Chapter 215 Encouraging
The beauty was in his arms, but Mr. Hu didn't hide it, and replied: "It's Zheng Shao."

Liu Yi smirked: "I haven't heard of Zheng Shaowang's lack. It seems that Yu Lingchu's woman really offended people a lot~ But she has such a strong background, let's not join in the fun~"

Mr. Hu scratched Liu Yi's nose: "Hehe~ My little baby is quite sensible, and knows how to think of me."

Liu Yi said obediently: "The last time you got involved with Brother Hu, you were bullied by that bitch Yu Lingchu, and he blamed himself for a long time~"

Mr. Hu thought of what happened when he went to the production team before, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "That woman doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and I'm afraid she will be unlucky soon!"

Hearing Mr. Hu say this, Liu Yi immediately became interested: "Brother Hu, what do you say?"

Mr. Hu gloated and said, "Do you know who the Zheng Shao who just called me is?"

Liu Yi said softly: "How do people know~"

Mr. Hu didn't let it go, he smiled and said: "It's the son of the Zheng family in the imperial capital! It is said that this Zheng Shao has some friendship with the person in charge of the Nalan Group. I will tell him Yu Lingchu's background. Guess who he is?" What will you do?"

Thinking of Yu Lingchu's possible misfortune, Liu Yiyi's eyes lit up: "If Zheng Shao asks the people in charge of the Nalan Group to come forward, then no one will be able to keep Yu Lingchu!"

She didn't believe that no matter how strong Yu Lingchu's background in the Nalan Group was, it could still be stronger than the people in power of the Nalan Group!
"Brother Hu, Yu Lingchu humiliated us so much before, if she is unlucky, can we get back the face we lost?"

Mr. Hu was startled, as if he was considering the feasibility of Liu Yi's words.

After a while, he said: "I'm afraid I can't, haven't you heard that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse?"

Liu Yi didn't give up.

She had always been against her in the film crew Yu Lingchu before, and last time it was because of a stinky security guard, who made her and Brother Hu feel ashamed in public, and made Hu Ge and her angry, and almost dumped her. It took several days to coax people well.

What's even more hateful is that Yu Lingchu took advantage of the gap and directly replaced her as the second female lead during the few days she heard that she left the film crew.

Before Yu Lingchu was supported by someone, she could only sulk and hate, and could not do anything to her. Now that Yu Lingchu was finally going to be unlucky, she really couldn't help but add insult to injury.

Liu Yi changed her mind, looked at President Hu and said charmingly: "Brother Hu~ Think about it, since Shao Zheng called you personally to clean up Yu Lingchu, it must be Yu Lingchu who offended him a lot."

Hearing what Liu Yi said, Mr. Hu thought of Zheng Huaizhou's tone just now, and nodded slightly in agreement.

"As the saying goes, a fire at the city gate will bring disaster to the fish~ If Zheng Shao goes to the Nalan Group's leader to come forward, then Yu Lingchu's backer designation will also be implicated. If one fails, the backer behind Yu Lingchu will be implicated by her It is not impossible for people to drive out the Nalan Group.

With Yu Lingchu's temperament, he might have offended many people on weekdays, but once he loses power, everyone will push him against the wall! "

Mr. Hu nodded: "It makes sense!"

Liu Yi smiled and acted coquettishly: "So why can't we take this opportunity and let out a bad breath~ Brother Hu, are you willing to let Yu Lingchu go like this? And the group of people who praise the high and trample the low in the crew!
When no one invested in them back then, they begged their grandpa to sue their grandma, and it was you, Brother Hu, who gave them such a large sum of money out of righteousness, and the only requirement for them was to take care of me.

The results of it?If you want me to act as the female lead, it's fine if they don't agree. After I joined the crew, not only did they not take care of me, but they also looked at me in various ways and made things difficult for me.In the end, when they got up to the Nalan Group by relying on Yu Lingchu, it was too much to ride directly on top of you, Brother Hu.

Brother Hu, you arranged for me to join the crew, but they kicked me out of the crew when they said they would, without even asking Brother Hu for your opinion.It doesn't matter whether I act in this play or not, but I'm just wronging you for Brother Hu.

If I had known that they were so wolf-hearted, I would have stopped what I said at the beginning, and I would not have let you invest in them, saving money and being rewarded by others~ Seeing Hu Ge, you are wronged, I am so heartbroken~"

Mr. Hu was enraged by Liu Yi's words, and said gloomily: "Producer Li and the others are really not kind. Since Young Master Zheng wants to deal with Yu Lingchu, let's wait and see. It's almost there, let's go up and give them a good shot!"

"Well! Liu Yi nodded: "I just want to let them know that I, Brother Hu, are not easy to mess with~!Let them know what it means to be a real man who can bend and stretch! "

Mr. Hu laughed, and threw Liu Yi down: "Little fairy, the fire has been stirred up by you, and you have to put it out."

In the crew hotel, Yu Lingchu just came back from the outside. As soon as she stepped into the room, she received two WeChat messages from Tian Tian.

"Sister Lingchu, have you eaten well these days?"

"Well~ well, actually, what I want to ask is whether sister Lingchu misses me~"

When Yu Lingchu saw these two messages, she raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

These days are too busy, and I haven't had much contact with Tian Tian. I really miss that little girl.

Holding the mobile phone, Yu Lingchu directly sent a video request to Tian Tian.

The video call was quickly connected, and Tian Tian's cute and sweet face appeared on the screen.

Seeing Yu Lingchu, her round almond eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and the small dimples on her cheeks showed her joy in her cuteness.

"Sister Lingchu~" Tian Tian called out happily, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the phone screen.

"Tian Tian, ​​how are you doing recently?"

Yu Lingchu asked with concern.

Tian Tian hurriedly said: "I've been fine recently, but I haven't seen sister Lingchu for a long time, I miss you so much~"

Tian Tian pouts her mouth, like a child who is coquettish and wants sweets.

Yu Lingchu smiled softly: "Sister Lingchu misses you too. Are you going to be on winter vacation recently?"

"Yeah." Tian sweet nodded.

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Then when you are on vacation, I'll book a plane ticket for you. You come to Yuncheng to find me. Sister Lingchu will take you here to have a good time."

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she thought that Tian Tian would readily agree, but unexpectedly she frowned, showing a rather distressed look.

After struggling in her heart for a while, Tian Tian reluctantly refused: "Sister Lingchu, I really want to go to Yuncheng to accompany you, but I have to work part-time during the winter vacation, so I really don't have time~ But if I can video chat with Sister Lingchu, I will I'm already very happy and satisfied. When sister Lingchu comes back from Yuncheng, I'll treat you to a big meal."

Tian Tian smiled, trying to change the subject.

Since she met Sister Lingchu, her life and circumstances have really changed a lot.

Sister Lingchu is so nice, Fang Yu is so nice, and everyone in Deze Security Company is so nice.Everyone is so sincere and enthusiastic to help her and care about her, she has to work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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