Zheng Huaizhou couldn't rush in, so he immediately turned to the two policemen for help: "Comrade policemen, these people are preventing me from finding my girlfriend, you have to give me justice!"

Yu Lingchu heard Zheng Huaizhou's request for help through the phone, and immediately scolded: "Zheng Huaizhou! You'd better shake your stinky brain before you speak! Let me tell you, don't think that you can be invincible by being shameless! You leave The world is invincible and you are short of a Sunflower Book! You shameless thing! When you were born, your mother wrapped your cerebellum with a foot wrap, right? Otherwise, how could you reveal your heart from the inside out? Remnant and lowly virtue, your family has you, it's really a shameful ancestral grave!"

The policeman with the phone: "..."

The little girl's mouth on the phone...why is it so long?

Why is this cursing vocabulary so rich and unconventional...

The policeman opened his mouth slowly into the phone: "That little girl, take a break... Let's talk calmly, what's going on with you?"

Yu Lingchu breathed out a turbid breath, and said, "The scumbag you want to help has cheated many times. This time my friend came to work in Yuncheng, and he agreed to accompany him. I didn't expect that he would secretly bring Xiao San'er with him, and he turned out to be dirty. Nurgle didn’t hide well and was discovered by my friend, so he proposed to break up on the spot. And my friend has already told the elders in the family about their breakup, and the elders also support my friend’s decision. But this scumbag looks beautiful and stinky Shamelessly pestering my friend to reconcile and enjoy the blessings of everyone, comrades in the police, you can’t help the tyrant! My friend has made it clear to break up with him, and his current behavior is harassment!"

The two policemen looked at Zheng Huaizhou, who was torn up with the security guards.

If what the little girl said on the phone is true, then this man is really worthless!
Zheng Huaizhou struggled with the security at the door for a long time, but he didn't see the two policemen behind him stepping forward to help, so he couldn't help turning his head to look over.

At the moment when he turned his head, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, and he fell backwards uncontrollably.

Dressed in an ancient costume and holding a phone, Yu Lingchu appeared at the door of the set, looking coldly at Zheng Huaizhou who was kicked to the ground by her.

"Dog! I don't want to talk to you, it's not over yet!"

Yu Lingchu walked down the steps quickly, walked up to the two policemen and negotiated: "I am Yu Lingchu who is in charge of the safety of the production crew. This person has repeatedly come to pick quarrels and provoke troubles. I hope the two police uncles can help deal with it."

As soon as Yu Lingchu finished speaking, the system's task notification sounded in his mind: "Ding~"

Hearing this voice, Yu Lingchu only felt her scalp tingle, and immediately warned: "System, it's okay to issue tasks, don't issue cheating tasks!"


What the host said...

what about love?What about trust?

It mechanically said: "It has been detected that Zheng Huaizhou has too much obsession, and now a system task - the defeat of the scumbag! Please help Mu Si completely get rid of the scumbag's entanglement. After the task is successful, the system reward will be randomly issued~"

After the Yuling primary system released the task, it was silent for a while and saw that there was no more movement from the system, so it opened its mouth and said, "That's it?"


"That's it! Do you, the host, still expect that there will be hidden easter eggs in this mission?"

Yu Lingchu put on a perfunctory smile: "Hehe... I'm just wondering why you didn't cheat on this mission..."


"This task is not a main system task, it is issued by this system itself..."

Yu Lingchu←_←

"System, didn't you say that you are poor now?"

"Host, is it interesting to expose my scar properly?"

Yu Lingchu's tone was innocent: "I don't want to mention your sad things either. I'm just curious, what kind of reward can you give me when I complete the task when you are poor?"

The system is dissatisfied: "Host, who do you look down on! This task is authorized to me by the main system, an opportunity to release the task by myself! So... I will release the task, and the reward will be given by the main system."

Yu Lingchu smiled: "That's it, then I don't have any psychological burden. Otherwise, you are so poor, and I can't bear to ask for your reward again~"

The system murmured softly: "I, Lianlian, used to be very rich. In 30 years in Hedong, in 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the system is poor now..."

The two policemen looked at Yu Lingchu for a while, and then turned their heads to look at Zheng Huaizhou who was kicked to the ground by her.

The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the old woman is right. They have to ask more carefully to determine who is right.

Just as the two of them were thinking, Mu Si's phone in Yu Lingchu's hand rang.

Yu Lingchu picked it up and glanced at the screen, seeing that the note on the caller ID was "Aunt Yang", knowing that this was an elder of the Mu family, she swiped the screen and connected the call.

"Sisi~" Aunt Yang's gentle voice came from the receiver.

Yu Lingchu responded politely: "Aunt Yang, I am Lingchu."

Seeing that it was Yu Lingchu who answered the phone, Aunt Yang was surprised and worried: "Lingchu, where is Sisi?"

Yu Lingchu heard her anxiety, and hurriedly replied: "Aunt Yang, Sisi is fine. The thing is, Zheng Huaizhou is unwilling to break up, and has been chasing and harassing Sisi. After Sisi hacked all his contact information, he I asked the police to call Sisi to pester her. I was afraid that Sisi would not be able to handle it, so I took her phone number. Now I am negotiating with the police outside the film crew.

The current situation is that Zheng Huaizhou denies breaking up with Sisi, which makes the police don't know which side to listen to. You are Sisi's elder, why don't you talk to the police comrades to prove that what I said is true? "

After listening to Yu Lingchu's words, Aunt Yang agreed very happily: "Okay, please give the phone to the police."

"Okay, Aunt Yang."

Yu Lingchu smiled, and while agreeing, handed the phone to a policeman.

"Musi's elders, I want to talk to you personally about Mu Si."

The police quickly took the phone from Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu couldn't hear what Aunt Yang said to the police, and it took only about a minute for the police to answer the phone before they suddenly turned on the speakerphone.

Aunt Yang's voice came from the receiver: "Zheng Huaizhou, I'm Aunt Yang."

Hearing the voice of Mu's elders, Zheng Huaizhou quickly opened his mouth and came forward: "Aunt Yang, there is a misunderstanding between Sisi and I! Now Sisi is being instigated by some dubious friends, and she doesn't want to listen to my explanation at all. Can you persuade Sisi for me?"

"Heh!" Aunt Yang on the other side of the phone sneered: "Zheng Huaizhou, do you think I'm blind! I've always noticed how you've treated my Sisi all these years! You rely on us Sisi to like you, She decided that she was reluctant to leave you, so she flirted with you unscrupulously. We Sisi was sad because of this matter. Instead of restraining yourself, you blamed her for being narrow-minded! Sisi liked you before, although I couldn't see it, I didn't. There are so many things to say, but now she finally figured it out and decided to give up your crooked neck tree, I can't wait to set off fireworks to celebrate, you know!"

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