Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin could naturally feel how perfunctory Zheng Huaizhou's thanks were, but they didn't want to embarrass Mu Si, so they could only pick up their teacups and accept Zheng Huaizhou's thanks in the same perfunctory manner.

Mu Si saw Zheng Huaizhou's perfunctory performance in his eyes, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

She felt in a daze that Zheng Huaizhou was perfunctory, not Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin, but her.

She looked at Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin apologetically.

It was she who insisted on pulling them out to eat together, but with Zheng Huaizhou's attitude, they must have had an uncomfortable meal.

Treat your own friends yourself!
After Zheng Huaizhou put down his teacup, Mu Si found another topic and chatted enthusiastically with Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin.

Zheng Huaizhou was left alone, like an outsider.

Until the end of dinner, Mu Si didn't pay attention to him again.

Zheng Huaizhou, who felt left out, kept piling up depression in his heart but couldn't get angry, so he could only watch the three women having a lively chat with a blank face.

After finally surviving the dinner, after leaving the restaurant, Mu Si had to follow Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin back to the hotel.

Zheng Huaizhou grabbed Mu Si who wanted to get into Yulingchu's car: "Let's talk."

"it is good."

Mu Si nodded, and said to Yu Lingchu who had already sat in the cab: "Then you go back first."

Yu Lingchu glanced at the gloomy Zheng Huaizhou, and said to Mu Si, "Call me if I have something to do."

"Muse nodded."

Zheng Huaizhou endured it all night, but now he couldn't help it anymore.

He asked Yu Lingchu with a cold face: "What do you mean? I will protect my own girlfriend, so you don't need to worry about salty carrots!"

Yu Lingchu glanced at him indifferently: "Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future, why do I say this, you don't have a B number in your heart? If you think you are still a man, then spit and nail, and do what you say." arrive!
It's okay to promise a date without seeing anyone, but with a hand or a brain, you can't even send a message in advance? "

"It's not up to you, an outsider, to talk about the matter between me and Mu Si!"

"Who wants to talk to you! I'm just caring about Mu Si, and I'm afraid that she will encounter any danger again, that's all! As for you, you are just an irrelevant person, just stay where you are cool~"

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she quickly shifted gears and turned the steering wheel.

Before leaving, she did not forget to make a phone call gesture to Mu Si, and reminded again: "Call and say hello if you have anything to do, and you will be there whenever you are called."

After the words fell, she kicked the accelerator and drove away.

She just wanted to tell that Zheng, if Mu Si didn't want to protect him, someone would protect him!

Zheng Huaizhou stared at the leaving car, sneered, looked at Mu Si and asked, "Is this the friend you made?"

Mu Si nodded: "Yeah, what's the matter? You see how much they care about me. It's rare to have a confidant in life. I come to Yuncheng and meet two friends who get along well. Isn't it very lucky?"

Zheng Huaizhou laughed angrily at Mu Si's words, and continued to question: "Can't you see how disrespectful they are to me?"

Mu Si also laughed.

"Isn't it because you disrespected them first? If you don't like my friends, you can tell them in advance. I can invite my own friends, I don't have to ask you to invite them!
But since you agreed, at least let everyone face it, right?You see, when you are eating, you have a gloomy face the whole time, as if someone owes you money!

Lingchu is right, if you can’t do or can’t do well, please don’t agree and promise easily in the future! "

Zheng Huaizhou sneered: "Why am I unhappy, don't you know?"

Mu Si was silent for a moment: "You blame me for calling you all the way to Yuncheng, so that you can't take care of your weak Jun Ning who can't take care of herself?"

Zheng Huaizhou frowned and sighed: "Sisi, can you not always involve Jun Ning in the problems between the two of us?"

"Then when did problems start to arise between the two of us?" Mu Si asked back.

Zheng Huaizhou sighed: "I'm not happy today, it has nothing to do with Jun Ning! I'm not happy because I feel like I've been ignored by you... You've been chatting with your two friends all dinner time, and there's nothing wrong with you. How to talk to me! Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to be neglected by you? You have never neglected me like this before!"

Mu Si chuckled: "They helped me, and we invited them to dinner together to express our gratitude, but at the dinner table you ignored them, did you ever think about how embarrassing your attitude would make me? What can I do? Do? Do you want me to snub them with you to be happy?
Also, what you said earlier is not unreasonable.The problems between us really cannot be blamed on Jun Ning, she is just... just a fuse that triggers the outbreak of conflicts.

Huaizhou, maybe we should all reflect on whether the problem we have today is due to a problem with the way we get along with each other. "

Zheng Huaizhou frowned: "Sisi, what do you mean? We have been together for so many years, and now you tell me that there is a problem with the way we get along? What is the problem? We have been getting along very well!"

"But I feel bad!"

Mu Si expressed her true thoughts.

Now that you have decided to talk to Zheng Huaizhou, let's have a good talk and tell each other's thoughts openly and honestly.

Maybe after talking, the lingering haze between them will dissipate.

Otherwise, if you keep suppressing it, it will not do any good to each other.

Zheng Huaizhou stared at Mu Si and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mu Si took a deep breath: "Huaizhou, haven't you ever felt it? In our relationship, I have been giving in and accommodating intentionally or unintentionally.

I love you, love you very much, so I will be afraid, afraid that I will not do well enough, and you will leave me.So I forced myself to try to become what you like, gentle, magnanimous, and sensible...

No matter what you did to make me unhappy, I dare not express it, I am afraid that you will think I am stingy, and I am afraid that you will be angry.

I just kept suppressing myself until Jun Ning appeared.For her, you have been stepping on my bottom line and jumping repeatedly, I finally can't stand it anymore!I put aside all concerns and express my thoughts to you.What about you?But you think I'm mean, I'm stingy, and I have no compassion.

Huaizhou, think about it from a different position.Today I just had a good chat with Lingchu and the others at the dinner table, and you didn’t take much care of you, and you felt uncomfortable, then if I were like you, I neglected you and blamed you for the sake of a "poor" man , arguing with you, what kind of mood would you have? "

After hearing Mu Si's words, Zheng Huaizhou asked back: "You said you backed down and accommodated, and you wronged yourself. Didn't I pay for you?"

Thank you Qingci for your reward~ After this busy period, I will try my best to return to two shifts a day, and I still need a recommendation ticket, my dears, our male lead is coming to find the female lead soon, everyone is welcome to vote for a recommendation Give it a go, hee hee~

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