Chapter 200 Arguing
A security guard said: "This idiot probably doesn't know, this door is far away from the shooting place of the film crew inside, and the people inside can't hear his noise at all."

Another security guard said: "But we can hear it, it's really annoying."

"Should I call the police?"

"I see it~"

The security guard who proposed to call the police took out his mobile phone and called the police.

The other security guard was also not idle, and took out his mobile phone to record evidence of Zheng Huaizhou yelling at everyone to harass others.

There is a police station near the film and television city. Not long after the security call was made, a police car honked its horn.

Hearing the siren, Zheng Huaizhou stopped shouting and turned his head to look in the direction of the police car.

The car quickly drove to the front, and two police uncles in uniform got out of the car, looked at the three people at the entrance of the studio, and asked aloud, "Who called the police?"

The two security guards quickly raised their hands: "We!"

Then they all raised their fingers to Zheng Huaizhou.

Security A: "This scoundrel wanted to come into our film crew to molest the little girl, and after being stopped by us, he made trouble at the door!"

Security B: "Yes, yes, yes! I recorded all the evidence with my mobile phone. I've never seen such a shameless and annoying person!"

The two policemen looked at Zheng Huaizhou together.

Zheng Huaizhou quickly argued: "I came here to find my girlfriend, and they were the ones who stopped me from entering! They have no right to limit my right to meet my girlfriend!"


Security A spat: "You are shameless! I went in and asked, and the girl said that she is not your girlfriend at all!"

Security B: "Everyone says she's not your girlfriend anymore, and you're still staying here. I think it's fake that you're looking for a girlfriend, and it's true that you want to come in and play hooligans on our crew! Comrade policeman, he's already obstructing our crew's filming, please You help coax him away!"

Security A: "Comrade policeman, this man is a dangerous person! He caused trouble outside the hotel where our crew stayed yesterday, and was arrested and taken to the police station for beating someone!"

Security B: "Comrade policeman, think about it, if there is really his girlfriend in the crew, then he can make a phone call and call out his girlfriend, instead of blocking the door of our studio and yelling!"

The two policemen nodded, obviously agreeing with Security B's statement.

A policeman looked at Zheng Huaizhou and said, "Since you said that your girlfriend is inside, then you can call her and ask her to come out."

Zheng Huaizhou frowned: "My girlfriend and I had a quarrel, and she blocked all my contact information. Otherwise, you can lend me your phone and I can call my girlfriend?"

The policeman thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, looked at Zheng Huaizhou and said, "What is your girlfriend's phone number, I'll call her."

Zheng Huaizhou readily agreed, and quickly reported Musi's number.

The reason why she didn't insist on calling Mu Si herself was because she was afraid that Mu Si would hang up the phone when she heard his voice.

If there is a policeman to make peace, maybe Mu Si can agree to have a good chat with him.

The call was connected quickly, and the policeman asked, "Hi, is this Miss Mu Si?"

"I am, may I ask who are you?"

Mu Si's gentle and polite voice came from the receiver.

The police hurriedly reported their home and said, "It's like this. Outside the studio where you work, there is a Mr. Zheng Huaizhou. He said he was your boyfriend and wanted to see you."

When Mu Si heard Zheng Huaizhou's name, she said in a cold tone, "I have already broken up with him! I don't want to see him again either!"

After the words fell, Mu Si hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and calmed down the emotions in her heart.

Outside the set, the policeman who was on the phone turned to look at Zheng Huaizhou: "They said that you have already broken up!"

Zheng Huaizhou hurriedly said: "We just had some troubles, we didn't break up at all, she is angry with me, can you help me persuade her?"

The policeman frowned.

Zheng Huaizhou hurriedly continued to ask: "I beg you, please help me. She won't answer my phone or see me. I'm really worried about her!"

The policeman thought for a while and called Musi again.

This time, the phone rang twice and was hung up immediately.

The policeman looked at Zheng Huaizhou: "I won't answer my phone now either."

Zheng Huaizhou changed his mind and said, "Then can you take me in to find her?"

He didn't believe that there were police leading the way, and these blind security guards dared to stop him from seeing Mu Si!
The policeman thought for a moment and nodded.

Anyway, with them watching, this man didn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

If it was really a young couple quarreling, the two of them met and talked it out, and they followed up to persuade, wouldn't the matter be resolved.

The two security guards had already begun to regret it!

Had they known this was the result, they would not have called the police!
The purpose of their reporting to the police is to hope that the police will take this Zheng away instead of taking him in to harass Miss Mu. Hey!

Two policemen were about to take Zheng Huaizhou into the set when the phone of one of them rang.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and said to Zheng Huaizhou and another policeman, "Wait a minute, it's Miss Mu's call."

After speaking, he swipe the screen to answer and press speakerphone.

"Hello, Miss Mu."

As soon as the police said hello, Yu Lingchu's voice came out of the receiver. He was not polite at all, and asked, "What are you trying to do? Do you want to drive Mu Si to help that scumbag and drive Mu Si to collapse?" !"

Zheng Huaizhou heard Yu Lingchu's voice, and immediately rushed forward and said into the phone microphone: "Where is Sisi? I want to talk to Sisi!"

"I'm sorry, we Sisi don't want to hear your dog barking, and I'd like to trouble you to be a little self-conscious. You have already broken up, so don't be a toad crawling on your feet. You won't bite people and disgusting people when you run here, okay? Bah! I'm sorry, I said Wrong, you are not as good as a toad, and the toad will scold you bad luck when it sees you, but you are much more disgusting than it!"

"You don't need to talk about the matter between me and Sisi! You give Sisi the phone number!"

"We, Sisi, are not interested in garbage now! Let me advise you, hide away if you have nothing to do, and don't go out. Be careful when the garbage collector comes and takes you away! Comrade police? I have something to tell you, you always You can't just help the tyrant and harass my friend because of this scumbag's one-sided words! You have to listen to what our suffering master has to say!"

"If you don't give Sisi the phone number, I'll go in and look for him now!" Zheng Huaizhou relied on the police's promise to take him in, and began to threaten with confidence!
"You come in! If you dare to come in, I will kick you out in person! Sisi is kind and weak, I am not a vegetarian!"

"I'd like to see why you're not a vegetarian!" Zheng Huaizhou rushed into the set, relying on the presence of the police!
Seeing this, the two security guards at the door immediately stepped forward to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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