Jun Ning stared at Yu Lingchu, and slowly stood up from the ground, with a look of resignation: "Since sister Mu Si is still angry and doesn't want to listen to my explanation, then I won't annoy her here."

After finishing speaking, Jun Ning wiped the tears that were about to overflow from the corners of her eyes, lowered her head and walked away quickly.

It's useless to stay longer, anyway, her goal has been achieved.

Mu Si and Zheng Huaizhou broke up because Zheng Huaizhou brought her to Yuncheng!
If she had heard Zheng Huaizhou obediently leave Yuncheng before, then Mu Si would definitely think that Zheng Huaizhou drove her away.

In this way, Mu Si will feel that Zheng Huaizhou has more weight in her heart than her. If Zheng Huaizhou coaxes her with nice words, maybe Mu Si will be coaxed and they will not break up.

She finally hoped that the two would break up, how could she give them another chance to reconcile!
She appeared here today to tell Mu Si that even if she broke up, Brother Huaizhou still left her in Yuncheng, and he was unwilling to send her away by his side!

She just wanted to make Mu Si feel that in Brother Huaizhou's heart, her Jun Ning was more important than her Mu Si!
A rich lady like Mu Si must not be able to bear the fact that her boyfriend cares about others more than herself!
If she couldn't bear it, Mu Si would keep getting angry with Brother Huaizhou, and the more Mu Si quarreled, the more she would show her gentleness and understanding.

As for why she appeared in front of Mu Si with such a humble attitude, of course it was to show weakness!
She went against Zheng Huaizhou's wishes and came to Mu Si without authorization. Under normal circumstances, Zheng Huaizhou would definitely be dissatisfied with her.

In this case, the more humble she behaves towards Shang Musi, the more she compromises, the more Zheng Huaizhou's balance will be in favor of her, and she will feel that she is doing bad things with good intentions and cannot bear to blame her.
In the five-star hotel, Zheng Huaizhou couldn't get a response from Jun Ning even when he called and knocked on the door. Worried about Jun Ning's accident, he called the hotel staff and asked them to help open Jun Ning's door.

The moment the door opened, Zheng Huaizhou rushed into the room immediately, but only found Jun Ning's cell phone on the sofa in the living room.

As for Jun Ning, she wasn't in the room at all.

Zheng Huaizhou sat in Jun Ning's room and waited for a while, seeing that Jun Ning hadn't returned for a long time, he was worried and wanted to go out to look for him.

But who knows that before he walked out of Jun Ning's room, Jun Ning walked in from the door in a daze.

Zheng Huaizhou saw that Jun Ning was not in the right state at a glance, and hurried to meet him and asked, "Jun Ning, where did you go this early in the morning? Why is your face so ugly? What happened?"

Jun Ning looked at Zheng Huaizhou dully, and said with red eyes, "Brother Huaizhou, I want to be alone for a while, is that okay?"

Zheng Huaizhou frowned: "What's the matter? You look very bad now, is someone bullying you? You tell me, I will help you vent your anger!"

Jun Ning tried her best to force a smile, and shook her head: "Brother Huaizhou, no one bullies me, I just... I just have a nightmare and I'm in a bad mood. I want to be alone for a while, is that okay?"

Zheng Huaizhou frowned and remained silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay then, I'll go back to my room first, call me if you need anything."

Jun Ning's eyes were red, and she sniffed with a very moved expression: "Brother Huaizhou, you are so kind! Meeting you is the greatest blessing in my life."

Zheng Huaizhou smiled, raised his hand to rub Jun Ning's hair, and walked away.

The door closed, and the fragility and cuteness on Jun Ning's face faded away.

Zheng Huaizhou didn't find out that she was looking for Mu Si, and sooner or later he couldn't hide it.

So, she wants him to take the initiative to find out!

Jun Ning walked into the room, took out a piece of paper and a pen
The crew hotel.

After sending Jun Ning away, Yu Lingchu and his party got into the car heading to the set, and set off to catch up with Mu Si and Chu Qing who were one step ahead.

When she arrived at the set and finished her makeup and came out of the dressing room, Yu Lingchu could clearly feel that the atmosphere of the whole crew seemed to be a little different from usual.

Han Zexin also noticed the strange atmosphere, and was about to find someone to ask what was going on, when the chubby Producer Li walked over to them with a smile.

"Lingchu, Zexin, I'll be waiting for you."

Yu Lingchu thought that when Producer Li said waiting for them, he was waiting for them to start shooting, so he smiled and said: "We are ready, we can start shooting now."

Producer Li immediately waved his hands when he heard what Yu Lingchu said: "Don't worry about the shooting, I just received a notice that the biggest investor in our show will come to inspect the crew in a while, and everyone is here to welcome us. It's just the two of you."

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin looked at each other.

It's no wonder that as soon as I came out of the dressing room, I felt that everyone in the crew was a little nervous. I dare say that the father who provided financial support for the crew was coming to inspect.

But that's not a problem, people spend money in, after all, they want to see where their money is spent and whether it's worth it.

Producer Li looked at Han Zexin and Yu Lingchu and said, "You two are the protagonists in the play. When you meet the investor later, you two will stand at the front of the line."

"Okay." Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin nodded.

Producer Li raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and greeted everyone on the set: "At this time, the investor is probably coming soon, everyone hurry to the entrance of the studio and wait to be greeted!"

After speaking, Producer Li took Director Wang, Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin to the direction of the entrance of the studio.

The rest of the people hurriedly suspended their work and followed them to the entrance of the studio.

In the black business car, Nalan Shaojin sat in the back seat, resting his forehead with one hand.

When I see Lingchu in a while, how should he greet him~
Yan Yue, the co-pilot, looked at the destination that was getting closer, and couldn't help but turn around and said, "Master Jin, we'll be there soon. The crew seems to be waiting at the door, and there is a soul among the people standing at the front." What about Miss Chu?"

Through the car window, Nalan Shaojin's gaze was fixed on Yu Lingchu who was standing at the entrance of the studio.

At the entrance of the studio, Yu Lingchu looked at the approaching convoy and felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

She couldn't help but communicate with the system in her mind: "Bai Lian, why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?"

The system replied casually: "Host, you haven't done anything wrong recently, have you? As the saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door~ Of course, if you do, you have to think about whether retribution is coming~"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"System, can't you hope that I will be better?"

The system is very knowledgeable about current affairs and said: "Master, don't panic, you have never done anything guilty except knocking Nalan Shaojin unconscious last night. This Yuncheng is so big, even if Nalan Shaojin wants to find you, then It will take some time, so don't panic, intuition is not credible."

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