Jun Ning had no way to refute Mu Si's question, so she could only quibble: "Sister Mu Si, I have always regarded you and Brother Huaizhou as relatives. I left my hometown and first arrived in the imperial capital. I am not familiar with any place. The strange environment made me Panic, that's why I'm acting so dependent on you two."

Mu Si sneered: "Don't call me sister! I don't have such a shameless sister like you! I don't have the honor of being relied on by you. After all, you only rely on Zheng Huaizhou from the beginning to the end! This time, Zheng Huaizhou and I Why did you come to the point of breaking up, you should know better than anyone else! Everyone is not a fool, put away your clumsy acting skills!
I don't know what your purpose is for coming to me today, but no matter what your purpose is, I tell you very clearly that I don't have time to accompany you in your clumsy drama!One last piece of advice, don't provoke me again!I'm willing to be kind to others, but it doesn't mean that I just let others rub me down and bully me! "

Mu Si bent down and lowered her head, leaned close to Jun Ning's ear, and said coolly in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Just like you, as long as I think about it, it's easier to crush you than to crush an ant! You know! Why didn't I move you? Because it's dirty!"

After saying that, she stood up straight, admiring Jun Ning's anger and unwillingness because of her words, smiled sweetly, and said loudly: "You are a dirty and dirty bug in the gutter! Even if you try your best to crawl out of the gutter , you are still a dirty bedbug!"

Jun Ning's face was pale, and she looked at Mu Si in disbelief.

From the first time she saw Mu Si, Mu Si gave her the impression that she was not aggressive.

But at this moment, vicious words came out of Mu Si's mouth so easily.

She is mocking her, mocking her, even if she tries to break free from the shackles of her original family, even if she tries to climb up, she still can't change her humble origin...


Why did she say that about her!
Why should she look down on her!
How could a young lady like Mu Si, who was born in Rome, understand her difficulties, her hardships!

What's wrong with her trying to get what she wants!

Zheng Huaizhou chose to stand next to her bedbug every time, which meant that Mu Si was not as good as a bedbug!

Mu Si is just her defeated under Jun Ning, what right does she have to look down on her!
Mu Si didn't miss the expression on Jun Ning's face, she finished what she wanted to express, and said coldly: "If you like to kneel, then kneel, it doesn't matter how long you kneel, I won't accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Si passed Jun Ning who was kneeling at the door, bent down and got into the car parked by the crew.

Jun Ning lowered her head, covering the strong unwillingness and hatred in her eyes.

Chu Qing gave her a disgusted look: "Little bug, I kindly advise you that a wealthy family is not as simple as you imagined. With your dirty thoughts and tricks, you can't marry into a wealthy family. Even if you don't have Mu Si, you won't be able to get married You are the daughter-in-law of the Zheng family. But thank you anyway, if you are self-aware and willing to be a mistress who can’t see light, Mu Si can’t see Zheng Huaizhou’s scum so quickly. Thank you for your ambition, and help Mu Si see through the scum in advance nature, to prevent her from marrying a...wrong person~"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she passed Jun Ning and Mu Si and got into the same car.

After getting in the car, she took out her mobile phone and took a photo of Jun Ning's back, then said, "Isn't it Jun Ning?"

Jun Ning listened to Chu Qing call her name, hid the unwillingness and resentment in her eyes, and turned her head to look over.

The moment she turned her head, Chu Qing took another photo of her with her mobile phone.

Chu Qing looked at her and said with a smile: "Since you want to replace Mu Si as the Zheng family's daughter-in-law so much, I decided to help you out of my heart.

You have to let Zheng's family know that you are eager to join them. Maybe they will agree to you and Zheng Huaizhou as soon as they are moved, don't you think so? "

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she turned around and closed the car window.

The driver of the car started the car and slowly drove away from the hotel.

After listening for a long time, the onlookers could barely hear a general idea, and pointed at Jun Ning who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Looking at a pretty little girl, I didn't expect to be a third party who meddles in other people's feelings. She really knows people, knows her face, but doesn't know her heart!"

"Which good little girl has nothing to do and kneels at the door of the hotel?"

"I don't understand. Didn't the girl say that she broke up with her just now, and the three of them chased her to another hotel. What is she kneeling here for? Are you asking for a crime?"

"What kind of pleading guilty, I think she is just a whore and wants to set up a memorial archway!"

"How do you say that?"

The passerby who was asked the question said vividly: "I'm sorry sister~ I don't want to break up with you~ Can you forgive me~ Maybe a scumbag who is on two boats will come in a while, and then pointing at his ex-girlfriend said: How can you So vicious!"

The crowd around the audience suddenly became enlightened, looking at Jun Ning with disgust in their eyes.

It's fine if you know the three are the three, but you still want to step on your real girlfriend to show your weakness and kindness.

"Bah! It's disgusting!"

Someone spat at Jun Ning's back.

A passing aunt shook her head and said: "If this is my daughter, I will definitely kill her, a thing that ruins the family style!"

"Exactly! I don't know how the adults in this family educated me. What a failure!"

"As far as her virtue is concerned, it's not a good bird for the adults in the family to appoint!"

"No! Otherwise, how can we say that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and her family's adults may be able to tell who they are!"

Jun Ning listened to the criticism coming from all directions, looked over with flushed eyes, and loudly argued for herself: "It's all a misunderstanding! I'm not a third party!"

"You're not a third party, someone's young couple came to Yuncheng for a date, and you came here secretly with her boyfriend, and you lived in the same hotel as her boyfriend?
It's not that men are dead in this world, who's good girl will pester someone else's boyfriend! "

Yu Lingchu spoke coldly, interrupting Jun Ning's sophistry.

"It's all a misunderstanding! Things are not what you think!" Jun Ning continued to argue.

Yu Lingchu smiled coldly: "Misunderstanding? Do you dare to say that you don't live in the same hotel as your boyfriend?"

"So what if it's a hotel, we didn't live in the same room, Brother Huaizhou and I are innocent."

"Shut up!" Yu Lingchu sneered coldly, and Jun Ning was so frightened that she immediately fell silent.

"You and that scumbag are innocent, you don't need to come to me to tell me. After all, we are not interested in knowing the bad things about you two! I just remind you that no matter what dirty intentions you kneel here, you have already dirty our hotel The land at the door, please get out of here, don’t invite people to be disgusting here! If you don’t know how to get out, then I can only call the police and ask the police uncle to come and clean up the garbage at the door!”

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