Chapter 129
Yu Lingchu looked at the message from Nalan Shaojin and pouted.

She is not in Lucheng, she is a woolen painting!


"System, did Nalan Shaojin praise me for being beautiful?
Hiss~ I treated him like that, and he still said he likes me. Could it be because he is greedy for my beauty?
Hiss~ So that’s the case, bah!That pervert! "


Yu Lingchu: "I will never let him succeed!"

System ←_←

Host, you are almost done! Hey!

Don't be too narcissistic, hey!

Nalan Shaojin likes you, or maybe it's purely because of lard...

Otherwise, you punch Nanshan and kick Beihai's mother... a hero among women, how many desperate men dare to marry? !
Weighing the phone in his hand, Yu Lingchu thought for a while, and replied to Nalan Shaojin: "I still have to play, so I won't chat with you."

She wasn't in Lucheng, and Nalan Shaojin's request to let her take pictures of the scenery was temporarily fooled by her.

But if she talked for a while longer, she was afraid that Nalan Shaojin would throw out new tricks, so it would be troublesome to deal with it.

Nalan Shaojin also had no intention of exposing her, and when she heard that she was going to play, he replied: "Okay, Lingchu is fun."

After finishing chatting with Nalan Shaojin, Yu Lingchu quit WeChat and checked the time, it was almost noon.

The senior sister should still be filming, and there is nothing wrong with the left and right, so she might as well go and have a look.

Yuling got up and left the lounge at the beginning, strolling unhurriedly to Han Zexin's shooting location.

At this time, Han Zexin was sitting on a chair, and Mu Si was helping her touch up her makeup with a powder puff.

At the director's side, Liu Yi's scenes are being filmed.

However, judging from the faces of the director and a group of staff, the filming didn't seem to be going well.

Yu Lingchu glanced over there, walked straight to Han Zexin, pulled up a chair at will, and sat down beside Han Zexin.

"Did the shoot go well?" she asked.

Han Zexin glanced at her, then at Liu Yi, who was filming, and sighed, "The scene in the morning went well, but in the afternoon...not necessarily."

Yu Lingchu immediately understood: "Is there a rivalry with Liu Yi in the afternoon?"

Han Zexin nodded.

"She... didn't act very well?"

Han Zexin curled her lips: "This morning she only had one scene, just a few scenes, and now she has NGed [-] times..."

Speaking of this, Han Zexin lowered her voice: "If she hadn't brought money into the group, I guess the director would have been so angry that she would have sent her away."

The two were talking, when the director over there yelled angrily: "Stop!"

Liu Yi's dissatisfied voice followed: "Director, my lines are correct this time!"

Yu Lingchu turned her head to look over, and saw Director Wang frowning with a brow that could kill a fly, angrily and powerlessly said to Liu Yi: "The lines are correct, but look at what expression you have when you say the lines , winking like an ADHD!"

"Director, how can you say that!" Liu Yi said unhappily, "It's because you said that this role should be playful and smart, so I have more expressiveness!"

Director Wang raised his palm and rubbed his forehead, suppressing his anger and said, "I mean the character should be playful and smart, but being playful doesn't mean flying eyebrows and eyes, and being smart doesn't mean moving too much! Look at you... what is this acting like?" !"

Producer Li happened to come over at this time, Liu Yi saw her, and hurriedly called out: "Producer Li, come here!"

Producer Li heard her calling him, and saw that Director Wang's expression was not right, so he hurried over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yi complained with a cold face: "What's the matter! Director Wang has been picking on my faults and troubles me this morning! I have worked so hard to perform, but he actually said that I am worthless!"

Producer Li looked at Director Wang.

Director Wang pulled him aside and whispered: "Producer Li, didn't you say that Nalan Group invested in our crew? Can Liu Yi be replaced? I really can't bear her! Just her The hot-eyed acting skills that are more amateurish than amateur, almost gave me a heart attack!"

Producer Li patted Director Wang on the shoulder: "I know it's hard for you, but even though our film crew has the investment of Nalan Group, Mr. Hu behind Liu Yi is still not easy to offend. She is not good at acting. , do you bother to teach me more?"

Director Wang sighed: "It's not that I don't want to teach, but I'm afraid that her mud will not be able to support the wall!"

Producer Li chuckled: "Look at what you said, it's not so serious. Now, let me talk about Liu Yi and let her cooperate with you fully, okay?"

Director Wang nodded helplessly, and sat back in front of the monitor.

At this time, Han Zexin just finished her makeup, so the director asked Liu Yi to go down and make adjustments, and Han Zexin came over to shoot.

The film made by the crew is a heroine drama, which revolves around the two sisters who were born in the General Wei's mansion.

The elder sister is played by Han Zexin, and the younger sister is played by Liu Yi.

The two sisters were born in the general's mansion, and they didn't like red clothes and armed forces since they were young.

The elder sister has a strong and bold personality, is familiar with military books, and has the same ambition as a man. She hopes to fight for the country one day and become a majestic female general.

The younger sister is lively, eccentric and loves to tease others, but she is very attached to her elder sister.

When my sister was 17 years old, a war broke out on the border.

My sister pretended to be a soldier and mixed into the army, and went out with the army.

A few months later, news came from the border that the general and his son died in battle. The younger sister was sad and worried about her sister's safety, so she left a letter and went to the frontier to find her sister. In the end, the younger sister died in the frontier to save her sister.

At the end of the film, the elder sister led the army to fight the enemy bravely, and finally triumphed, fulfilling her long-cherished wish when she was young, and was named a general by the emperor.

After being sealed and returned to the mansion, my sister looked at the wide open door of the general's mansion, imagining her sister happily running out of it, running towards her, her eyes were red...

At this time, the scene of the General's Mansion was filmed.

The two sisters have not yet experienced the cruel war, the elder sister is full of pride and high spirits, and the younger sister is playful and lively, eccentric.

Han Zexin stood under the camera, the spear in her hand was played violently by her.

At this moment, a servant of the General's Mansion ran over in a panic and exclaimed, "Miss! It's not good! It's not good!"

With a twist of her wrist, Han Zexin retracted the stabbing spear, frowned and looked at the servant who came running, with a calm demeanor, and asked in a deep voice: "Could it be that the sky is falling? How can you be so flustered!"

The servant ran up to her, wiped the sweat off his brow, and panted, "Second...Second Miss...and...the young master of the Monk's House, fight...start a fight!"

Han Zexin's eyes tightened, and she asked worriedly, "Did my sister suffer?"

"Not yet."

Han Zexin relaxed, and said leisurely: "Second Miss is not at a disadvantage, so why are you panicking?"

The servant hurriedly said: "But there are many people in the Shangshu Mansion, and the second lady didn't suffer a loss when I ran back to report the letter, but now I don't know!"

(End of this chapter)

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