Chapter 165 Face Change
Yu Lingchu looked at Wu Feifei who was paralyzed to the ground by her fright, and sneered in her heart: With this little courage, you dare to trouble her, where is the courage? !

She got off her horse, walked up to Wu Feifei with a guilty and concerned look, and said worriedly, "Miss Wu, are you alright?"

Wu Feifei recovered from the shock, and looked up at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu continued to look rejoicing and said: "Oh~ fortunately, I practiced martial arts since I was a child, so that at the critical moment, I reluctantly withdrew my hand and swung the whip away, so that you, Miss Wu, would not be hurt.

If it were someone who didn't know how to kung fu, the whip would probably hit Miss Wu's face. "

Wu Feifei gritted her teeth: "You did it on purpose!"

Yu Lingchu's face was full of innocence: "Miss Wu, what are you talking about? The two of us auditioned for each other. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to control the strength and direction of the whip.

well?Speaking of which, Ms. Wu, you should know this before I do...

After all, you were the one who changed the scene temporarily and wanted to smoke me. "

Wu Feifei choked, feeling as if she was being punctured by Yu Ling's first birth, with a secret and shady mind.

Yu Lingchu continued to laugh and said, "Or does Miss Wu have any tricks to control the whip so that it can be beaten without hurting people? If you really know how to do it, why don't you teach me? Let's do it again, after all, just now Miss Wu was frightened, and she promised to teach me the scene, but she hasn't finished teaching yet!"

"Yes." Han Zexin assisted with a smile: "Miss Wu insisted on changing the scene like this, presumably because she has the tricks to handle the whip easily, why not teach my junior sister so that she won't startle Miss Wu again by flicking the whip lightly or not. You can't concentrate on teaching her to act!
Wu Feifei bit her lip.

She has a knack for it!

This group of people said what you said and what I said, they clearly wanted to put her in a dilemma and lose face!
Seeing that Wu Feifei didn't speak, Mu Si followed up and said, "Since Miss Wu intends to teach Lingchu, if there are any shooting skills, don't keep hiding them."

Wu Feifei squeezed out a smile: "I don't have any skills! Just now I was too involved in filming, and I didn't even notice whether the whip is not easy to control, and whether it is easy to hurt people."

"Miss Wu, this is your fault." Mu Si said disapprovingly: "How can you change the play without ignoring safety? This is the skill of Lingchu to prevent both of you from getting hurt. Are you really You should thank her well!"

Wu Feifei argued: "I didn't do it on purpose either!"

Let her speak Xie Yulingchu?
Thanks for what?
Xie she had to switch roles with her, did she almost get her?snort!
Yu Lingchu looked in the direction of the director: "Director Wang, according to Ms. Wu's suggestion to change the play, the risk factor is extremely high, look..."

"No change!" Director Wang hurriedly made a final decision: "According to the previous setting, the performance will be very good!"

What to change! !
There is nothing wrong with his action setting, okay?
Random reforms, whoever is responsible for hurting someone in the end!
After getting the director's reply, Yu Lingchu smiled, and looked at Wu Feifei: "Miss Wu, since the director said that the play will not be changed, let's act according to the previous setting.

I have heard for a long time that Ms. Wu is a powerful actor, and she is not the same as the kind of vase with a good skin.

Although this scene has not been changed, I believe that I can still learn a lot of useful things from Ms. Wu in the next filming.I believe that with Ms. Wu's strength, our filming process will definitely go smoothly. "

Han Zexin glanced at Yu Lingchu appreciatively.

What her junior sister said was extremely beautiful!

It sounded like she was praising Wu Feifei, but in fact it was elevating Wu Feifei high and making it hard for her to get off.

If she wants not to be said to be a vase, she has to work hard and act well.

If she still wants to pick up the plane and find her junior sister to be unhappy, and intentionally cause the situation to prevent the filming from going smoothly, then it is tantamount to being unprofessional, and it is tantamount to proving that she is really a vase!
No actor is willing to be called a vase.Even if she is really a vase...

Imperial Capital, Nalan Group.

Nalan Shaojin sat on the office chair, picked up his phone and clicked on the video sent by Mo Hai.

Yu Lingchu appeared on the screen in a beautiful ancient costume.

Even though he had seen Yu Lingchu's ancient costume sent by Mo Hai before, Nalan Shaojin couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes.

At the beginning of his life, he was good-looking, 360 degrees without dead ends, the kind of good-looking that he would never tire of seeing.

Look at this movement, oops~
His spirit was excellent at the beginning, and he was like whatever he did.

Nalan Shaojin smiled appreciatively, touched the screen with his finger, but sighed secretly again.

If you don't love lovesickness in your life, you will love it, and you will hurt lovesickness...

When Yan Yue came in from the outside with a pile of documents, he happened to see Nalan Shaojin staring at the phone with a distant smile.

He put the document in his hand on Nalan Shaojin's desk, but saw Nalan Shaojin's face suddenly changed.

His eyes, which were still warm and smiling just now, suddenly turned cold, and his whole body burst out with a murderous aura.

Yan Yue's heart trembled...

Because of his appearance, did it affect Master Jin?
He...he just came in to deliver a document...

Nalan Shaojin tightened his grip on the phone, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and his whole body showed a tense state of tension.

When he saw Yu Lingchu dodging Wu Feifei's whip, he relaxed a little, but his face was still terribly cold.

Before quitting the video, Nalan Shaojin was on the chat page with Mo Hai, and saw several videos that Mo Hai sent one after another.

Wu Feifei proposed to change the play as in the first video, saying that she is willing to sacrifice for art.

Immediately afterwards, there was a video of Yu Lingchu and her friends responding.

The last video shows Yu Lingchu and Wu Feifei switching identities.

Seeing Wu Feifei fall to the ground in fright from Yu Lingchu's whip, Nalan Shaojin's lips were once again stained with a smile.

No loss at all, Lingchu did a great job!
There is also the director of the film crew, he still has a little bit of money, and he didn't agree to let Wu Feifei change the play.

Otherwise, this crappy crew might just be disbanded! !

After watching this video, Nalan Shaojin received another new video from Mo Hai.

In the video, Yu Lingchu and Wu Feifei switch back to their original positions and start playing again.

Yu Lingchu ran to Wu Feifei who was riding a horse in the street again. Wu Feifei, who had already agreed not to change the scene, swung the whip at Yu Lingchu's face again when Yu Lingchu rushed to her.

Killing intent rose from Nalan Shaojin's body again.

Yan Yue looked at Nalan Shaojin with a frown and couldn't help thinking.

What does his master Jin see?Why does the aura on this body change from time to time, like a roller coaster?

 Thank you Qingci for the monthly pass and rewards, thank you for your support, woohoo~ I finished a chapter with scrolling and code crawling, I will wait a few days for more time, and I promise to continue to update two chapters every day
(End of this chapter)

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