shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 152 Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water

Chapter 152 Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water
Liu Yi lowered her head and bit her lip hard.

Looking up again, she forced herself to smile, and said to Yu Lingchu: "Miss Yu, I'm sorry!"

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly, and said in a cold voice: "If you dare to spread rumors to damage my reputation in the future, just wait to receive my lawyer's letter!"

Liu Yi endured the humiliation in her heart and said, "Don't dare..."

After apologizing to Yu Lingchu, Liu Yi turned her head to look at the security guard who had been humiliated by her before: "I'm sorry, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

An Bao really looked down on women like Liu Yi.

But he is a big man, and it is not easy to make things difficult for a woman, so he can only say "um" indifferently, which is considered to have accepted Liu Yi's apology.

Liu Yi looked at Yu Lingchu again, endured the humiliation and asked, "Can I get up?"

Yu Lingchu nodded indifferently.

Putting her hands on the ground, Liu Yi got up slowly, hesitated for a moment, and staggered to Mr. Hu's side.

Mr. Hu frowned and looked at her, and avoided her without hesitation, trying to hold his hand.

After the matter was settled, Yu Lingchu didn't want to stay any longer, looked at Producer Li and said, "It's nothing, we'll go first."

"Okay! Okay! Lingchu, go and do your work." Producer Li responded with a smile, watching Yu Lingchu take Li Rui away, and then looked at Mr. Hu: "Mr. Hu is here, why don't we visit the crew together?" filming?"

Mr. Hu let out a foul breath: "No, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first!"

Originally, he was persuaded by Liu Yi, and wanted to come to the film crew to show off and help Liu Yi support the stage, but now he has a bad start, so there is no mood to wait!

Seeing that Mr. Hu was about to leave, Liu Yi hurriedly followed, calling delicately, "Brother Hu~"

Mr. Hu's fierce eyes fell on her, and he uttered a word coldly: "Get out!"

Bitch!It made him come all the way to the crew to embarrass him!

Seeing that Liu Yi was beaten by Mr. Hu, Producer Li felt secretly refreshed.

Liu Yi was afraid of losing Mr. Hu's backing, so even if she was murdered, she still bit the bullet and continued to post: "Brother Hu~ Don't you know that things will turn out like this~"

Yu Lingchu led Li Rui back all the way, and a systematic voice came from his mind.

"Host, what you did just now completely offended Liu Yi to death. Fortunately, we no longer expect to complete the task of changing her."

When Yu Ling first heard the system say this, she hooked her lips into a smile: "Who said that I have completely given up hope of completing the task?"

The system was shocked: "Host, what do you mean? Don't tell me, you just finished rubbing people on the ground, and you expect to influence them. You... this brain circuit is a little abnormal!"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"You're the one with abnormal brain circuits! Have you ever heard a word?"

"What?" The system was puzzled.

Yu Lingchu said word by word: "If you can't break it, you can't stand it!"

The system is puzzled: "Host, what do you mean?"

Yu Lingchu smiled and said: "You should have seen the system come out early, Liu Yina was only thinking of clinging to the powerful and getting something for nothing.

Mr. You Hu is willing to support her and support her, and she will definitely not be willing to make any changes.

But you said, what would happen if that Mr. Hu despises her and she loses her support?
She still dares to be so crazy, can she do this? "

The system is puzzled: "So host, what are you going to do?"

"I'm already doing it." Yu Lingchu smiled: "What I just said to Mr. Hu was to deliberately provoke the relationship between Mr. Hu and Liu Yi. As for making Liu Yi kneel for so long...

Ah!Since Liu Yi won't listen to good words of persuasion, then I'll let her know what pain is!Doesn't she like to make things difficult for others?Then I'll let her taste what it's like to be bullied.

Sometimes, when dealing with an unrepentant person, it is much more effective to drop a stick on her than to reason with her with your mouth.

This is called... special affairs and special handling, and it varies from person to person. "

I feel that the host looks so powerful...

Not long after Yu Lingchu returned to the shooting location, Liu Yi also followed Producer Li back in despair.

Mr. Hu was nowhere to be seen behind the two of them, presumably he had already left.

Seeing Yu Lingchu on the set, Liu Yi gave her a vicious look.

The director just finished filming a scene at this time, and when he saw Liu Yi coming back, he immediately said bluntly: "Liu Yi, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and change your clothes, you are so kind as to let us all finish filming all the scenes, and in the end we will be alone waiting for you?"

Liu Yi was upset by Boss Hu, and she was thinking about how to coax Boss Hu well, but she didn't expect the director to question her when he saw her, which made her lose her temper and couldn't suppress it.

This one or two, why do they have to jump out to make her happy?
Does Liu Yi look so easy to bully? !

Liu Yi glared at the director, and replied, "Seeing that the sun is about to set, I'll change my clothes and make a good look, and it will be completely dark that day. Are you still filming under the dark light? What a ghost!"

The director was choked up by Liu Yi, and his anger was suppressed: "I am the director and you are the director?! As an actor, I don't know how to cooperate with the crew to shoot, do you have any professionalism!"

"What can you do if you are the director!" Liu Yi said angrily, "You treat me as happy to come to your crap crew! Bah! I don't even look at how shabby you are!

From top to bottom, from director to actor, there is no one famous!Pretending to be professional and serious every day is pure deception!snort!What a good movie you can make with your shabby crew!Whether anyone is willing to watch it after filming is another matter! "

"you you……"

The director was so angry that the veins on his forehead twitched violently, and he pointed at Liu Yi with trembling fingers.

"What are you!" Liu Yi raised her head arrogantly, her nostrils facing the sky: "What I said is the truth!"

The eyes of the entire crew were now on the director and Liu Yi.

In Yu Lingchu's mind, the system said faintly: "Master, you have cleaned up Liu Yi, and you haven't seen it restrained..."

Yu Lingchu curled her lips: "Not only did she not restrain herself, don't you think she...has even gotten worse?"


Yu Lingchu sighed: "Looking at it now, I still misjudged Liu Yi. She is not only a piece of mud that cannot support the wall, but also a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water."

System: "So... the final outcome of the mission is to fail, right?"

Yu Lingchu sighed again.

On the contrary, the system comforted her with a relaxed tone: "It's okay, we were already planning to fail the mission from the very beginning."

"Get lost!" The director suddenly yelled violently, as if he was very angry with Liu Yi.

Liu Yi stood still and said angrily, "If you tell me to go, I have to go? Who are you?"

The director was so angry that her whole body was trembling, his eyes were full of anger and he looked at Producer Li: "You let her go! If she doesn't go today, then I will go~!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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