Chapter 183 The Most Slowest Person

Mu Si took two quick breaths, raised her eyes to look at Yu Lingchu: "Because I think... Huaizhou did it on purpose!"

Yu Lingchu frowned: "What on purpose?"

Mu Si bit her lip and smiled bitterly: "Deliberately ignoring my feelings... He should know in his heart that I would be jealous and sad if he gets too close to other girls, but he still did it.

He should know that I would be sad when he put me down for Jun Ning, accused me, and argued with me, and he did it anyway.He clearly knows that I regard you as friends, but because he doesn't like you and doesn't care about my feelings and positions, he throws his face at you...

Lingchu, just today, when he came to pick me up, when he accused me of being impolite because of Wu Feifei whom I met for the first time, and said that I have a small belly, a string in my heart suddenly broke Yes, at that moment, I seemed to see through many things inexplicably.

I love Huaizhou very much, but Huaizhou is acting recklessly based on my love for him, completely ignoring my feelings...

do you know?After I got along with him all night, I suddenly felt that I was very tired...

For many moments, a question would involuntarily pop up in my heart, can Huaizhou and I really go to the end hand in hand?

I've never questioned this before, but just tonight, I suddenly became confused. "

Yu Lingchu listened quietly to Mu Si's words, looked at her seriously and said, "Mu Si, let's think about it first, what is the most essential need to find a partner?"

Mu Si pursed her lips and stared at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu smiled and said: "It's for companionship, for supporting each other, and for being able to resist the ups and downs in life together. No matter what the reason why two people fell in love at first, the reason why they can stay together in the end is that they feel that the other party can be with themselves. Accompany, warm each other, support each other, and be loyal to each other.

Think about it, can your boyfriend bring you these values?Do you take care of each other or is someone giving unilaterally?Are you each other's unbridled favoritism and exceptions?Do you tolerate each other and accommodate each other, or is it just one of you who is giving in?
Are you loyal to each other?Finally, and most importantly, you ask yourself, are you happy with him?In other words, is it more happy, or more unhappy? "

Mu Si was silent.

Yu Lingchu also stopped talking, and just sat quietly by Mu Si's side.

The system said at this time: "Host, what do you think Mu Si is thinking now?"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "What else can you think about, think about my problems."

"I don't know what answer she will come up with."

Yu Lingchu thought for a while and said: "Emotions are like drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not.

If she puts aside the filter she puts on her boyfriend when she sees her boyfriend, and thinks about my problem objectively, she might find out that her boyfriend is an ex-boyfriend~"

"Host, how do I feel now, what you said just now seems to make sense, as if you were trying to persuade me?"

Yu Lingchu lightly scoffed: "What I said made a lot of sense. A person doesn't want to be happy when looking for a partner, doesn't want to support each other, doesn't want to be loyal to each other through thick and thin, is it because he wants to be the dog of the other party? Can he make himself angry if he looks for the other party? Can you bring wind and rain to yourself, and make yourself worse off than being single by plotting against the other party?"


"Yes, host, what you said makes sense."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "That makes sense. As the saying goes, true gold is not afraid of fire. Is a good relationship afraid of people's memories and pondering? Only bad ones are afraid of people's memories, because the more you remember, the more unworthy you feel. The more you think about it, the more unpleasant it will be!"

Mu Si was silent for a while, then looked up at Yu Lingchu: "Lingchu, I'm sorry to bother you, my mind is a little messed up now, I... want to go back and rest."

"Okay." Yu Lingchu smiled slightly, got up and sent Mu Si out.

The system looked at Mu Si who was going out and left, and said puzzledly: "Hey~ no! Have you figured out the answer? Why did she just leave like that?"

Yu Lingchu closed the door, rolled her eyes and said: "Emotional matters have always been cut and reasoned, and the reason is still chaotic. How can I figure it out so quickly!"


"Host, I suddenly discovered that you seem to have a lot of experience in emotional matters, have you talked about it before?"



"Then where do you get these experiences and insights from?"

Yu Lingchu blinked: "When I was young, I was bored. I read romance novels and family ethics dramas to pass the time. I figured it out by myself."


"Didn't you tell me that if you read less novels and romantic dramas about Mary Su's love, it's easy to develop a love brain? Then why do you still read it yourself?"

Yu Lingchu was confident and confident: "Do you think I am in love?"

The system thought for a while and replied, "It seems... not?"

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes: "You remove the as if for me, no! Do you know what this means?"

System: "What?"

Yu Lingchu: "It means that I have my own opinions and a firm mind, so I don't care about anything. Let me tell you, wild vegetables are not easy to dig these days. Anyone who likes to dig them will dig them. Anyway, I won't go! There are thousands of delicacies in the world. Wan, why bother to pick up wild vegetables~ Then again, whoever provokes others with wild vegetables~"

System: "Being poached by love, wild vegetables may also feel unlucky..."

Yu Lingchu nodded: "Isn't it unlucky, if you meet a love brain, the eighteen generations of wild vegetables' ancestors will be bald...

If Mu Si's boyfriend is really not a good man, I hope she will figure it out soon and turn around..."

Dawn breaks through the night, opening a new chapter of the day.

On a new day, Wu Feifei didn't sleep until she woke up naturally like before.

She got up early and rushed to the set with the crew. When she got there, she immediately called a stylist to do her makeup.

Taking advantage of Wu Feifei's makeup, Susu ran to the director again.

"Director Wang, we must finish filming our Feifei scene this morning. She has a schedule later on, so she can't spend all her time here with you!"

Director Wang glanced at Wu Feifei's assistant.

He said why Wu Feifei has become more diligent today, it turns out that there are other jobs waiting for her later!
"When we start the film, we will shoot Fei Fei's scenes first." Director Wang agreed very happily.

Wu Feifei has been on the set ever since she joined the filming crew, either playing big names or making trouble for others. He also really wanted to finish the filming quickly and then send it away.

But the problem is, if Wu Feifei still performed badly like yesterday, it would be really difficult to finish filming all her scenes this morning.

Therefore, after agreeing to shoot Wu Feifei's scene first, Director Wang added: "Whether the filming can be finished in one morning depends on the performance of the actors."

It mainly depends on Wu Feifei's own performance.

After all, Wu Feifei was the one who held back the most in yesterday afternoon's filming.

(End of this chapter)

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