Chapter 140
The old god Yu Lingchu smiled: "Hey~ I didn't guarantee that I would perform well when I gave the money. If you don't accept it, you can sue me."

Liu Yi was so angry that she wanted to go crazy, and strode towards the dressing room.

Yu Ling looked at Mu Si at first, and smiled harmlessly: "Sister Fairy, help me with my makeup, and treat you to dinner tonight."

"No problem." Mu Si readily agreed.

The director looked at the back of Liu Yi leaving angrily, and said to Yu Lingchu who was about to leave: "Lingchu, well done!"

Yu Ling first looked at Director Wang, and smiled: "I didn't expect that there would be a windfall income today. We will have a share in the meeting. Tomorrow, I will invite the whole crew to drink milk tea."

"it is good!"

Hearing what Yu Lingchu said, everyone present applauded.

Estimating that Yu Lingchu, a stand-in actor, would not have too long to do the modeling, the director asked everyone to rest and adjust for a while, and wait for Yu Lingchu to come back after changing her makeup before continuing to shoot.

Because she is a stand-in actor, Yu Lingchu originally only needed to have the same costume and hairstyle as the main character, without any makeup on her face.

But when Yu Lingchu changed her clothes and had her hair done, Mu Si looked at the bright and charming girl in the mirror, and couldn't help picking up the lip gloss, wanting to add some magnificence to her beautiful face.

Liu Yi looked at Mu Si's actions, and said in a bad tone: "Okay! What's the point of drawing, she is a stuntman, and her face will not appear on the screen in the later stage, so what's the use of drawing beautifully?" !"

A stuntman should have the self-consciousness of being a stuntman. Is the painting so beautiful because you want to steal the show?

Mu Si glanced at her lightly: "I didn't draw Lingchu's beauty.

She is a natural beauty, just use some lipstick and eye shadow to decorate it a little, it won't take much time. "

Liu Yi rolled her eyes: "No matter how beautiful the painting is, what's the use, anyway, no one will see it in the end!"

Mu Si choked: "Who said no one saw it?! Isn't there so many people in the whole crew!"

Liu Yi sneered: "Who would like to watch~"

Mu Si paused for Yu Lingchu's lipstick-applied hand, raised her eyes and gave Liu Yi a cold look: "I love to watch, most of the crew love to watch! After all, everyone has a love for beauty.

Ms. Liu, you talk so much nonsense, isn't it because you are jealous that Lingchu is prettier than you? "

Liu Yi was poked in the center of her mind, she glared and said, "Do I need to be jealous of her? Tch!"

The voice of the system sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind at this time.

"Host, Liu Yi is just jealous of your beauty. This system has already detected her mood swings."

Yu Lingchu looked at Liu Yi: "Shut up if you're not jealous! I'm not like you, scraping putty on my face layer by layer, I just apply a little lipstick and eye shadow, how much time will it take? Got you yelling here!
If you have this time, why don't you improve your acting skills, so that you don't have to ask your grandpa to sue your grandma for finding a stand-in actor! "

Liu Yi's face turned blue and white, and she said angrily, "I'm rich and I'd like to find a stuntman, can you control me! Let me tell you, don't go too far!"

Mu Si glanced at her and said coldly: "I'm going too far, what can you do to me?"

Liu Yi knew that she couldn't offend Mu Si's family background, so she could only glared at the two angrily, turned her head and left.

Mu Si lightly looked back at her, lowered her head and continued to apply makeup to Yu Lingchu.

When Liu Yi walked to the door, she felt that it was hard to get rid of the anger in her heart for leaving like this, so she turned her head and looked at Yu Lingchu again: "You'd better not waste your time with money, hum!"

Fearing that she would be reprimanded again after speaking, Liu Yi left quickly.

While putting on lipstick on Yu Lingchu, Mu Si sneered: "Don't talk to her, talk sour nonsense, I think she is jealous that you are prettier than her!"

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly: "It's a great honor to be praised by the little fairy Mu Si."

Mu Si chuckled lightly: "It's pretty in the first place."

While speaking, Mu Si flexibly sketched and painted on Yu Lingchu's face, and completed a simple and natural makeup in a short while.

Mu Si straightened up and looked at Yu Lingchu in the mirror with satisfaction.

Yu Lingchu smiled and looked at Mu Si.

When she raised her eyes, the brilliance in her eyes flowed, charming but not bewitching, pretty but not vulgar.

Mu Si lowered her eyes and met Shang Yu Lingchu's gaze with undisguised appreciation and amazement.

She sighed: "Beauties are really good-looking in 360 degrees without dead ends."

When Yu Ling first heard her say this, she got up and smiled mischievously, "Little Fairy Mu Si, you are also 360 degrees beautiful without any dead angle."

Mu Si smiled, and left the dressing room side by side with Yu Lingchu, and walked towards the shooting location.

Here the director directed everyone to finish filming another scene, when Yu Lingchu and Mu Si dressed up walked over side by side.

The afternoon breeze blew gently, lifting Yu Lingchu's dress.

With her clothes fluttering, she was as light as a fairy who had strayed into the mortal world, her eyes flickered, her frown and smile were intoxicating and bright.

Director Wang looked at Yu Lingchu in a daze.

That's what it feels like!Yu Lingchu was the second lady of Xiangfu he was looking for!
If Yuling first came to play the role of the second lady of the Xiangfu, then after her role is finished, she will definitely become the heart of the audience!
Seeing that Yu Lingchu was about to approach, the director hurriedly found a script, turned to the page where Yu Lingchu was acting as a substitute, and walked towards Yu Lingchu: "Lingchu, take a look, this paragraph is What you want to play."

Yu Lingchu took the script handed over by the director with both hands, read it carefully with lowered eyes, and then said to Director Wang: "Director Wang, this is my first filming, just tell me what you need me to do, I will obey the arrangement."

The reason why she agreed to be Liu Yi's stand-in was because she wanted to cheat Liu Yi, and secondly, she hoped to help the crew get rid of Liu Yi's torture for a while, and speed up today's filming progress a little.

If some of the negative effects of Liu Yi's being a demon can be reduced, then her task completion rate may be able to be raised further.

Even if the final mission cannot be completed, the higher the degree of mission completion, the lower the punishment.

Director Wang is very satisfied with Yu Lingchu's cooperative attitude.

Look at her, she has a powerful background and Liu Yi is thousands of miles away, but she is humble and serious in her work.

After the director patiently explained to Yu Lingchu how to shoot, he sat back in front of the monitor.

"Every department is ready, 3.2.1. Start!"

The camera moved slowly, and Yu Lingchu walked briskly in the bustling market, looking here and there with a pair of nimble eyes.

When you meet someone who is interested, you go to the vendors, pick up the things they sell, and take a closer look.

She picked up a fox mask and was playing with it with interest, when she suddenly heard a noisy sound not far away.

The voice caught her attention, and she turned her head to look around, and saw a group of people gathered together, discussing a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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