Chapter 128 The Little Liar

Yu Lingchu was not convinced: "I didn't say to block them all the time, after they calmed down, I would release them from the blacklist, wouldn't that be enough?"

The system was silent for a moment, and said: "Host, think about it from another angle, if your brother got into trouble, your father wanted to scold him severely and teach him a lesson, but when he called, he found out that he blocked your father. What will happen to your father?"

Yu Lingchu blinked and replied, "I'm angry."

"Then your dad called him on your mom's cell phone and found that your mom was also blocked by him. How did your dad and your mom feel at this time?"

"Double the anger."

Then your parents wanted to call him on your mobile phone, but found that you were also blocked by him, how did your parents feel at this time?
Yu Lingchu: "Probably...they...should...maybe...probably...maybe...want to beat my brother to death..."

"Then how long do you think it will take for them to calm down?" the system asked again.

Yu Lingchu thought about it seriously, and sighed: "If my brother can't be contacted for a long time, they may turn from angry to worried.

But once it is confirmed that my brother is safe, there must be a settlement after Qiuhou, and a ruthless calculation..."

"So, host, think about it for yourself, is the plan to block your whole family okay?"

Yu Lingchu was silent for a moment, and said unconvinced: "Then I just let Nalan Shaojin decide?"

The system suggested: "I think so, you can explain this to your parents first."

"Heh!" Yu Lingchu twitched the corners of her lips: "Do you think if I can explain it, can you not explain it? Don't you see how satisfied my parents are with Nalan Shaojin, the son-in-law, and Nalan and I?" Is this engagement at home?

I can guess what my dad will say when I tell this to my dad.

He will definitely blame me for leaving Nalan Shaojin in the cold, and even came up with the idea of ​​paying to chat with me. "

"Oh~" Yu Lingchu finished speaking, sighed, and glanced at the chat page with Nalan Shaojin with some headaches.

After thinking about it, she decided to edit another message and send it to Nalan Shaojin.

At this time, the meeting with Nalan Shaojin was coming to an end.

Hearing the message notification sound from the mobile phone, Nalan Shaojin glanced at it.

Seeing that it was Yu Lingchu's message, he raised the corners of his lips happily, and continued his speech, but the speed of his speech accelerated a lot unconsciously.

He finished what he wanted to say as quickly as possible, and then announced to everyone neatly: "The meeting is adjourned!"

The people who had been in fear for the entire meeting felt as if they were forgiven when they heard these two words.


Survive the entire meeting safely!

After the crisis was resolved, the gossip factor in everyone's hearts became active.

After leaving the office door, the people walking together began to whisper to each other.

"I don't know who sent the message to Master Jin in the end. Master Jin looked very happy after just one glance."

"I think it's not just the last news that made Master Jin happy. Didn't you notice? Master Jin's mood gradually improved after chatting with others on his mobile phone."

"I don't know who it is that can affect Lord Jin's mood so easily."

"Surely a remarkable man."


In the conference room, Nalan Shaojin said "the meeting is over", and immediately stretched out his hand to the mobile phone on the table.

He unlocked the screen and carefully read the message from Yu Lingchu word by word.

"If you transfer money to me indiscriminately, I will block you."

After reading the content of the message, he smiled.

This is……

What about threatening him?

Can he be cowardly?
He immediately replied to Yu Lingchu: "Who told you to ignore me."

As if feeling that such a dry sentence was not enough to express his feelings, Nalan Shaojin then sent another emoticon pack of grievance to Yu Lingchu.

When Yu Lingchu saw the message he sent back and the chubby grievance emoji, the corners of Yu Lingchu's lips twitched uncontrollably.

Nalan Shaojin, the dignified leader of the Nalan Group, who is gentle and gentle to the outside world, looks like a gentleman, and the emoticons he uses...are they all so cute?

This... Could it be called... Who doesn't have a cute little princess living in his heart?
Yu Lingchu smiled speechlessly, and perfunctorily said without sincerity: "I didn't see your message, so it's not that I didn't reply on purpose."

Nalan Shaojin looked at her reply, chuckled lightly, and typed back, "Then I forgive you."

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
I use your forgiveness!

She typed back: "I had a good time playing outside. If you have nothing to do, don't keep sending me messages. I may not be able to reply."

The implication is, big brother, don't bother me, I don't have time to talk to you!
Nalan Shaojin stared at the message sent by Yu Lingchu, took a deep breath, and replied: "I am also very happy to know that you are having fun. Where is such a fun place, Lingchu might as well recommend it to me ?”

Jade Lingchu (¬_¬)
This kid Nalan Shaojin wanted to get her address again!

What a wicked heart!

She can let him succeed?

She replied directly: "Of course it is Lucheng! The climate here is warm, the sea and sky are the same color, the beach is soft, the seafood is abundant, and the fruits are fresh. If you have time, Mr. Nalan must come here. I will show you around."

After listening to her voice, Nalan Shaojin smiled and cursed dotingly: "Little liar!"

He was clearly in Yuncheng, but he was told that he was in Lucheng.

If he really didn't know her whereabouts and ran to Lucheng to look for her, then it would be the opposite of reality.

Yu Lingchu's lies made him unable to bear the teasing thoughts.

He replied in voice: "The sea view of Lucheng is very beautiful. Since Lingchu is there, why not record a short video and send it to me, so that I can also be in your light and enjoy the beautiful scenery thousands of miles away."

After hearing the voice from Nalan Shaojin, Yu Ling's expression froze.

The system said helplessly: "Host, I told you a long time ago, please stop lying..."

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes: "What are you lying about? I'm called a soldier who never tires of cheating!"


"Hehehe, people don't seem to like your tricks. Let's see how you behave now."

Yuling thought about it for the first time, opened the mobile phone video software, and searched for "Lucheng small video clip".

She rummaged through the short video clips she searched for a while, and selected one that shot the coconut grove by the roadside.

After watching the video, there was nothing wrong with it, so she downloaded the video and sent it to Nalan Shaojin.

"I just took a random photo, doesn't it look good?"

Nalan Shaojin stared at the video sent by Yu Lingchu and smiled.

This little liar is planning to fool him to the end.

It's really embarrassing for her. I don't know where I picked up the small video of Lucheng, and it looks like that.

He smiled, and the voice replied: "It is said that beautiful people are picturesque, such a beautiful scene, it is a pity that Lingchu didn't take part in the mirror together."

(End of this chapter)

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