Chapter 174
Nalan Shaojin finished delivering the three gifts and watched his subordinates put them on the table. The two extra gifts said to Father Yu: "Uncle Yu, these two gifts are my honor to Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu. You pass it on your behalf."

Father Yu glanced at the two extra gifts, hehe laughed and said, "You are too polite, kid."

Nalan Shaojin smiled and said: "It's all right. I often hear grandpa mentioning the value of Grandpa Yu's character. I admire Grandpa Yu very much. When Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu are free, I will visit them again. .”

"Good! Good!" Father Yu responded with a smile.

Nalan Shaojin saw that the matter was almost done, so he said goodbye: "Uncle Yu, I won't bother you any more today, I will come to visit when I have time, so you and your aunt don't want me to be annoying."

"Hahaha, how could it be! We welcome you whenever you come."

Father Yu smiled and exchanged pleasantries with Nalan Shaojin, and then sent him out the door.

When passing Yu Family Courtyard, Nalan Shaojin glanced at the sports car parked in the yard.

That car was given to Yu Chengze when he came to visit last time.

When he first arrived, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought that Yu Chengze had just driven this car back from the outside, so he parked the car in the courtyard instead of the garage.

Now that he finished chatting with the Yu family, he suddenly felt that this was not the case.

The car was parked in the yard before, probably on purpose.

It should be that the Yu family wanted to withdraw their engagement, so they drove out the car on purpose, and returned the car to him after they negotiated with him about the divorce.

Fortunately, he came to Haicheng to visit Yu's house before going to Yuncheng to find Lingchu.

Otherwise, the Yu family will always have the intention of helping Lingchu get out of the marriage, and his emotional path may be much more difficult.

Sitting in his car, Nalan Shaojin breathed out a sigh of relief, turned his head and lowered the car window, and bid farewell to the Yu family standing outside the car again.

The three members of the Yu family watched the black commercial vehicle drive away slowly.

When the car drove away, Mother Yu also patted her heart and let out a sigh of relief.

It turns out that Nalan Shaojin has long been attracted to her daughter!

Fortunately, she didn't tell Yashuang to perform the marriage contract on Lingchu's behalf, otherwise she would be embarrassed, and Nalan Shaojin might be angered, making Nalan Shaojin feel that she was desecrating his feelings for Lingchu.

Father Yu glanced at Mother Yu.

Without the presence of Nalan Shaojin as a guest, he didn't bother to give Yu Mu a good face, so he snorted coldly and went back to the house.

Seeing Yu's father leaving on his own and ignoring her, Mother Yu looked at Yu Chengze aggrievedly and complained: "Chengze, look at your father, I didn't talk nonsense in front of Shaojin. Why is he still angry?"

Yu Chengze looked at Yumu helplessly: "Mom, if you really said something today, my dad will not just ignore you now! I said it a long time ago, and Zheng Yashuang's kind of stuff can't be accepted at all." Lan Shaojin's eyes, you have to take trash as a treasure, I really don't know what kind of ecstasy soup she is pouring into you!"

"Chengze, Yashuang did something wrong, but she..."


Yu Chengze interrupted Mother Yu who wanted to defend Zheng Yashuang: "Mom, if you think Zheng Yashuang is more important than your husband and children, then I have nothing to say!

Why did my dad ignore you? He just hoped that you could think about it by yourself. Are you really going to break the hearts of your husband and children for Zheng Yashuang? "

After Yu Chengze finished speaking, he didn't want to talk to Yumu any more, turned around and walked into the house.

Mother Yu was not convinced: "Why is it so serious? Yashuang is your cousin, and she has been raised in our house for so many years. Even if she did something wrong, we are a family after all..."

"Who is a family with her!"

Yu Chengze stopped, turned around and looked at Mother Yu: "She eats and drinks from our family, and in the end she always wants to step on my sister's feet. I don't have this kind of white-eyed wolf family! Mom! You If you want to excuse Zheng Yashuang so much, do you forget that my sister is your biological daughter!

If you protect that white-eyed wolf who wants to step on your daughter's feet like this, are you really not afraid that Lingchu will find out and completely chill her heart!If you keep being so confused, sooner or later our family will let you go to pieces! "

After Yu Chengze finished speaking, he didn't care about Yumu's feelings at all, and strode away.

Cloud City.

After discussing with each other, Yu Lingchu and Feng Xi soon signed an acting contract.

From then on, Yu Lingchu also had her own brokerage company and agent.

After signing a newcomer, Feng Xi was not in a hurry to leave Yuncheng, she chose to stay on the set and spend more time with Yu Lingchu.

When Yu Ling was filming for the first time, she was watching.

Regarding Yu Lingchu's performance on the set, Feng Xi felt that he could only use two words to describe it - amazing!
It was the first time she saw such a spiritual and savvy newcomer.

Yu Lingchu's outstanding performance does not look like a rookie actor who is not a professional.

This made Feng Xi feel even more that he had found a treasure.

When the filming was nearing noon, Wu Feifei was late, and by the time she finished her makeup, it was already lunch time.

After the director finished shooting the last shot, he asked everyone to have lunch and rest, and then continue shooting in the afternoon.

But who knew that the director asked everyone to rest, and Wu Feifei's assistant questioned him in dissatisfaction.

"Director Wang, what do you mean? Our sister Feifei finally finished the makeup, and she came over soon, but you said that you will not shoot at this time? Take a rest? Are you deliberately delaying our sister Feifei's time!"

Director Wang frowned and looked at Wu Feifei's assistant, cursing inwardly.

All of them got up early in the morning and filmed until noon. They were tired and hungry and couldn't take a break?
Time is precious?Time is precious, your artists still sleep until they wake up naturally!
I dare you to sleep well, eat enough, drink enough, and finally let the whole crew, who have been busy all morning, accommodate your work and rest time, why are you so embarrassing?
There was resentment in his heart, but due to Wu Feifei's status and fame, the director didn't dare to vent it, so he could only try to reason.

"Everyone has been busy all morning, and now they are tired and hungry, and their condition is not good."


Assistant Wu Feifei didn't listen to this at all, and said with a sneer, "Director Wang means that you blame us for being late? You've been filming for so long and you're fine. Why are you in a bad mood when we Feifei comes? Alright, are you targeting us Feifei on purpose? Want to show us off?"

Director Wang >_
Is this really a scholar who meets a soldier? It's hard to explain why!

Who has been picking things up?After all, who is going to give off power to whom!
He made some weak excuses: "I didn't mean that..."

"Then what do you mean? We Fei Fei just finished making up and you stopped taking pictures? What do you mean? Don't you know that Fei Fei took time out of his busy schedule to make guest appearances for you? You know she has time How precious and valuable?"

(End of this chapter)

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