shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 182 Repositioning the relationship with each other

Chapter 182 Repositioning the relationship with each other
Listening to Zheng Huaizhou's rhetorical question, Mu Si fell into deep thought.

Zheng Huaizhou thought she had listened, and continued: "Sisi, feelings are mutual. You can't just think about your efforts, but you can't see my efforts, right?"

"Yes." Mu Si smiled lightly, and looked at Zheng Huaizhou again: "The saddest and lowest days in my life were accompanied by me. It is precisely because of this that I care so much about you and don't want to Losing you.

I have mixed too much gratitude and dependence on you in this relationship. From the beginning of the relationship, I put myself and you in an unequal position.It was me who made the relationship between us not so pure from the beginning.

I have an unshirkable responsibility for our relationship problems, and I apologize to you.Since my attitude and way of dealing with feelings were wrong before, I hope you can give me a chance to try to change, and I hope you can try to accept the changed me. "

"Why change?" Zheng Huaizhou frowned: "I think we used to get along very well..."

Mu Si looked at Zheng Huaizhou with complicated eyes: "But I don't want to get along with you like before, I want to change the way!"

Zheng Huaizhou was puzzled: "Why change!"

Mu Si said indifferently: "To make myself happier."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Zheng Huaizhou seriously again: "Huaizhou, I remember you said that I hope I can live a happy life. Now I am making the changes as you wish. Don't you support it?"

Zheng Huaizhou raised his forehead and looked at Mu Si, not knowing what to say for a while.

Mu Si just stared at him like this: "Or, what do you like is just me who only knows how to give in?"

"Why do you think so? Did someone else tell you something?" Zheng Huaizhou didn't know how to answer Mu Si, and simply misled him.

"No one said anything to me. I suddenly figured it out. Huaizhou, let's do this for today. Let's all go back and think about it separately. What kind of new way should we get along with each other in the future."

After Mu Si finished speaking, she walked around to the co-pilot's seat, opened the door and got in the car.

Zheng Huaizhou stood outside the car in silence for a while, then opened the door and got into the cab.

The night scene outside the car window receded rapidly.

While Zheng Huaizhou was driving, he turned his head to look at Mu Si several times, but Mu Si turned his head and looked out the car window.

Zheng Huaizhou sent Mu Si back to the hotel in silence.

Mu Si got out of the car, and he got out of the car too.

The two faced each other, standing at the door of the hotel.

Zheng Huaizhou stepped forward and hugged Mu Si: "Sisi, we will be fine in the future, okay?"

Mu Sihui hugged him: "Huaizhou, let's give each other some time to digest the past unhappiness, and then get to know each other again."

"No unpleasantness!" Zheng Huaizhou said softly, "I have no unpleasantness with you. Sisi, don't worry, I will never betray you!"

Mu Si withdrew from Fa his arms: "Then give me some time."

After finishing speaking, she smiled at Zheng Huaizhou, and said: "Drive slowly when you go back, and pay attention to safety."

After exhorting, Mu Si turned her head and walked into the hotel.

Zheng Huaizhou stared at her back, frowning tightly.

The relationship between him and Mu Si should not be like this...

He knew she was unhappy, so he flew to Yuncheng immediately to coax her, but why did Mu Si become more and more alienated from him.

In the end...what went wrong, made his Mu Si change, into a look he was not familiar with...

Until Mu Si's figure disappeared into the hotel, Zheng Huaizhou still stayed at the hotel entrance.

He was silent for a long time in the night, and finally let out a long sigh before getting in the car and leaving.

There were some things that he hoped Mu Si could figure out by himself, and stop trying to make everyone else unhappy.

When Mu Si entered the hotel, she wanted to take the elevator back to her room, but after thinking about it, she pressed the floor where Yu Lingchu was, walked to Yu Lingchu's door, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Not long after, Yu Lingchu's inquiring voice came from the door: "Who is it?"

"Lingchu, it's me."

Hearing Mu Si's voice, Yu Lingchu immediately opened the door, saw Mu Si standing at her door, and smiled: "You are back."

Mu Si nodded, looked at Yu Lingchu hesitantly and asked, "Can you...can you chat with me?"


Yu Lingchu turned sideways and let Mu Si into the room.

Mu Si came in, looked at the small room with simple furnishings, and said, "Lingchu, you are the second female lead of the crew, why don't you ask the crew to arrange a better room for you, so that you can live in a better room?" Get comfortable."

The decoration of this standard room is really too simple.

Yu Lingchu closed the door and said with a smile: "This room is enough for me to live alone. And I also have to take care of the security work of the crew. The floor location of this room is very suitable. If something happens upstairs or downstairs, it is convenient. I'll deal with it quickly."

Mu Si nodded to express her understanding.

Yu Lingchu moved out the only chair in the room and placed it facing the bed, looked at Mu Si and asked, "Are you sitting on the chair or on the bed?"

Mu Si walked over and sat down on the chair.

Yu Lingchu thoughtfully poured her a cup of hot water, then sat down on the bed opposite her, and asked with a smile, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Mu Si sighed.

Yu Lingchu frowned, and couldn't help but wonder if Mu Si's boyfriend did something to make her unhappy.

Mu Si fumbled for the water glass with her fingertips, lowered her eyes and said, "Lingchu, I'm sorry today. If I knew that Huaizhou was so rude, I would definitely not force you to have dinner with him."

Yu Lingchu heard her say this, and smiled lightly: "If you are unhappy because of this matter, then there is no need. Today's dinner is for your sake, and we did not chat well. Is it fun?
As for Zheng... Zheng Huaizhou, right?He is your boyfriend, it doesn't matter how he treats us, as long as he treats you well.We can't get along with him, so we will have less contact with him in the future.But don't worry, if we don't get along with your boyfriend, it won't affect our friendship. "

"Lingchu, thank you for your understanding. I came to you and wanted to talk about more than this." Mu Si sighed.

Yu Lingchu looked at her quietly.

Mu Si was silent for a while, as if thinking about how to start.

"It's just... I suddenly discovered today that my love for Huaizhou is not as strong as before."

System (⊙o⊙)
"Host, will love really disappear? Miss Sister's love brain is better?"

Jade Lingchu (⊙o⊙)
"I don't know if it will disappear or not. I just want to know where Mu Si said this? Is she really... going to find her way back and leave her unqualified boyfriend?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Mu Si, and asked tentatively: "Mu Si, where did you say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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