shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 141 Do you want to replace it?

Chapter 141 Do you want to replace it?
Yu Lingchu's bright eyes were stained with doubt, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the noise.

A group of people gathered together, pointing and not knowing what they were talking about.

The peddler who sold masks beside him also took a look there, and then looked at Yu Lingchu and said, "Hey, there is a girl who sold her body to bury her father. It's pitiful to see her lonely and helpless. I don't know where she will be killed in the end." home to buy."

The peddler shook his head as he spoke, as if lamenting the girl's life.

Yu Lingchu frowned, put down the mask in her hand, and strode towards the direction where the crowd gathered.

She pushed aside the crowd, walked up to the girl who sold her body to bury her father, took out a bag of silver from her body, and was about to stuff it into the girl's hand, when suddenly a bag of silver fell from the sky and landed firmly beside the girl kneeling on the ground.

A contemptuous voice sounded at the same time as the silver fell to the ground: "You, I bought it, young master."

The girl kneeling on the ground raised her head with a miserable face, and looked at the man who threw money at her.

Yu Lingchu also turned her head and looked up at the person who threw the money.

Seeing the person coming, she picked up the bag of silver that the other party threw on the ground, stood up and threw the silver back at the other party viciously.

"Song Anran, this girl is not selling herself anymore, take your money and get out!"

Song Anran was not convinced and said, "You won't sell it if you say it won't be sold? Who are you, why should you decide for her!"

After finishing speaking, Song Anran looked at the woman kneeling on the ground again, handed over the status purse in her hand, and said temptingly: "The money I gave is enough to bury your father, are you sure you don't want it?"

The woman's eyes hesitated for a moment, and then she wanted to pick up the purse that Song Anran handed over with trembling hands.

Seeing that the girl was about to accept Song Anran's buying money.

Yu Lingchu suddenly raised her hand and pushed Song Anran away: "Everyone says she won't sell herself anymore, get out!"

Song Anran was caught off guard, pushed back a few steps, and fell to the ground.

Yu Ling didn't even look at him at first glance, knelt down and stuffed all her silver coins into the girl's hands, and said softly, "Take it and bury your father, and keep the rest to live a good life."

The woman looked at Yu Lingchu gratefully: "Miss, you gave me the money, and the servant is yours."

Yu Lingchu hurriedly waved his hands to explain: "I have no intention of buying you as a slave..."

But the woman knocked her head on the ground: "Miss, servants are not the ones who don't repay their favors. Miss left her address, and after I bury my father, I will go to the mansion to look for you."

"What's the matter with you girl!"

Song Anran stood up from the ground supported by his servant, and rushed forward a few steps and said angrily: "Do you know that you must be honest when doing business! I gave you the money first, how could you sell yourself to her!"

Song Anran yelled at the woman who prostituted herself, and she shrank back in fright.

"Bah!" Yu Lingchu stood up and spat, glaring at Song Anran angrily: "What are you barking at? Even if it comes first, then I'm the one who came first!"

"So what if you came first!" Song Anran shouted unconvinced: "I gave the money first! This woman is mine!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and thought of pulling the woman who sold herself to bury her father.

Yu Lingchu grabbed the hand he extended towards the woman.

Not to be outdone, Song Anran immediately raised his other hand to attack Yu Lingchu.

After the two of you come and go with each other, Song Anran was kicked by Yu Lingchu and fell to the ground. While screaming "Ouch" in pain, he glared angrily at the servant who came with him, and shouted: "Still stunned!" Whatever you do, do it to me!"

The servants of Shangshufu rushed up and surrounded Yu Lingchu in the middle, Yu Lingchu didn't show any panic on his face, and made moves to fight with those servants.


The director stopped, and looked at Yu Lingchu with a smile: "Okay! Lingchu, you acted very well!"

Yu Lingchu stretched out her hand to Song Anran who was still lying on the ground: "Sorry, did I hurt you just now?"

In the crowd, Shen Shan and Mo Hai looked at this scene, pursed their lips and looked at each other, reading the meaning of grievance from each other's eyes.

The two of them are also martial arts practitioners, so they can see clearly that Yu Lingchu's move just now was clearly restrained.

Doesn't she hold back her strength?
How could you beat the two of them to death?

Could it be that the two of them look so much like they deserve to be beaten?

Seeing Yu Lingchu stretching out his hand, the actor held it with a smile, and smiled heartily after getting up: "I'm fine, Lingchu, you acted really well! Is this really your first time acting?"

"Yes, this is my first time acting."

Hearing what she said, the other party showed admiration in his eyes: "It's the first time you can act so well, I can only say that you are really talented, have you considered entering the entertainment industry?"

Hearing what he said, Director Wang also looked at Yu Lingchu with burning eyes.

With Yu Lingchu's background, it would be a breeze to replace Liu Yi!
Yu Lingchu smiled, and replied to the actor, "I don't have that plan yet."

A look of disappointment flashed across Director Wang's eyes.

Everyone rested for a while and started filming the next scene.

In this scene, Han Zexin rushed from the General's Mansion to the street after receiving the report.

Han Zexin had been waiting for the filming of this scene all afternoon.

There's no other way, because Liu Yi, who is going to act opposite to her, is really not good enough, and the previous scenes have been NG.

Looking at Liu Yi's previous performance, she was even mentally prepared. When she and Liu Yi acted opposite each other, she would also be implicated by Liu Yi [-] or [-] times...

Fortunately, the person acting opposite her now is Yu Lingchu.

She and Yu Lingchu came from the same school, and they have been friends for many years, so it goes without saying that they have a tacit understanding.

Coupled with Yu Lingchu's performance just now, Han Zexin is even more confident about the next shoot.

And the shooting result was as she expected, very smooth.

She and Yu Lingchu were teachers and sisters at first, and there is nothing wrong with acting as biological sisters at this time.

The elder sister's care and doting on the younger sister, the younger sister's trust in the elder sister and acting like a baby are not acted out at all, but more like a natural expression.

All the interactive shots of the sisters are a perfect passage.

After the filming of this scene, the director filmed two more scenes and announced to everyone that work was over.

By the time the crew packed up and prepared to go back to the hotel, it was completely dark.

Mu Si looked at the pitch-black night, with a little melancholy on her brows.

Yu Ling glanced at her for the first time, but she looked back and said nothing.

The system suddenly said: "Host, Mu Si must be thinking about that scumbag."

Yu Lingchu sighed softly: "Do you still need to ask? It must be~"

The car drove back to the hotel in the dark.

At the beginning of Yuling, Han Zexin and Mu Si walked into the hotel together.

When the three of them stepped into the hotel gate, a clear male voice full of surprises sounded almost at the same time.


When Mu Si heard the familiar voice, she immediately looked up.

Seeing the man standing not far away calling her, her eyes sparkled.

Surprise swept through her heart, but she pursed her lips and stood there without moving.

(End of this chapter)

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