chapter 130
After listening to the servant's words, Han Zexin's expression turned serious: "What a Shangshu's mansion, but he came here to bully the less with more, did he pretend that there was no one in my general's mansion!
Hurry up and lead the way, I want to see who dares to touch a single hair of my sister! "


Director Wang stopped, looked at Han Zexin with a satisfied smile, and praised: "Zexin, you did a great job."

Han Zexin gave the director a smiling face: "It was Director Wang who directed it well."

Director Wang laughed: "Your acting skills are obvious to all, so don't be humble."

Han Zexin's filming of this scene was perfect and smooth, and most of the anger that he had just been angered by Liu Yi was dissipated.

He glanced at the time, and said to the crew: "It's already noon, everyone, take a break, and continue working after lunch."

After receiving Director Wang's order, everyone put down their work one after another and left the venue temporarily.

Yu Lingchu ran errands to get three lunch boxes, and took them to Han Zexin's dressing room.

After sharing the meal with Han Zexin and Mu Si, the three of them sat at the table and began to eat.

Han Zexin had been filming all morning, and she was really hungry, so she ate happily with her boxed lunch.

Mu Si didn't move after taking two bites, she sat there with her chopsticks in her hand, staring at the food in the lunch box in a daze, with a preoccupied look.

Yu Lingchu knew that she was worried about that scumbag named Zheng Huaizhou, so she sighed secretly, and only hoped in her heart that she could look away as soon as possible, let go of the scumbag and embrace the beauty.

The three of them were eating in silence, when Liu Yi's high-pitched and dissatisfied voice suddenly came from the box next door.

"I worked hard all morning filming, and the crew gave me this kind of lunch?
Look at what's going on here, I lose my appetite just looking at it, even pigs won't eat it! "

Han Zexin, who was trying to replenish her energy, paused as she stuffed food into her mouth.

Looking at the boxed lunches with meat and vegetables on the table, trying to swallow the food in his mouth, he looked at Yu Lingchu and asked, "I don't even eat pigs, is this the boxed lunch on our table?"

Yu Lingchu blinked and blinked: "It seems... yes!"

Han Zexin sucked her teeth, stared and said, "Are you scolding box lunch, or are you scolding us?"

Saying that she doesn't even eat pigs, but she eats them so deliciously, isn't that calling her inferior to pigs?

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Senior sister, why are you so anxious, she might be scolding herself."

Han Zexin was puzzled: "Huh? What do you mean?"

"People eat pigs but we don't eat them. We are human if we eat them. She is a pig if she doesn't eat them."

Han Zexin chuckled: "Can you still understand this?"

Yu Lingchu laughed and said, "Why not?"

Liu Yi's noisy voice from next door came again: "Go and tell Producer Li that I don't want to eat this kind of rubbish, and ask him to order a new meal for me!"

There was the sound of the door opening.

Presumably Liu Yi's assistant got the instructions and ran to find Producer Li.

The voice of the system sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind at this time: "Host, Liu Yi is currently acting as a demon, and this is a good opportunity for you to show up and educate her! Help Liu Yi change from evil to righteousness, and let her eat the same pot of rice with everyone, and refuse The specialization begins~”

Hearing the system mentioned the task, Yu Lingchu chuckled: "Don't worry, it's not the past time yet. Liu Yi didn't fight with me, so I rushed over to preach to him. Call me a psychopath who likes to preach!"

"Then let her do it, let it go?"

The system is a little anxious: "If you don't act, host, the mission will be judged to be a failure!"

Yu Lingchu said in a deep voice: "I didn't say I won't do anything, just hold your breath!"

The system quiets down.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Han Zexin looked at Yu Lingchu and raised her eyebrows: "Hey! It should be Producer Li who was found."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly.

Han Zexin continued: "I don't know how much the people behind Liu Yi have invested in the film crew to give her such confidence. The acting skills are bad, but she dares to challenge the director. As for the producer Li, she is always shouting and shouting, just like Li Producers are like her minions."

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips and smiled: "If someone brings money into the group, they will naturally have extraordinary confidence."

Han Zexin curled her lips: "I think she's just stupid! She doesn't know how to cherish the opportunities that she managed to get by spending money, and she's doing what she wants all day long. According to her way of doing things, even if there are people behind her, she wants to go on in the entertainment industry for a long time. , it is also difficult~”

Yu Lingchu nodded in agreement.

There is a saying that goes, if there is madness in the sky, there will be rain, and there will be disaster for the madness of people!

Next door, Producer Li's laughing voice came faintly: "Liu Yi, what's the matter?"

Liu Yi sneered, pointed to the boxed lunch on the table and said to Producer Li: "Look for yourself, is this for people to eat!"

Producer Li glanced at the boxed lunch, frowned slightly, but still said patiently: "Why isn't it eaten by humans? This is what we all eat. Isn't it good to have meat and vegetables?"

"What's the matter!" Liu Yi waved and threw the boxed lunch on the table to the ground, glaring at Producer Li, and said, "My dear, you don't want me to come here to be wronged for spending so much money on the crew! Whoever eats it, I won’t eat it anyway!”

Producer Li endured Liu Yi for a long time.

Now Liu Yi threw the crew's boxed lunch on the ground face to face, successfully arousing his suppressed anger.

The smile on his face disappeared, but he still cared about Mr. Hu's face, so he said coldly: "Do you like to eat or not! If you don't eat, you will either be hungry, or go buy what you want by yourself!"

Liu Yi refused to accept: "The crew is in charge of the food, why should I buy it myself!"

"Don't you want to eat the food managed by the crew? If you don't want to eat what you like! I am not your father, and I am not your mother. I am not used to your obligation! Clear your own position, are you here Filming is not here to be made Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

It's just a mistress who can't get on the stage, putting on a condescending look all day long, pretending that she really thinks she is some kind of wealthy daughter, ridiculous!

Han Zexin listened to the movement from next door, smiled mockingly, and said to Yu Lingchu: "It seems that Producer Li can't stand the princess next door is sick."

Yu Lingchu stood up: "I'll go and have a look."

Han Zexin hurriedly stopped her: "Hey! Hey! Hey! I said junior sister, and it's none of our business. What were you doing in the past!"

Yu Lingchu sighed and said, "I'll reconcile the conflict!"

She didn't want to go over there either, but isn't there a system task to do?

"Reconcile conflicts?" Han Zexin frowned, got up and muttered, "You can take care of your own business, you are the aunt of the neighborhood committee!"

While speaking, Han Zexin stepped forward to chase Yu Lingchu.

As she was walking outside, she still didn't forget to turn her head and greet Mu Si: "Mu Si, let's go and have a look together."

Mu Si didn't move and ignored her.

Han Zexin paused as she walked out, and looked at Mu Si suspiciously.

I saw Mu Si holding chopsticks in her hand, lowering her eyebrows and eyes, as if she didn't hear anything about her surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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