she really still asleep?
Girls, taking more rest is good for beauty.

Send her another message, maybe she will see it?

What should I send?
Nalan Shaojin pondered for a while, picked up the phone on the table, and edited a message to send to Yu Lingchu.

After the message was sent, he put down his phone, looked up at everyone in the conference room, and frowned slightly: "The reason why the company gives you such a good salary is to let you sit here during working hours?"

Yan Yue quickly cleared his throat, and said to everyone: "The meeting has begun."

Cloud City, the crew.

After Yu Lingchu inspected the shooting site, she confirmed that there was no problem with the security work, and was planning to take a rest for a while, when Producer Li brought the two of them over.

"Lingchu, these two are new extras recruited by the crew, his name is Shen Shan, and his name is Mo Hai."

Producer Li pointed to the two people he had brought, and introduced them to Yu Lingchu with a smile.

"Hello." Yu Lingchu greeted with a smile, but doubts and precautions arose in her heart.

She didn't think Producer Li would be bored, so she came here to introduce two extras to her.

Maybe what's the point of this.

It was just sending her off that morning, so couldn't Producer Li let her stop?
"Hello Miss Yu!" Standing behind Producer Li, Shen Shan and Mo Hai responded loudly to Yu Lingchu's words.

Producer Li smiled and said, "Lingchu, these two people were introduced to the crew by an acquaintance of mine."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Your acquaintance introduced me, what do you get from me?
"The two of them have also practiced kung fu for many years."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

It's not my business?

"They've heard you're good at kung fu."

Yu Lingchu "..."

Who did you listen to?

"So beg me to bring them here and ask you to discuss and teach each other."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Having said so much, did these two come here on purpose? !

(End of this chapter)

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