Chapter 14
Ling Xuan stood at the door, like a welcome guest, and enthusiastically opened the door of the box.

Fang Yu led a sweet-looking girl into the door.

Seeing Ling Xuan who opened the door, Fang Yu smiled and introduced to the girl: "Tian Tian, ​​this is junior brother Ling Xuan."

The girl smiled a little cautiously: "Hi, Junior Brother."

"Hi, sister-in-law." Ling Xuan responded enthusiastically.

Fang Yu led Tian Tian into the room a few more steps, and solemnly introduced to the others in the room: "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Tian Tian. Tian Tian, ​​this is the elder brother Jiang Youhui, and that is the elder sister Han Zexin. The one next to the senior sister is the junior junior sister Yu Lingchu."

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister, Hello, Senior Sister." Tian Tian said hello a little stiffly.

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin got up at the same time and walked towards Tian Tian.

After passing by, Han Zexin took Tian Tian's hand and said, "Hello."

Woohoo~ This little sister looks really sweet, and her hands are so soft, she really lives up to her name~
Yu Lingchu squeezed away Fang Yu, who was standing on the other side of Tian Tian, ​​and held Tian Tian's hand instead of Fang Yu, smiling very kindly, like a human trafficker who wanted to traffic people: "Hello~ little beauty~"

Not far away, Ling Xuan hugged the doorknob, leaning his forehead against the edge of the door.

Senior Sister Lingchu, hey, how about restraining yourself as you agreed earlier?Are you sure you won't scare this soft and cute little sister-in-law with your lustful appearance?
" are you..." Facing the enthusiastic two people, Tian Tian seemed stiff and at a loss.

Seeing her restraint, Han Zexin hurriedly said with a friendly smile, "We're all on our own, Tian Tian, ​​you come here as you please, don't be restrained."

Yu Lingchu also took Tian Tian's hand affectionately: "Let's go, let's sit over there. Fang Yu is really unreliable. If he wants to bring you here earlier, we won't book the bar, but change it to the bar. The restaurant gathered.

You said that this matter was messed up by him. The occasion of the first meeting was so informal, and he didn't even have time to prepare a meeting ceremony for you. Please take it easy. "

Tian Tian smiled, her voice was sweet and soft: "It's pretty good here too, I... I didn't prepare a gift either."

After speaking, Tian Tian became anxious again.

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin pulled Tian Tian to sit down.

Han Zexin smiled and said, "What gift do we want? You join us on the first day. According to the rules, we should prepare a gift for you."

"Senior Sister is right." Yu Lingchu responded, "I owe you the gift today, and I will give you double the gift next time."

"I'm very happy to meet you, I really don't need gifts."

"Use it! Use it!"

"Everyone will be our own people in the future, so don't be polite to us."

"If Fang Yu makes you angry, you can sue us, and we will beat him up for you!"

"I promise to beat you until you don't get angry."

Fang Yu stared depressedly at the two women who kidnapped his girlfriend.

"Let me tell you, did you two make a mistake? Tian Tian is my girlfriend, so she should sit with me!"

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin shot Fang Yu with murderous eyes.

What's yours is ours!
Dare to influence us to increase our friendship with the little beauty, and beat you with a sack!
Meeting the murderous look in the eyes of the two, Fang Yu choked for breath.

Woohoo (T_T) These two female robbers came up and snatched his girlfriend, is there any reason...

Jiang Youhui looked at several people and shook his head and smiled, then greeted Fang Yu and said, "Hurry up and sit here, don't worry, Lingchu and Zexin are both girls, they must take good care of your girlfriend."

"That's right!" Ling Xuan added with a smile: "Senior Sister Lingchu and Senior Sister Zexin like to see beautiful women the most. The sister-in-law is so beautiful, they give special treatment."

Fang Yu: "..."

Thank you, junior brother, I don’t need you to remind me, I also know that those are two female satyrs...

After a glance, Yu Lingchu looked away at Fang Yu, and Yu Lingchu looked at Tian Tian again with a friendly face.

"Tian Tian, ​​have you had dinner yet?"

Tian Tian smiled shyly: "I have eaten."

"I've eaten it, let's have some dessert. I know there is a dessert shop nearby that makes good cakes."

As soon as Yu Lingchu said that, she took out her mobile phone, exited the airplane mode neatly, and clicked on the takeaway software.

"Master...Junior Sister, no need, I'm full from dinner." Tian Tian hurriedly stopped her.

A WeChat friend verification message popped up on the phone screen, Yu Lingchu ignored it, and turned to look at Tian Tian with a smile.

"You call me Junior Sister?"

Tian Tian was nervous: "No...can't I call you that?"


Seeing her nervous for the first time, Yuling quickly explained: "I am one year older than you, you should call me sister. Also, don't listen to that guy Fang Yu fooling you, he is not my senior brother, We worshiped the teacher on the same day, and I knelt down to worship the teacher 1 minute earlier than him, so strictly speaking, he should call me Senior Sister!

But that guy is rebellious, he has to rush to be my senior brother, I really don't want to be as knowledgeable as him.

Hey~Tian Tian, ​​you can't imitate him, come on, call your sister to listen. "

Tian Tian blushed slightly: "Ling...Sister Lingchu."

"Hey!" Yu Lingchu responded cheerfully: "It's so good, wait, sister will buy you a cake to eat."

Han Zexin couldn't help shaking her head and chuckling when she saw the little girl Yu Lingchu was fooling around obediently calling her sister.

Tian Tian pulled Yu Lingchu's sleeve: "Sister Lingchu, I'm really full, so don't waste your money."

"It's okay, it doesn't cost money, don't be polite with your sister."

Yu Lingchu found the dessert shop mentioned, and clicked on the screen.

"Tian Tian, ​​what flavor of milk tea do you like?"

"It's's okay."

"Okay." Yu Lingchu directly added all the store's classic and popular flavors to the shopping cart, and then checked out and paid for the dozens of desserts that she had ordered before.

After paying the bill, she suddenly remembered that eating only desserts seemed a bit boring.

There is a barbecue shop near this bar. The crayfish and skewers taste good.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly entered the page of the barbecue restaurant again, staring at the screen again.

Han Zexin pulled the fruit plate on the table closer, picked up a cherries and put it in his mouth. It was juicy and sweet.

She quickly picked up another one and handed it to Tian Tian: "Eat fruit, these cherries are so sweet."

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Tian Tian took it, shyly put the cherries into her mouth, bit off the cherries and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"It's so sweet."

Han Zexin looked at Tian Tian with one hand on her cheek.

Why is this little girl so cute when she eats~
Yu Lingchu looked at Tian Tian's cheeks that were bulging because of eating, and also thought it was very cute, and there was a little pampering in her eyes unconsciously.

This little sister really lives up to her name, sweet and lovely.

The cousin in her family, as long as this little sister is half as sweet, well-behaved and lovable, she can pick off the stars for her!

Yu Lingchu pushed the fruit plate in front of Tian Tian again: "I like you to eat more."

"Well, thank you sister Lingchu." Tian Tian's eyebrows were curved, and the delicious and juicy fruit made her temporarily forget her restraint.

(End of this chapter)

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