Chapter 139

Han Zexin tugged on La Yulingchu's sleeve again.

"Lingchu, I told you not to embarrass Miss Liu too much."

Yuling looked at Han Zexin at first, and said puzzledly: "Miss Liu asked for 1 yuan, and I added [-] yuan. How can I embarrass her? Sister, don't you think that Miss Liu will not be able to get an extra [-] yuan?" Right? If that’s the case, wouldn’t she still be slapping a swollen face to pretend to be fat if she offered [-] yuan earlier?”

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu looked at Liu Yi again: "Miss Liu, I'm not talking about you, people have to do what they can. I'm kind and soft-hearted, [-] is the official price, [-] is the friendship price, if you want to say you Poor, I can give you a little more discount, [-] is [-], I acted for you in these fight scenes, it doesn’t matter if I suffer a little!"

Director Wang: "..."

After filming for so long, the stuntman who offered [-] for the first few scenes he saw...

The key is that the [-] yuan is still the preferential price after discounts and discounts...

Surrounding audience: "..."

She obviously can grab it directly, but she is still willing to act in a few scenes, really... kind and soft-hearted...

Yu Lingchu didn't care about everyone's different thoughts, walked up to Liu Yi with her mobile phone, tapped on the payment code and pointed at her: "If Miss Liu thinks it's all right, just scan the code to pay, [-] really can't be lower Oh~”

Han Zexin sighed, and persuaded loudly: "Lingchu, why don't you lower the price a little bit more, Miss Liu is a face-saving person, people may be embarrassed to say it, so don't put too much pressure on Miss Liu."

Yu Lingchu frowned and looked at Liu Yi: "If [-] yuan is too much pressure for you, then... I'll give you a fracture price of [-] yuan, is it acceptable?"

Liu Yi gritted her teeth: "Who do you look down on! I use you to lower my price!"

Yu Lingchu's face was full of disapproval: "It's not shameful to have no money, don't be brave."

Han Zexin also persuaded: "Yes, Miss Liu, do what you can."

Liu Yiang sneered, "I don't care about these two little money!"

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone and scanned Yu Lingchu's payment code, and after she lowered her head to operate, she raised her head proudly: "[-], a penny is a lot! I owe you this money?!"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "Miss Liu is very generous!"

Han Zexin lowered her head and suppressed a smile.

Yu'er really took the bait, and she and Ling Chuyi's spirited reconciliation was not in vain.

Fifty thousand, for such a short period of time, Liu Yizhen is being taken for a ride.

At the beginning, Yuling loosened her muscles and bones, and looked at Liu Yi: "Miss Liu, change your costume and give it to me, I'll help you act."

The crisp voice of the system sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind: "Host, these days, there are not many opportunities to make money so easily~"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Well, this Liu Yi is at home, and she is really interested in it, without ambiguity at all."

"Host, what you said seems to be scolding someone for being taken advantage of, what about two hundred and five?"

"You remove the seem."

"Host, how do you make the swearing words seem to be boasting? Teach me when you have time~"

"You are a white lotus system, what do you want to learn to swear?"

"I don't scold people, I scold the system that mainly manages me"

"You want to scold the main system? Are you afraid that you will be punished if you scold too directly?"

System ( ̄ー ̄)
"Host, what are you talking about! My worship of the main system is like a torrent of rivers, how could I scold him!

It's you, the host, I have to remind you, don't tell me if you see through, hello me! "

Yu Lingchu: "Oh, just pretend I didn't tell you the truth."

Don't you still want to scold the main system, huh!
Liu Yi spent the money, so she naturally wanted Yu Lingchu to help her as soon as possible.

She looked at the director: "Do I still have a costume like this on me? Give her one."

The director shook his head: "The crew had a limited budget before, and I didn't know you were going to use a stand-in actor. I didn't prepare much for this outfit. You can change the one on your body and give it to Lingchu."

Liu Yi rolled her eyes: "The crew is soliciting investment everywhere, where did all the money go, and they didn't even prepare an extra set of costumes."

This poor and picky crew is really boring!
"Oh~" the director sighed, and smiled mockingly: "Miss Liu, please be considerate, the production team was indeed short of funds before. This can be seen from the fact that Producer Li is picking up all the rags from the production team, isn't it?"

Liu Yi frowned, feeling that Director Wang's words were eccentric, as if he was connoting her.

"Director Wang, what do you mean?" she asked.

Director Wang looked innocent: "It's not interesting, just express the predicament of the crew before."

"What do you mean by the rags you just said!"

The director sneered inwardly, and said to himself: What else can I refer to, just you!Silly, can't you hear me?
"If you want to say what the rags refer to specifically, there are many.

Useless trash is called junk, isn't it? "

Liu Yi bit her lip, and instead of playing charades with Director Wang here, she simply asked, "Are you scolding me?"

With an innocent face, Director Wang asked back, "What did I say to scold you? Why didn't I know?"

Liu Yi couldn't say that she thought Director Wang was referring to herself, so she could only snort coldly: "It's better not to! If you dare to scold me, I'll never end with you!"

"Oh, I'm so scared~" the director hugged himself and shook.


Liu Yi still wanted to have a fit, but Yu Lingchu who was at the side said impatiently: "I said, do you still want to change the clothes for me? I'm so tired of dawdling!"

Liu Yi looked at Yu Lingchu and said angrily, "Why are you in a hurry! I'm not in a hurry to spend money!"

Yuling gave her a first look: "It's amazing to spend money on you! My old lady's shop is a big bully, what can you do when it's out of date!"

Liu Yi said unhappily: "I spent money, why don't you wait when it's too late!"

"You can't buy me too much time with your three melons and two dates. If you waste time, don't blame me for asking you to pay more!"

"You... you've lost money, haven't you!"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Liu Yi's lips trembled a few times, and she said angrily, "Give me back the money, I don't need you as my substitute!"

"You don't need it if you say you don't need it?" Yu Lingchu raised her eyebrows: "Is there a spirit of contract? If you break the contract, you have to pay me liquidated damages, do you know? Legally blind!"

"I gave all the money, but you still want me to pay liquidated damages? What's the point?"

"You gave all the money, and I'm ready, but you suddenly regretted that you don't need me, isn't it because you broke the contract?"

Liu Yi refused to accept: "When did I say I don't need you anymore!"

Yu Lingchu looked at Liu Yi inexplicably: "Just now, you didn't say it, could it be the dog barking?"

"You..." Liu Yi was stuck in her heart because of the turbid breath of anger. She couldn't organize the rebuttal position words for a while, so she could only impatiently say: "Go, go! Change your clothes! Change now! Let me tell you, I will act in a while." If it’s not good, you’re breaking the contract!”

(End of this chapter)

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