Chapter 166

Seeing that the whip in Wu Feifei's hand was about to greet Yu Lingchu's face.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, Yu Lingchu turned sideways and barely avoided it.

"Oh!" Wu Feifei exclaimed angrily, looked at Yu Lingchu and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lingchu, I always felt that when you rushed over, what should I do, and I couldn't help but waved the whip out again !"

"Host, this woman has a very high malice towards you in her heart, she did it on purpose!"

When Wu Feifei's voice fell, the system sounded to remind Yu Lingchu.

Mu Si couldn't help but want to speak up to defend Yu Lingchu, but Yu Lingchu said first: "It's okay."

Mu Si frowned.

Wu Feifei whipped Yu Lingchu's face several times, even a layman like her could see that she was deliberately trying to trouble Yu Lingchu, how could Yu Lingchu be so talkative!

Han Zexin, who was standing beside Mu Si, noticed that Mu Si's face was unhappy, raised her hand and patted Mu Si's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Do you feel aggrieved for Lingchu?"

Mu Si nodded gloomily, and whispered dissatisfiedly: "I think that Wu Feifei did it on purpose! Lingchu shouldn't be so talkative!"

Han Zexin smiled slightly: "Speaking well doesn't mean that you will swallow your anger. You still don't know me well as a junior. She is not the one who suffers from being dumb and allows others to bully her."

At this time, the system in Yu Lingchu's mind asked Yu Lingchu inexplicably: "Host, you just forget it?"

"Host, this is not your style."

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly, and asked the system: "Then tell me, what is my style?"

The system thought for a while and said, "Anyway, you are not the one to swallow your anger~"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "It's really not my style to swallow my anger."

The system quickly asked, "Then what are you going to do, host?"

Yu Lingchu didn't answer but instead asked, "System, have you heard that sentence?"

The system is confused?_? "What?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "There are only three things!"

The system was puzzled, but Yu Lingchu said again: "If she dares to throw a whip at my face again, just watch!"

System (⊙o⊙)
look good?What do you see?

"Host, what are you going to do?"

Yu Lingchu didn't answer, but walked back to the place where she played.

Wu Feifei held the horsewhip, and looked at Yu Lingchu who was obediently waiting for the retake.

If she doesn't change the play, she doesn't change the play, she still smokes whenever she wants!
Let that Hu Meizi hide once or twice, she doesn't believe that Yu Lingchu can always be so lucky, and can avoid her whip every time!

"Fei Fei!"

Seeing that the two were in their positions again, the director couldn't help but warn Wu Feifei: "Shoot well! Don't shake your whip when it shouldn't be! It's not good for everyone if you hurt someone!"

Wu Feifei was upset when she was warned by the director, but she still responded with a smile: "Good director, I know it well."

The director took a deep look at her before giving another shooting order.

But when Yu Lingchu rushed towards Wu Feifei again, the whip in Wu Feifei's hand was thrown towards Yu Lingchu's face again without hesitation.

The director looked at the picture shown on the monitor, his lungs were about to explode.

This is what Wu Feifei said, you know?
Knowing that, you continue to throw the whip at Yu Lingchu's face?What kind of hatred and resentment!If she doesn't disfigure her face, is she really going to give up? !
If Wu Feifei succeeds, then their crew can be disbanded on the spot!

Standing behind Yu Lingchu is the Nalan Group!

Not to mention that the Nalan Group is the patron who supports their filming crew, but just talking about the strength of the Nalan Group, if they want to bring down their crew, it's just a matter of moving their fingers!

Wu Feifei has background and traffic, but compared with Yu Lingchu, that weight is still light after all.

Offended Wu Feifei, their crew may encounter some ups and downs in the later release, but if they watch Yu Lingchu being bullied by Wu Feifei, then everyone in their crew will have to lose their jobs for the rest of their lives. Nalan Group smashed it!
Director Wang looked at Producer Li.

The lesser of two evils...

He felt that it was time for Producer Li to make a decision.

Otherwise, if Wu Feifei was allowed to do such nonsense all the time, they would be too hungry to walk around!
At this moment, not only the director, but also the rest of the production team have fully understood that Wu Feifei was deliberately targeting Yu Lingchu!

The director said to shoot according to the original setting, but Wu Feifei still whipped the whip to Yu Lingchu again and again, and went straight to the door!

This is clearly going to ruin Yu Lingchu's appearance!

With such a vicious approach, either there was a deep hatred between the two, or it was Yu Lingchu who made Wu Feifei feel threatened.

Yes, a threat.

Yu Lingchu is very savvy about acting, and she looks much prettier than Wu Feifei, which makes Wu Feifei feel threatened, or jealous.

In the entertainment industry, it is not unheard of for people who are better than themselves to be framed and ruin their stardom because of jealousy.

Not long ago, it was exposed that a newcomer who sang very well was bribed by his competitors to poison the water.

Before that, some actresses were exposed by the paparazzi because they were jealous of others who were more beautiful than themselves, deliberately framed and disfigured each other, or slapped others.

Seeing that Wu Feifei's whip was about to fall on Yu Lingchu, everyone couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for Yu Lingchu, and cursed in their hearts at the same time.

Wu Feifei's thoughts are really vicious!

Under the worried eyes of everyone, Yu Lingchu did not choose to dodge this time.

She raised her hand, skillfully caught the whip thrown by Wu Feifei, and pulled it hard.

Caught off guard, Wu Feifei was dragged away from the whip by Yu Lingchu, who was also dragged off the horse by Yu Lingchu, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Yu Lingchu grabbed the whip, coiled it in his hand chicly, took a step forward, stepped on Wu Feifei's body, pointed the whip in his hand directly at Wu Feifei's face, and asked sharply: "Bright day, bright sky, you How dare you ride a horse in the middle of the city, do you still have the king's law in your eyes!"

A series of changes made it too late for Wu Feifei to react, and she glared at Yu Lingchu angrily out of instinct.


The director called a stop at this point.

Yu Lingchu calmly withdrew her foot from Wu Feifei's body, and stretched out her hand towards Wu Feifei with a slight smile: "It must be Miss Wu, you, changing the scene like this, it really feels more like acting."

You little one, play tricks on me, just ask if it hurts when you fall!
Wu Feifei patted Yu Lingchu's hand away angrily, got up and said angrily: "How dare you change the scene indiscriminately!"

Everyone present: "..."

This question is right, but it is really the real version of the villain who complained first.

Why is the face so big?

Didn't you change the scene once or twice to bully others?
Everyone looked at Wu Feifei with faint disdain.

The fans of Wu Feifei who were in the crew before were also very disappointed with Wu Feifei at this time.

Knowing people and faces but not knowing their hearts, what kind of vicious thing they are fans of!



(End of this chapter)

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