Chapter 15
Tian Tian picked up another cherries and put them into her mouth to enjoy chewing.

After eating, she suddenly realized that she was the only one eating in the whole box, and felt a little embarrassed.

She picked up a cherries and handed them to Yu Lingchu: "Sister Lingchu, you can eat too, it's so sweet."

Yu Lingchu smiled and took the cherries and put them in his mouth, eating and saying, "It's really sweet."

Swallowing the cherries in her mouth, Yu Lingchu picked up another strawberry and put it in her mouth: "Well~ this one is also delicious."

After finishing speaking, she casually picked up a big strawberry and handed it to Tian Tian: "Try this."

"Hey! I said Yu Lingchu, are you regressed? Instead of drinking the table full of wine, you started to eat fruit instead." Sitting not far away, Fang Yu looked at Yu Lingchu provocatively, sneered.

Yu Lingchu grabbed a few cherries and stuffed them to Tian Tian: "Sister, eat more, I have to meet your brainless boyfriend, so that he won't be confused all day long!"

Tian Tian (⊙o⊙)
What do you mean?
Seeing Tian Tian's cute look, Han Zexin explained to her with a smile: "You don't need to talk to them, Fang Yu and Lingchu both apprenticed on the same day. Well, for so many years, the two of them have just come and gone to compete with each other, and nothing major will happen, so let's just have fun."

Tian Tian blinked, and responded cutely and cutely: "Oh."

After Yu Lingchu stuffed the cherries into Tian Tian's hands, the knife swished at Fang Yu immediately.

"Fang Yu! Listen to what nonsense you are talking about! Even if you degenerate into an ape, sister, I will only evolve and not degenerate!
Let me tell you, if it wasn't for Tian Tian's sake today, I wouldn't drink you so much that you crawled out of this room, and read the words "Yu Lingchu" backwards! "

Fang Yu opened a bottle of beer with a "snap": "Yu Lingchu, don't talk so grandiosely, to tell you the truth, I took a taxi here today, and I will drink you into Chu Lingyu in a while, and I will take a taxi to see you off." Girlfriend comes home, don't delay things at all! Aren't you going to drink me down? Come on! Warm up with beer first!"

"Crack!" Yu Lingchu directly opened a bottle of beer: "Come here, whoever is afraid of whom!"

At the beginning of Yu Ling's words, she and Fang Yu raised their heads at the same time, opening the whole bottle to dazzle.

A bottle of beer bottoms out quickly.


Yu Lingchu put the empty bottle back on the table, looked at Fang Yu provocatively, and opened another bottle for herself.

Fang Yu didn't show weakness, and opened another bottle, raising his head to show off.

The second bottle of wine soon bottomed out, Yu Lingchu put down the empty bottle, and then picked up the third bottle of beer.

⊙▽⊙ Tian Tian looked at the two in shock.

Junior brother Ling Xuan noticed Tian Tian's surprised expression, shook his head and sighed.

Didn't you say that you should restrain yourself, why did you reveal your true nature so quickly...

Look at the surprised look of the little sister-in-law, most likely she was frightened...

The three bottles of beer bottomed out, and Yu Lingchu stretched his neck: "The warm-up is over!"

Then, pointing to the other wines on the table, she asked Fang Yu proudly, "Which one will come first?"

Tian Tian (⊙o⊙)
Still... still coming?
Fang Yu picked out a bottle of wine and shook it at Yu Lingchu: "This bottle is 52 degrees."

After speaking, he took two glasses, poured the wine, handed one to Yu Lingchu, and placed the other in front of him.

The two looked at each other, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and after a while, they both opened their hands.

"A little bit, brothers are good, three stars, four happiness, five leaders, six six."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Acceptance, drink!"

Fang Yu picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank it down, then poured himself another glass, and said unconvinced: "Continue!"

"A little bit, brother, hello, three stars, four happiness, five leaders, Liuliu Shun, seven cleverness, eight horses, drink quickly, and Yuanbao."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, it's better for you to drink."

Fang Yu picked up the wine glass and drank it down again, put down the glass and raised his eyebrows: "Come again!"

"A little bit, brothers are good, Samsung photos, four happiness money."

Fang Yu slapped the table, laughed loudly, pointed at Yu Lingchu proudly and said, "Drink!"

Yu Lingchu picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp: "Continue!"

"A little bit, brothers, Samsung photos..."

After a while, Yu Lingchu smiled triumphantly: "Acceptance, drink!"

Fang Yu picked up the wine glass and was about to send it to his lips, but Jiang Youhui reached out to hold down Fang Yu's wine glass.

He glanced at Fang Yu, and then at Yu Lingchu: "You two are almost done, don't scare Tian Tian."

Yu Lingchu smiled and looked at Fang Yu: "Brother, I have to give face to Tian Tian, ​​how about you?"

Fang Yu brushed Jiang Youhui's hand away, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, then turned the glass upside down, and looked at Yu Lingchu: "Then a temporary truce, you wait, one day I have to make your name upside down read!"

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Young people, you still have to have dreams!"

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she turned to look at Tian Tian: "Didn't it scare you?"

Tian Tian shook her head: "I'm fine, you... are you okay?"

This is the first time she has seen someone drink like water, are you sure there will be no problem?
"What can I do with this little wine?" Yu Lingchu raised her eyebrows, picked up a piece of cantaloupe and put it into her mouth. Feeling very sweet, she picked up another piece and handed it to Tian Tian: "It's delicious, try it."

"Oh." Tian Tian took it nonchalantly.

Yu Lingchu's phone rang, she glanced at it, and got up: "The takeaway I ordered has arrived, go out and get it."

After speaking, she walked towards the door.

Tian Tian stood up: "Sister Lingchu, let me go with you."

"No need." Yu Lingchu smiled, and pressed Tian Tian to let her sit down again: "It's cold outside, don't go out."

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu walked towards the door of the box while answering the phone.

Tian Tian was still worried, so she turned to Han Zexin and asked, "Senior Sister, is Sister Lingchu really alright?"

She just drank so much wine.

"It's okay, don't worry. With her drinking capacity, the little appetizer just now doesn't count."

After Han Zexin finished speaking, she found that Tian Tian was staring at her without blinking.

She looked back at Tian Tian in bewilderment: "Why do you look at me like that?"

She... Did she say something wrong just now?
Tian Tian opened her mouth: "Senior Sister, I just realized that you look familiar, I... seem to have seen you..."

When Tian Tian said this, Han Zexin tried hard to remember.

Has she met Tian Tian?

Why is she not impressed?


Such a sweet and cute soft girl, if she has seen it before, she should be impressed.

"Senior Sister." Tian Tian stared at Han Zexin with bright eyes.

"I remembered! Sister, I saw you on TV! You are an actor, right?"

Han Zexin nodded: "Yes."

"Wow!" Tian Tian's eyes lit up instantly, and she looked at Han Zexin adoringly: "Senior Sister, you are so amazing, Senior Sister, can you sign me?"

(End of this chapter)

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