Chapter 175

"Time is valuable, why do you still sleep until you wake up naturally?" Yu Lingchu who was at the side couldn't listen anymore, and asked back with a sneer.

Wu Feifei's assistant glared at Yu Lingchu immediately: "What do you know? Rest well, so that our sister Feifei can work in a good state!"

"Oh!" Yu Lingchu chuckled: "So you also know that you can have a good working state after a good rest? Then we are tired now, is there a problem with taking a rest? Why are you so relentless?"

The assistant was at fault, but he still made a fool of himself and said: "Sister Fei Fei just came, why do you have to rest? Are you resting? That is clearly aimed at us Sister Fei Fei on purpose! Tigers don't show their power, you think we are easy to bully, don't you? Today No one can rest, we must cooperate with our sister Feifei, and finish filming her scenes quickly!"

"Susu! Don't mess around!" Wu Feifei stepped out of the crowd at this time and yelled at her assistant.

Susu looked at Wu Feifei aggrievedly: "Sister Feifei, you just finished your makeup, and this group of people is going to rest, they are clearly targeting you on purpose!"

Wu Feifei frowned: "I'm tired, what's the matter with taking a break? We came a little late! Don't make trouble for no reason!"

Assistant Wu Feifei stuck her neck in disbelief.

Wu Fei glanced at her, looked at Director Wang and smiled, "Director, I'm sorry, Susu is too protective of me. I apologize to you on her behalf. Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Director Wang responded perfunctorily: "No! No!"

Wu Feifei looked at the unconvinced Susu again, pretended to be angry with a cold face: "Are you still not convinced? Did I tell you last night to call me earlier today? But you, not only did you not call me, I also turned off the alarm clock I set, and now we are late, how can you mess with the director here?"

Assistant Wu Feifei bowed her head.

Wu Feifei frowned and said, "Apologize to Director Wang!"

The assistant looked at Director Wang obediently: "Director, I'm sorry, I was too impatient."

"It's okay." Director Wang waved his hand.

One of Wu Feifei and her assistant sings the red face and the other sings the bad face. For the sake of peace, he can't really bother with them.

It's just that since Wu Feifei acted so profoundly, it was embarrassing to say that they would not be allowed to rest.

Otherwise, isn't she pretending to be righteous for nothing?

Contradictory words and deeds, but it is to slap her own face!

The director looked at Wu Feifei: "Fei Fei, look at this lunch break..."

As Director Wang expected, when he asked, Wu Feifei immediately said cheerfully: "Everyone has worked all morning, so it is right to take a break."

Director Wang got a satisfactory answer, looked at all the staff present, and waved his hand: "Lunch break! Continue to work in the afternoon!"

With the permission of the director, everyone dispersed in groups of twos and threes.

Wu Feifei looked at Yu Lingchu arrogantly.

did you see it?Whether the crew can take a lunch break depends on what Wu Feifei wants!
This is status!
You, Yu Lingchu, are not convinced!

Yu Lingchu didn't take care of Wu Feifei at all.

Hearing that the director said it was time to rest, she turned to Han Zexin and Mu Si without even looking at Wu Feifei.

Wu Feifei frowned angrily when she saw that Yuling ignored her and left.

Yu Lingchu must have sensed the disparity in status between them, she must be very uncomfortable!
Her indifferent appearance must be faking!

Wu Feifei snorted coldly.

Yu Lingchu just wait for her!See how she pierces her pretense of self-possession, how she embarrasses her!

After the lunch break, all crew members took their positions again.

According to the director's arrangement, in the afternoon, Wu Feifei's scenes were filmed closely.

If we say that we filmed Wu Feifei's scenes first because the crew understood Wu Feifei's time constraints, but now we are filming her scenes first, it is purely the director's wish to send Wu Feifei away as soon as possible.

For an actor who likes to show up late and leave early, director Wang really doesn't want to wait on her for a second, so hurry up and finish filming her part, let her leave a second earlier, and the crew will be at peace sooner!
All the staff took their positions according to the arrangement, and when the shooting was about to start, Wu Feifei's assistant appeared again.

As soon as she appeared, she shouted loudly: "Our sister Fei Fei was afraid that everyone would be sleepy during filming in the afternoon, so she asked me to order milk tea and coffee for everyone, and I will distribute it to everyone."

The crew, who were about to start work, looked at the director.

The director twitched the corners of his lips and said, "Since Fei Fei invites everyone to drink, let's rest a little longer."

With the director's consent, everyone relaxed again.

Wu Feifei's assistant led people through the crowd to distribute drinks.

Those who got drinks all politely thanked Wu Feifei.

At the end of the round of beverage distribution, Yu Lingchu was ignored.

Everyone held the drinks Wu Feifei sent, but Yu Lingchu was empty-handed.

However, after Wu Feifei's little assistant finished serving the drinks, she asked everyone, "Did everyone get milk tea or coffee?"

The person who got the drink responded immediately.

"It's allotted!"

"It's allotted!"

"Allotted! Thank you, Sister Feifei!"

Yu Ling first looked in the direction of the little assistant, and there were no Fuyu drinks over there.

In other words, in this round of treats, she became the one who was left out.

As for whether this omission is deliberate or unintentional, it's hard to say~
"Host, the system has detected that Wu Feifei has a high malicious value towards you at this time, and she is a little excited. I'm afraid she has no good intentions."

The voice of the system prompt sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind.

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly.

It seems that the probability of deliberate omission has the upper hand~
At this time, if she said out loud that she didn't get an assignment, what would Wu Feifei and the others do?
It should be very regretful to tell her, sorry, there are no drinks.

and then?
Yu Lingchu guessed that Wu Feifei would still pretend to be generous at that time, and said in a charitable tone: If you really want to drink, I'll ask someone to buy you another cup, right?

At that time, if she took advantage of the trend and really asked Wu Feifei to buy another cup, it would appear that she likes to take advantage and caress about every detail.

Don't let Wu Feifei buy a cup, everyone has it, but she doesn't, she will be very embarrassed.

Wu Feifei wanted her to be in a dilemma, to make her feel uncomfortable...

Oh, go dream!
Just wanting to embarrass her with just one drink, what are you thinking!

She didn't take the initiative in this round, she didn't make a sound, she responded to all changes without changing, let's see what tricks Wu Feifei can use to embarrass her!
After Wu Feifei waited for her assistant to finish asking, she made a special observation of the direction Yu Lingchu was in.

Seeing that Yu Lingchu didn't respond, she glanced at her assistant again.

The assistant could only ask in another way: "Did anyone get a drink?"

This question is very directional.

The person who gets the drink will no longer respond like just now.

Yu Lingchu still didn't make a sound, and only discussed with the system in his mind: "Guess if I've been silent all this time, will they call me by my name in a hurry?"

(End of this chapter)

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