Chapter 153 Mission Change
Everyone in the crew: "..."

Tsk tsk, look at Liu Yi's fine work making the director angry, even saying that she's going to get lost.

Judging from this posture, there must be one of Liu Yi and the director who has to leave the film crew today.

But I heard that Liu Yi is the second daughter who was brought in by the investor, and she was brought into the group with capital, otherwise how dare she be so arrogant, then there must be someone behind her.If you drive her away, doesn't that mean offending the boss of the management~
As for the director, it's not good to leave either.

Without a director, this crew is still filming a woolen scene!

The gazes of everyone in the film crew patrolled back and forth between the director and Liu Yi.

Producer Li licked his teeth with his tongue, looked at Liu Yi who was full of disbelief with a headache, and then looked at Director Wang who was furious.

After a little thought, he already had a decision in his mind.

Yu Lingchu looked nervously at Producer Li, hoping that he would continue to display his smooth and smooth style of doing things steadily, so that Director Wang and Liu Yi would temporarily stop.

Neither of these two people can leave the crew!
The director is gone, how can the film be made?If the film cannot be made, the crew will have to disband!She is now progressing less than 40.00% of the mission progress.

If the progress of the task is less than half, the cost of failure will be much higher.

Similarly, Liu Yi couldn't leave!

That's the mission goal!
And the task deadline is the moment she leaves the crew!
"Liu Yi."

Producer Li looked at Liu Yi, and said with a sullen face, "Our film crew's temple is too small to accommodate your big Buddha, so let's go!"

After hearing what Producer Li said, Liu Yi's eyes became unbelievable.

She never expected that Producer Li would actually ask her to leave!

She bit her lip and stared fiercely at Producer Li: "You think Brother Hu is angry with me and ignores me for a while, so you can bully me? Let me tell you! When a couple quarrels, it's all at the head of the bed, and at the end of the bed." I'll give you another chance to make a new decision, and you have to think it over before you speak! Otherwise, when I reconcile with Brother Hu, I won't let him spare you!"

Producer Li was also just this time, and said without hesitation: "Boss Hu and you are not on good terms, you have to leave!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yu Lingchu wanted to say something nice to Liu Yi.

After all, that is the objective of the mission, you can't leave now!

Just as she was about to speak, a system mission prompt sounded in her mind.

"Ding~ In view of the fact that the character of the task target is too bad, the system now corrects the task instruction and replaces the task of "teaching her to be a human being" with "order to chase away guests. "The host please treat Liu Yi the way Liu Yi treats others, and replace her in the crew, and expel her."

Suddenly receiving the task change order, Yu Lingchu was stunned.

"System, what's going on? This task has a temporary change?"

It feels... somewhat random~
The system is also confused: "I don't know, I also suddenly received an order from the main system to change the task."

"Has this happened before?" Yu Lingchu continued to ask.

The system thought for a while: "This is the first time this has happened. As for why this happened, I need to investigate. But the host, this should be a good thing. The producer Li and director Wang just wanted you to Entering the show business circle, and now that Producer Li is driving Liu Yi away, this task is released at this time, you can be said to have the right time and place, it should be easy to complete it successfully, right?"

Yu Lingchu thought about it: "Theoretically speaking, the changed task is indeed easier to complete."

The system was full of fighting spirit immediately: "Then host, hurry up!"

Mission victory is at hand!The system's points and the host's reward are right in front of you, go!rush!rush!

Liu Yi stood in place at this moment, in a dilemma.

Although she looked down on this crew without any big stars, she was reluctant to leave if she really wanted to.

No matter how small the fly's legs are, it's still meat, and no matter how poor the crew is, it's still an opportunity to play a role.

But now she has been framed here.

Let's go, not reconciled, if you don't go, you will lose all face.

In the future, Producer Li and that annoying Director Wang will not be allowed to ride on her head and yell.

Liu Yi fell silent for a moment in a dilemma, and looked in the direction of Yu Lingchu with her eyes.

Yu Lingchu, who had just received the task change notification, was also looking at her at this time.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

Thinking of something, Liu Yi walked towards Yu Lingchu.

"Yu Lingchu, didn't you say you could provide me with resources, I accept."

This tone of charity left Yu Lingchu speechless.

She shook her head and sneered, and said bluntly: "I've seen a beggar, such an upright beggar, this is the first time I've seen one. Ms. Liu, you live to refresh the human offline again and again, right?"

Liu Yi frowned: "You were the one who said you were willing to help me before! I'm giving you this chance now, how can you go back on your word!"

"Liu Yi, if you miss some opportunities, you won't have them again. What do you think you are? Are you worthy of me rushing to support you?
Give me a chance to help you, the cuticle on your face is really thick!The word brazen is considered your own, right? "

Listening to Yu Lingchu's words, everyone looked at Liu Yi mockingly, as if they were looking at a clown.

Liu Yi only felt that her face was burning hot.

It shouldn't be like this!

She brought money into the crew, without Brother Hu's investment, this crappy crew wouldn't even be able to operate, what qualifications do these people have to laugh at her!

She looked around at everyone present, and screamed like a shrew: "How dare you laugh at me? Do you know who I am! Your crappy crew can start filming because of me bringing money into the crew! If it weren't for me, you guys would come here! There is no opportunity to work in the crew!"

"You think highly of yourself!" Director Wang snorted coldly as he looked at Liu Yi who was sloppy, "Without you, our crew would only be better!"

"" Liu Yi was pissed off by everyone, and her heart fluctuated violently. She pointed at Director Wang and Producer Li and threatened, "You wait for me! I, Brother Hu, will not let you go!"

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

Yu Lingchu clicked her tongue: "It's so scary~ You are a pet lover, where did you get the confidence to think that your benefactor will target everyone for you? Don't say anything about a one-night husband and wife. It’s easy to make people laugh! Are you someone’s wife? You’re just a shady plaything! Why are you so ignorant? It’s really... huh!"

"That's right." Producer Li echoed with a smile: "Liu Yi, I just wanted to remind you that the words of conjugal quarreling, bedside quarreling, and bedside reconciliation don't apply to you and Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu has a real wife. You are a lover, not even a concubine. "

When Producer Li finished speaking, someone at the scene followed up and said: "The ancient outer room dares to be as crazy as you, and it is easy to be beaten to death!"

After the man finished speaking, Yu Lingchu immediately looked at Producer Li: "Producer Li, I support your decision to drive away Liu Yi! For a black sheep like Liu Yi, it's better to drive away as soon as possible, so as not to save a crew from letting her go." Scourge!"

"Yes! We can't afford to take care of this fine work!"

There were people in the crew who were upset by Liu Yi, so they quickly echoed.

Producer Li looked at Liu Yi: "Did you hear that? It's everyone's call for you to leave, please~"

 Speaking of which, the comment area is so deserted, and there are still friends who are not reading books, please keep quiet, I am so lonely in typing, and I am not motivated enough.

(End of this chapter)

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