shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 216 Defrauding the Little Girl

Tian Tian always feels that just because everyone treats her well, she can't take it for granted.

The air ticket from Haicheng to Yuncheng is not cheap. After she goes there, sister Xing Lingchu will definitely arrange the food and lodging, which should cost a lot of money.

She couldn't let elder sister Lingchu spend so much for her with peace of mind. She wanted to support herself with her own hands and earn what she wanted with her own labor.

"Aren't you the front desk for our security company now?"

Yu Lingchu smiled and said, "I'm one of the bosses of the security company. I've decided to give you a holiday and your salary will be paid as usual. Come to Yuncheng to thank me, the boss."

Tian Tian was amused by Yu Lingchu, but she still insisted: "Sister Lingchu, I really can't do it~"

"Why not? Don't you want sister Lingchu?"


Tian Tian hurriedly explained, but it was hard to say that it was because she was afraid that Yu Lingchu would have to spend money, so she had an idea: "The case of me and the Tian family breaking up the adoption relationship is about to start. I have to wait for the lawsuit with the Tian family."

Tian Tian found the reason on a brainwave, but was exposed by Yu Lingchu as soon as he finished speaking.

"Didn't you entrust a lawyer with full authority to deal with the matter of the Tian family?"

In this case, it doesn't matter if Tian Tian doesn't attend the trial.

After Yu Lingchu said a word, he suddenly realized something, and quickly pretended not to notice anything and smiled: "You said you are so young, why is your memory so bad?"

Tian Tian smiled awkwardly.


Yu Lingchu suddenly sighed, and confided to Tian Tian: "Tian Tian, ​​I have encountered some trouble recently."

"Ah?" Tian Tian immediately became nervous, and asked anxiously: "Sister Lingchu, what happened to you? Don't worry, is there anything I can help? Or...or can Fang Yu help?"

Yu Lingchu was silent for a while and said, "Fang Yu can't help much, but maybe you can."

"Ah?" Tian Tian stared at Yu Lingchu, really wondering how she could help.

"I also signed a contract with my senior sister's agency, and now I'm in charge of the security of the crew, and at the same time I'm playing the second female role in this drama, I'm so busy~"

Tian Tian listened carefully to Yu Lingchu's words.

Her elder sister Lingchu has worked so hard, so she has to work hard.

"My manager is the same as my senior sister, but I have this manager, but I still lack a satisfactory assistant.

Alas~ If I have a satisfactory assistant, I can also reduce some of the burden.These days, I have been worrying about this matter. "

"Then how can I help?" Tian Tian looked at Yu Lingchu with concern.

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Aren't you going to be on winter vacation soon? I thought that if you come to be my temporary assistant, you can help me first. The salary of the assistant is [-] per month. In this way, you can work part-time and study part-time. I also have an assistant, isn't it a win-win for us, right?"

Tian Tian seriously thought about Yu Lingchu's words.

Yu Lingchu continued to sell miserably: "Oh~ I really want someone to help me~ I do so much work every day without anyone to help me, I am really exhausted.

But Tian Tian, ​​please don't make things difficult, if it's not convenient for you to come here, it's okay, I can do it by myself, isn't it just a little tired, I can persevere. "

"I can do it!" Tian Tian looked at Yu Lingchu firmly, "Sister Lingchu, don't worry, I'll be your assistant."

Yu Lingchu said embarrassedly: "This way...would it be too much trouble for you?"

Tian Tian quickly shook her head: "No trouble, no trouble! I'm too happy to be able to help sister Lingchu!"

Yu Ling smiled brightly at the beginning: "It's great that you can come there. I will definitely feel a lot easier then. When will you have a holiday? I will book a ticket for you then."

Tian Tian thought for a moment and said, "After Christmas, it's probably NO.30's holiday."

"Then I'll book you a plane ticket for the morning of the 31st, so that you can arrive in Yuncheng in the afternoon, and we'll celebrate the new year together."

"it is good."

Tian Tian smiled and agreed, and then looked at Yu Lingchu and said distressedly: "Sister Lingchu, you must be very tired after a busy day. I won't disturb you anymore, you should rest early."

Yu Lingchu smiled softly and said: "You should also rest early, if someone dares to bully you, remember to tell sister Lingchu, I will help you clean him up!"

Tian Tian smiled obediently and sweetly, nodded and said: "Yes! With the support of Lingchu sister, I am not afraid of anyone! Lingchu sister, good night and sweet dreams."

"Good night and sweet dreams." Yu Lingchu responded with a smile, Tian Tian reluctantly hung up the video.

The moment the video was hung up, Yu Lingchu couldn't help showing a triumphant smile on his face.

Tian Tian, ​​a well-behaved little sister, is easy to deceive, if she fools around, doesn't she fool people, hahaha...

Long time no see, she really missed that little girl.

I heard from Ling Xuan that Maodou and the others came to ask for troubles from time to time, and the group of Tian's family were also living in dire straits these days, and tried to pester Tian Tian a few times but failed.

But this toad can't bite people, and it also hates people. I just brought Tian Tian to Yuncheng during the winter vacation. First, I can hide from Tian Tian's family for a few days, and second, I can relax and adjust. Feeling.

Putting down the phone, Yu Lingchu walked into the bathroom and began to wash.

After battling wits and courage with Nalan Shaojin all night, she finally escaped and came back, she was really a little tired.

The moonlight is long, and the night is safe.

Before dawn, Nalan Shaojin woke up from his lethargy.

He stared at the ceiling above his head with his dark eyes, sat up after a while, and turned on the bedside lamp.

Looking back carefully, his last memory stays at the moment when Yu Lingchu helped him into the car.

After thousands of calculations, he didn't expect that girl to secretly plot against him.

Nalan Shaojin shook his head and chuckled, carelessly...

After a moment, he glanced at the time.

Dawn is coming.

When it was dawn, he wanted to surprise Yu Lingchu again, and hoped that Lingchu would not be too surprised.

Touching his own neck, Nalan Shaojin chuckled again.

Dare to stun him, Lingchu is really good!She wouldn't naively think that she could escape by knocking him out...

Nalan Shaojin was no longer sleepy, so he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

After he finished washing and changing his clothes, the morning sun was already shining outside, and the sun was shining.

Thinking that it was still early, Nalan Shaojin was not in a hurry to leave the hotel, so he sat down at his desk, turned on his laptop and started processing documents.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door, followed by Yan Yue's respectful voice: "Master Jin, are you up yet?"

Nalan Shaojin got up and opened the door, looking at Yan Yue with his quiet eyes.

Yan Yue smiled awkwardly and asked, "Master Jin, do you want breakfast now?"


Nalan Shaojin responded lightly.

"I'll let them bring it to you."

After Yan Yue finished speaking respectfully, she was about to turn around and leave, but unexpectedly Nalan Shaojin said, "You brought me back to the hotel yesterday?"

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