shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 184 I hope she is really unlucky

Director Wang didn't have the nerve to call Wu Feifei by name directly, saying that Wu Feifei was holding back.

Su Su left yesterday afternoon after being slapped by Wu Feifei, and naturally she didn't see Wu Feifei's slow performance.

At this time, she heard what Director Wang said, and immediately demanded forcefully: "Then you go and tell the actors of the crew to perform well, and don't drag us Fei Fei back!"

Director Wang was speechless when he heard this.

Where did Wu Feifei find this assistant?Be careless!

Have you figured out who is holding back, and just make random demands right here!
Thinking that Wu Feifei won't be on the set for long, the director didn't want to offend anyone, so he said perfunctorily, "Okay, I'll remind them later."

Susu was very satisfied with the director's cooperative attitude, nodded and left.

The director pouted while looking at her back.

After a while, the filming will start, and this idiot will be able to see who is the most delayed in the entire crew!

Not long after, everyone was ready, and following the director's order, the first scene of the new day officially started shooting.

Wu Feifei opened her mouth and said her lines: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, JQK King!"

The actor standing opposite him performed with dedication, and did not laugh at Wu Feifei's digital lines.

"Nineteen eight seven six five four?" Wu Feifei spoke again, and said a series of numbers again.

Outside the shooting, Feng Xi held up his mobile phone and quietly recorded Wu Feifei's performance.

Yu Lingchu stood aside and watched her move, blinking.

In my mind, the system's puzzled voice sounded: "Host, what is your agent doing filming Wu Feifei?"

Yu Lingchu curled her lips into a smile: "Since she shoots, it is of course useful."

"What's the use?"

The system was puzzled, and tried to guess: "Save it for you to watch? Let you learn how the predecessors performed?"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"Learn what? How do you learn how to use numbers as lines in a serious manner?"

System: "emm...there is really nothing worth learning. Then what is your agent doing filming her?"

Yu Lingchu smiled mysteriously: "You said her perfunctory performance, what else can she do after filming it? Keep it in preparation."

"Oh~" The system had an epiphany: "Host, you, the manager, is planning for a rainy day, and you have a lot of foresight."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "The person recommended by the senior sister is naturally reliable."

Feng Xi took pictures quietly for a while, put away his phone calmly, and turned his head to show Yu Lingchu a big smile.

This new artist she has hired is not only talented and beautiful, but also has a brain and can do things with agility!

Here she was secretly filming Wu Feifei's digital lines, and she deliberately stood beside her to help her block other people's sight and cover for her.

This can be regarded as a tacit cooperation.

When Yu Ling first saw Feng Xi smiling at her, she also smiled back at him.

On the set, as the director stopped, the first scene came to an end.

Although Wu Feifei's lines are numbers, but the expressions are also in place, and the first scene is over in one go.

Seeing that the filming was suspended, her assistant hurried forward with a cup of hot water, and surrounded Wu Feifei to take care of her attentively.

After a short rest, the second scene started shooting.

This scene is a rivalry between Wu Feifei and Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu played the second lady of the general's mansion who was betrayed by spies and captured alive by the enemy when they burned down the enemy's granary.

The enemy army intends to take her to the battlefield and use it to intimidate the people in the general's mansion who lead the army.

Wu Feifei, who played the role of the princess of the enemy country, had long known Yu Lingchu and secretly introduced her as a confidant.

Knowing the news that Yu Lingchu was captured alive, she went to the camp where Yu Lingchu was held to visit Yu Lingchu, trying to persuade him to surrender and save Yu Lingchu's life.

With the director's order, the second scene officially started shooting.

With shackles on both hands, Yu Lingchu sat in the enemy's cage calmly and fearlessly.

Wu Feifei came with her attendants, seeing the embarrassed but proud Yu Lingchu, she walked a few steps closer.

Wu Feifei spoke, gloating in her voice: "Yu Lingchu, I never thought you would have today!"


The director stopped, and looked at Wu Feifei with a frown: "Feifei, you should have sympathy for this character and the second lady of the General's Mansion. Seeing her in trouble and being arrested, you should be sympathetic and regretful because of your position. Do you know that feeling?"

Wu Feifei pursed her lips and nodded.

I understand, but she can't pretend that feeling!

Seeing that Yu Lingchu was unlucky, even if it was fake, she felt happy!
She wished that the fake could become real!
As long as Yu Lingchu is destroyed, the marriage contract between the Yu family and the Nalan family will definitely be void!
Now that the Nalan family intends to come to Haicheng for development, their Wu family, as the head of Haicheng's wealthy families, must have a lot of contact with the Nalan Group.

As long as Yu Lingchu's stumbling block is removed, she has a great chance to be with Nalan Shaojin!
The director naturally didn't know the twists and turns in Wu Feifei's mind, seeing her nodding, he immediately said: "So, when you say this line, you can't just express gloating emotions!

You have to embody this line with a complex emotion of pity, hatred and gratitude! "

Wu Feifei took a deep breath and nodded.

The director ordered everyone to prepare again.

The shooting started again, and the camera slowly moved from Yu Lingchu to Wu Feifei.

Wu Feifei sneered: "I didn't expect you to have today!"

Yu Ling raised her eyes at the beginning, but her clear but resolute eyes fell on Wu Feifei, and she smiled lightly: "Did Your Royal Highness come to see my joke?"

Wu Feifei raised her eyebrows: "I'll see you off! You're dying, you know?"

When saying this line, the corners of Wu Feifei's lips couldn't help but rise, and a voice in her heart clamored crazily: If Yu Lingchu was really sensible and she died, that would be great~
"Cut!" The director frowned and stopped again.

"Fei Fei, you...why do you look like you're expecting someone to die soon?
The role you play is set to be sympathetic to Lingchu, not a villain! "

Wu Feifei looked at the director and smiled apologetically: "Director, I'm sorry, it's really Yu Lingchu's current appearance, it looks funny and ridiculous!"

Yu Lingchu looked at Wu Feifei who was mocking her with cold eyes.

It was obvious that Wu Feifei was not professional, but she insisted on blaming her for not being professional.

It seems that the lessons from the previous two times still failed to impress this woman, so she must be regarded as a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch!

She said calmly: "Miss Wu, I am currently a prisoner of the enemy country, and my makeup is disabled makeup, not a funny clown makeup! I don't understand what I look like now, what makes me look funny and funny !
Miss Wu is a senior in the industry, she should know acting better than me!I believe that as long as you put in the character's state of mind a little bit, you won't be able to laugh at my current makeup! "

Wu Feifei looked at Yu Lingchu coldly, and asked, "What do you mean? Are you saying that I am not professional?"

Yu Lingchu calmly smiled: "Don't dare. I believe Ms. Wu knows who is respectful or not."

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